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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > If you were to change the league structure
Version 2

After reading through other suggestions, I modified my own to incorporate others idea's. I pretty much took some from alot of folks, so Ill give credit to everyone I took from. If you see your stuff in here, then its prob from your thread.

Using a teams effective level, and average SP value to determine starting placement in combination with a teams past performance. The actual number of each Elite, Competitive and Standard leagues is fluid based on the number of viable available teams. If an owner decides to sell during the season, there will be no refund on flex other than refunding of extra seasons purchased. The initial team cost will not be refunded. Teams that are sold in the off season are refunded as normal. Teams that are sold are automatically replaced with the next highest rated team from the league below them in the off season. Casual leagues will play under the same system.

Promotion/Demotion. Partially based on team value and partially based on record. P/D can be both up and down along with lateral. If a team is over the effective level/SP value of a league, they are promoted automatically at seasons end. League winners have the option to promote two caps. Playoff teams are promoted both up on cap league and across. IE if they were Standard, then they would move to Competitive, if they were Competitive, they would move to Elite. Non playoff teams that are promoted up to the next higher effective level cap, if they are currently Elite, they are demoted to Competitive, if they are currently Competitive, they are demoted to Standard. Teams at seasons end can request to stay if they are under the leagues effective level cap at the start of the next season.

Team Owner Ratings. Once an agent has invested in taking a team, GLB tracks that owner record and performance as an owner. Giving agents with players on that owners team a 1 time vote of +/N/- along the lines of ebay. One vote for each player the agent has on the team. These rating would also affect team placement, or if starting over, or if a team was sold then the agent decided to give it a go again, the record would stay with the agent and affect team choice. The more experienced an owner, the higher the team they can apply for. If they start over, they have the option to start at up to the 40 cap, allowing them to utilize the instant level 40 players.

For a new owner, upon receiving his team would start in Competitive PeeWee Bronze Cap 1. This does a few things. It starts a new owner off with equal competition, and it increases the PeeWee base. Teams wanting to remain PeeWee teams would stay at the PeeWee level via requested seasonal stay order as a demotion sounds demeaning. A more experienced owner would have the option to start at a PeeWee Silver, or a higher league of choice depending on the owner rating. PeeWee Gold has to be earned.

Farm Teams. Farm teams start at the beginning as a Farm team with no intention of competiting. These teams will be placed with the excess and CPU teams at the bottom Standard leagues as the sole intent is to age the player. Farm teams are CPU owned, allowing players to sign each season until they are at the effective level of 40 with the minimum salary. Boosting a Farm player is 10% less flex as the agent is not really playing the game. Once a player has signed with a farm team and boosted, if they move to a normal team that season, they must pay the 10% flex for boosting that season back to GLB. Once effective level of 40 has been reached, boosting is full price.

Instant level 40 players. Instant lvl 40 players would be available for reduced boost cost. Starting with a full price lvl 1 player, the agent would be allow a one time boost to lvl 40 for 50% normal cost. Gaining full alg for each boost, and the appropriate BT and 20 ST. However, none of the nightly training gains up to lvl 40.

Teams will choose a regional banner to play for that will affect touraments they can play for.

Pro Leagues. The Top teams, ie current WL are in Elite Pro 1. The top current Pro teams are in Elite Pro 2. And across the board. In Pro, its make the playoffs or get demoted. As there are no lower leagues to take them, demotion is lateral to lower tiered Pro leagues. Promotion is also lateral to higher tiered Pro leagues. Effective level of 60+ required

Elite Pro #1
Elite Pro #2
Competitive Pro #3
Competitive Pro #4
Standard Pro #5
Standard Pro #6

Effective level from 54 to 64
Elite Cap 64 #1
Elite Cap 64 #2
Competitive Cap 64 #3
Competitive Cap 64 #4
Standard Cap 64 #5
Standard Cap 64 #6

Effective level from 46 to 56
Elite Cap 56 #1
Elite Cap 56 #2
Competitive Cap 56 #3
Competitive Cap 56 #4
Standard Cap 56 #5
Standard Cap 56 #6

Effective level from 38 to 48
Elite Cap 48 #1
Elite Cap 48 #2
Competitive Cap 48 #3
Competitive Cap 48 #4
Standard Cap 48 #5
Standard Cap 48 #6

