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Forum > Pro Leagues > World League Playoff Bookie
udder pressure
Originally posted by The Strategy Expert
But you don't have any logic here. Why would I sell my team just cause I don't enjoy it presently? That argument doesn't make any sense, hence I haven't sold my team.

Michael Vick
Originally posted by cowtesticles2001

I covered this in the MEM fucking faces thread
udder pressure
Originally posted by ATL_DirtyBird
I covered this in the MEM fucking faces thread

is that you puffing a joint?
half a point from winning the big prize, well gutted with that!
Just realized I forgot to incorporate CTap's bets which he made via PM . . .
post to increase suspense
He didn't win, though. I'll post the final standings tomorrow.
Oh wow didn't even know bets could be made privately via PM. I was wondering why there weren't many posted bets in the thread!
Originally posted by The Strategy Expert
Oh wow didn't even know bets could be made privately via PM. I was wondering why there weren't many posted bets in the thread!

He is the only one who did it. I mentioned it a couple of times. I didn't want the leader, or anyone, for that matter, tailoring their bets so they could guarantee victory under a given set of circumstances. Also, with the changing of bets allowed, if two people near the top had gotten into one of these wars, it could have become a pain in the ass.
Michael Vick
Originally posted by cowtesticles2001
is that you puffing a joint?


But I'm in this one
Originally posted by Abstract Actuary
He is the only one who did it. I mentioned it a couple of times. I didn't want the leader, or anyone, for that matter, tailoring their bets so they could guarantee victory under a given set of circumstances. Also, with the changing of bets allowed, if two people near the top had gotten into one of these wars, it could have become a pain in the ass.

Other than Stobie and TSE, I didn't see any other bets posted when I went to input mine... so figured everyone must be PM'ing them. And since initially I was picking the same bets as Stobie, I had no way of winning unless I changed them from my initial thoughts... so I just sent them via PM, figuring everyone else had done so after Stobie posted bets that I figured most of us wanted.
See I thought that the point was that they had to be made public so others could edit and change them and strategize around the other bets. That was just the impression I got when I first saw this thread cause other people were posting bets here.
Thanks for running the competition, this was a lot of fun. Congrats PLAYMAKERS on winning.

LOL@TSE for caring who does or doesn't get third place.
Originally posted by The Strategy Expert
See I thought that the point was that they had to be made public so others could edit and change them and strategize around the other bets. That was just the impression I got when I first saw this thread cause other people were posting bets here.

I wanted all bets to be public for the first 3 rounds to make it more fun, increase discussion, etc. But since there would be opportunities for the leaders to corner certain markets, I was willing to allow private bets for the final round. Unless people were being really clever and taking advantage of it, it wasn't 100% necessary, but I wanted it there as a failsafe. It worked out how I would have wanted it, with most bets being made in the thread.
Originally posted by sckbleh
Thanks for running the competition, this was a lot of fun. Congrats PLAYMAKERS on winning.

LOL@TSE for caring who does or doesn't get third place.

Welcome. I have fun running it, too. I'm glad others enjoyed it.

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