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Originally posted by sf49r09
Originally posted by krwynn

Originally posted by trauty

They need to come down on teams that do this. Really make an example out of somebody or this is going to continue to happen. This affects me little at the moment, but if it continues to be allowed it will eventually make a mockery of every league in this game.

I agree. BAN

you agree because your upset about the loss, no cheating went on , the trades are fine

I think I read that you GM for the other team. Is that correct? If so, it's basically the same thing b/c you have the ability to accept the trades.
Originally posted by DrunkenOstrich
Originally posted by Lout84

This has collusion written all over it. I will have Bort look at this thread to get his opinion.

I agree

QFT. DD has revoked ownership from users for unethical collusion before. At least two publicly, probably more privately. On other occasions they have encouraged farming. It seems to me that if the allegations are true, which they really seem to be, that the Cougars are walking a thin line and that a simple report to the admins will determine if their feet have strayed into deeply enough into unethical play to have any from retribution or if this sort of farming is to be tolerated and therefore encouraged.

I, personally, don't find their moves all that offensive but I can fully understand where an owner's association would and where a commissioner would penalize the owners of a team that behaved with this sort of bad faith.
Where DD supports farming:

Where DD supports ownership of multiple teams:

Where DD attacks styles of farming designed to gut teams:

(Note that last two posts of page 7)

The specifics of the message seem to conflict and I think that is because they take things case by base and act as ultimate arbiters. If you want to play with the fires of collusion then you find out if you get warmer or you get burned. I suppose that is the fun of the game for some people.

wouldnt all the trades going on hurt both teams becuz of the team chemistry they have out now?. and for a team that is taking all the "good" players it doesnt seem like a very dominant team.

It doesnt really seem worth doing what you are doing u trade good players to a team thats supposed to be worse thinking you can get a big edge on the competition but you end up making the one team alot worse and your "good" team doesnt get any better becuz of how low your chemisty becomes. You lost a game against another team that plays normally so obviously you dont need to exploit loopholes in the game rules in order to be a good team.
Last edited May 5, 2008 13:21:45
If what I read on the first couple of pages is true, that you were GM of both Teams, then I support a temporary ban for collusion. You haven't fully gutted one team yet but were well on the way till a whistleblower called you out. I'd fully support Bort and DD banning you for 1 season and taking the team away.
You aren't doing a good job cheating. You guys lost a game.
I don't see the big deal other than the potential for both of them being in the same division(which they aren't yet).
The mods set up the momentum system so you can't just trade the good players back and forth constantly, you basically have to set your team and go with it.
If the game right now encourages teams to try winning in lower levels, the rewards for owning a team in a higher division simply must be increased relative to the lower levels. If you don't get enough of a benefit for playing in a better league, it would be stupid to expect owners and GMs to want to waste their talent in the upper divisions when it would be more beneficial to simply dominate the lower ones. If you look at real sports, it's obvious that the best players will always be in the majors because last place in the majors is infinitely better first place in the minors.
Correct the system, don't look for individuals who are simply competing to the best of their ability within it because they will keep coming.

Hopefully something can be arranged where they can simply switch to a league where there is no chance that they will ever end up playing eachother, because that should clearly never be allowed.
Originally posted by Baby Delicious
If the game right now encourages teams to try winning in lower levels, the rewards for owning a team in a higher division simply must be increased relative to the lower levels.

That won't work. It's a sure way to kill interest in the game. If you create a game where the rich get richer off the backs of the poor and the poor get screwed then the poor will quit. Soon you will have put all this work to a game for those in single league. At this point that would be those who got in the game on the ground floor. Currently the rewards are presumably bragging rights. As time goes on and teams move up and down the ladders, these bragging rights will be more and more meaningful. Additionally, I believe teams already have more of a draw and make more money on higher tiers. That doesn't mean much now. It ought to as players hit higher levels. Because money should eventually have an effect on the game collusion must be considered as unethical. What is the difference between collusion and coordination, though? How much collusion is enough to break the game?
Thomas Dean Rathman (check the trade screenshots), sf49r09's player that went to Boston now has been cut and mysteriously must have retired himself from this game. So these trades were even more lopsided than we thought.
i suggest you keep bort informed of all the crap these guys have done...

im just glad im not on their team anymore and you guys know what went on. and before someone thinks it, i was a starter, not someone whining about riding the pine...
Originally posted by onepeat
i suggest you keep bort informed of all the crap these guys have done...

im just glad im not on their team anymore and you guys know what went on. and before someone thinks it, i was a starter, not someone whining about riding the pine...

Someone award this fine upstanding citizen some FP or something.... I applaud your integrity, onepeat.

<stands up> <clap, clap, clap....>
Well, the cries have been heard and it would appear that "Collusion" is not something Bort wants in the game. It should be interesting to see what his judgement is, if this was an act of collusion, and if he will retroactively punish this sort of thing or only look for solutions going forward, especially as it doesn't look to me like the Cougars got huge off these trades or anything.

If I was Bort and was going to punish action, it would be to air player greivances, which is to say the players that got were owned by the colluding teams and got tossed around in bad faith.
Originally posted by onepeat
I wanted to bring something to the attention of all of you. One of the teams I am on has set up a farm team. The team is owned by some other guy, but they are basically pillaging the talent from this team. This is a post on the private forum discussing the subject.

Things just got alot more competitive in compton. We have made boston our minor or prospect team. be called up from their team , and players may be moved down from ours. Just because your moved downed doesnt mean you will not be moved back up. If your moved down its not a bad thing , you will get MORE PT which means you would level quicker than being on the bench in compton. All moves are made off of your production. pm me with any questions. Heads up COUGAR JONES willl be starting for THe boston massacre , along with Jeff Joe. Wr sam de clerq has also been moved down. Level 15 C Tim Vierd from boston will be moving up along with level 11 wr chris holland and level 11 rb terrance saylor.
Last edited May 4, 2008 14:23:29

May 4, 2008 14:14:27




I brought my opinion and interpretation of the rules to the owner and his reply was to post on the private forum this:

our linebacker, rickey jackson, calls this cheating. But if you think about it, were making fair trades. im also adding cash to make the trade bar even, so just to clear things up we are not cheating. if you have any questions please PM me.

From what I gather on what has been stated on this subject, bort is against such agreements. Of course some one has the right to trade with whomever they decide, but to have an agreement where talent is sent "up" or "down" according to one team's needs appears to be a manipulation of the game and in poor form.

OK, this makes so much sense now. My team is in the same league as Boston Masacre (team formerly known as San Francisco Sting and like 5 other names in the last week). We were trying to figure out what the hell was going on with the fire sale that was happening on that team. My question is why are they trying to make a USA A team better and stripping a AA team? Doesn't make sense to me but oh well, thanks for clearing this up because we were all confused about this team. We beat them 96-0 in our first game, lol.
Originally posted by chronic23
not giving this thread any more attention, i dont know why you would tell everyone that were trading our backups to a team where they would start.

You guys traded level 2-4 players to a league that averages players that have a level of 11-14, lmao. Basically what you did was make our league less competitive which kind of sucks. They need to put a trade cap on players that can transfer between two teams or even between three teams because I know people will just work around it by trading to one team first and then to another. This kind of stuff is really lame.

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