Effective level from 30 to 40
Elite Cap 40 #1
Elite Cap 40 #2
Competitive Cap 40 #3
Competitive Cap 40 #4
Standard Cap 40 #5
Standard/Farm Cap 40 #6

Effective level from 22 to 32
Elite Cap 32 #1
Elite Cap 32 #2
Competitive Cap 32 #3
Competitive Cap 32 #4
Standard Cap 32 #5
Standard Cap/Farm 32 #6

Effective level from 14 to 24
Elite Cap 24 #1
Elite Cap 24 #2
Competitive Cap 24 #3
Competitive Cap 24 #4
Standard Cap 24 #5
Standard/Farm Cap 24 #6

Effective level from 8 to 16
Elite Cap 16 #1
Elite Cap 16 #2
Competitive Cap 16 #3
Competitive Cap 16 #4
Standard Cap 16 #5
Standard/Farm Cap 16 #6

PeeWee Day
Elite PeeWee Gold
Elite PeeWee Silver #1
Elite PeeWee Silver #2
Competitive PeeWee Bronze #3
Competitive PeeWee Bronze #4
Standard Cap 1 #5
Standard/Farm Cap 1 #6
Edited by Vortus on Apr 29, 2010 14:56:15
Originally posted by DONKEIDIC
I have the innate ability to take something complex, throw out all that does not matter, and come to a simple fix.

I know you have the ability to seize upon one idea, then spam it for months in numerous threads and forums. Seriously, if your idea was any good then many people would be supporting it. People have explained the problems they have with it, you just ignore them.
Originally posted by DONKEIDIC
Originally posted by geekor

Your idea, even though you've spammed it everywhere you possibly could, has never, in months, garnered the amounts of positive feedback required to be seriously looked at. It's a fail, get over it and move on already.

First I'd like to start out by saying I have asked you to explain why it would not work and all I get is silence, or proof that you have no idea why my idea was structured the way it is, and why it will work so well.

Second I am not here to get my idea accepted. I am trying to help make GLB fun again. Sorry I want to spend another grand ir two on this game.

The thing "I" think would help this game are addressed in my idea. This is why I think it is good, so either explain to me why it is no good or STFU. Thanks.

I don't need to TBQH. Whenever a suggestion occurs, Catch says, "post in in suggestions, if it garners enough support, we will consider it." Your idea, even with you spamming it every chance you get, has never, in months, garnered anywhere near the support required for Catch and Bort to even look at it, not even close.

GLB has spoken, not just me, deal with it.
If your not making a comment directly about something in someone's idea or posting one of your own, please do not bury this thread in personal attacks. Do not like mine or someone else's idea, then say what you do not like about it. As if someone does not like your idea and has said why, its not personal. Its about making the game better. I am sure that all of us will not be truly happy with whatever they come up with, so getting the most ideas out there is important to make sure we have the best ones we all like up for discussion.
Originally posted by jdbolick

I know you have the ability to seize upon one idea, then spam it for months in numerous threads and forums. Seriously, if your idea was any good then many people would be supporting it. People have explained the problems they have with it, you just ignore them.

The only suggestions that garner support, are one liners. Most people only go to the suggestion forums to suggest ideas, not read them. And it seems the ones that do read them have no respect for someone else' work enough to tell them why the idea they spent time on is no good.

My idea makes each and every seasons players fun from the beginning. Is the problem with this?

My idea brings back Rivalries. Is this the thing that sucks?

My idea breeds competition at all levels. Is this what you do not like?

My idea rewards boosters, the people that keep this game going. Is that what you do not like?

My idea Allows for non-boosters to have the league they have been asking for. Is that what you do not like?

Which is it, or do you not think my idea would do these things. Not a single person has shown why it would not work.

Say what you will, I have run the numbers this would ultimately bring in more fun to GLB, and thus more fun.

Originally posted by geekor
I don't need to TBQH. Whenever a suggestion occurs, Catch says, "post in in suggestions, if it garners enough support, we will consider it." Your idea, even with you spamming it every chance you get, has never, in months, garnered anywhere near the support required for Catch and Bort to even look at it, not even close.

GLB has spoken, not just me, deal with it.

Because it seems to good to be true. Anytime anyone has brought up the problems with it in a discussion, they seemed to get it. I am only asking that you say what you think is wrong with it, so I can either see the light, or have you see why it is a good idea.

Good thing for you this is just your internet personality...
Originally posted by DONKEIDIC
The only suggestions that garner support, are one liners.

Completely and utterly false. There are tons of detailed suggestions that have 10+ pages of support (which inevitably get ignored just like every other suggestion). Look, you've been spamming this suggestion for months now and people still don't support it. Please, please, please just let it go. Your idea is not a good one.
To Geek and balick This isn't about winning a popularity contest or having my idea catch on. This is about what I think is best for the game. It was asked for and I posted, so if you have nothing to add except trolling leave.

P.S. If the only reason an idea from here was implemented was because lot's of people gave it a +1, and not because it made sense and worked at the very least on paper, that would be pretty stupid.
Originally posted by jdbolick
The Earth is flat!

If you float your a witch.

*Insert your avi here*
Originally posted by DONKEIDIC
To Geek and balick This isn't about winning a popularity contest or having my idea catch on. This is about what I think is best for the game. It was asked for and I posted, so if you have nothing to add except trolling leave.

The problem isn't that you came up with an idea and shared it, it's that you spam that idea relentlessly for hundreds of posts over the forums. You took a shot and it didn't work out. Tough. That's happened with lots of my ideas that I thought were great too, but the difference is that I let it go and moved on to the next thing. So should you.
Originally posted by jdbolick

The problem isn't that you came up with an idea and shared it, it's that you spam that idea relentlessly for hundreds of posts over the forums. You took a shot and it didn't work out. Tough. That's happened with lots of my ideas that I thought were great too, but the difference is that I let it go and moved on to the next thing. So should you.

I only point out problems that my idea would fix. If that is a lot of places than it might just be a good idea wouldn't you think....
Edited by DONKEIDIC on Apr 29, 2010 15:35:16
Knock it off. DD is looking for ideas, not pages of two or three posters squabbling. If you have nothing constructive to post, then move along.

EDIT: If Bort and Co. don't like an idea, they will skip over it. People are free to post any suggestion they want as well as it is within the rules of the forum. Bort will pick the idea(s) he thinks will work best for the game, not the one with the most +1's.

Edited by tuba_samurai on Apr 29, 2010 15:38:49
Originally posted by tuba_samurai
Knock it off. DD is looking for ideas, not pages of two or three posters squabbling. If you have nothing constructive to post, then move along.

EDIT: If Bort and Co. don't like an idea, they will skip over it. People are free to post any suggestion they want as well as it is within the rules of the forum. Bort will pick the idea(s) he thinks will work best for the game, not the one with the most +1's.

Thank you. I am tired of being trolled to no end by Trolls, when I am just trying to add to this thread.
Originally posted by tuba_samurai
DD is looking for ideas

I'm skeptical about that, but hope I'm proven wrong. Multiple people have already asked what the next step is from here. Are various proposals going to be spelled out and put up for discussion among the general populace? Are they going to be dissected in the Tester or Admin forums? Soliciting ideas is great, and many people including me have shared theirs, but if this is just an exercise designed to let people vent and never progress from that, then we're not accomplishing anything.

Originally posted by DONKEIDIC
Thank you. I am tired of being trolled to no end by Trolls, when I am just trying to add to this thread.

Dude, how do you not get that he was talking to you too? You're not being trolled, you're being asked to not post your idea for the 37,802nd time in the last two months. You're disrupting this thread by incessantly shouting about an idea that apparently only you think is actually a good one.
Edited by jdbolick on Apr 29, 2010 15:42:34
Originally posted by jdbolick

I'm skeptical about that, but hope I'm proven wrong. Multiple people have already asked what the next step is from here. Are various proposals going to be spelled out and put up for discussion among the general populace? Are they going to be dissected in the Tester or Admin forums? Soliciting ideas is great, and many people including me have shared theirs, but if this is just an exercise designed to let people vent and never progress from that, then we're not accomplishing anything.

I haven't got a clue how these ideas will be used or implemented. But DD has put this here to get a feel for what ideas are out here among the userbase. Let's not get ahead of ourselves, and instead focus on submitting ideas and allowing people to express those ideas in a forum free of flaming and trolling. If you want to discuss some percieved flaw in a suggestion, thats OK, but is not the main purpose of this thread. The number of times someone has suggested something is irrelevant. If Bort doesn't like the idea, it won't get implemented. Period.
Edited by tuba_samurai on Apr 29, 2010 15:46:18

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