I have read most of this thread and am really disappointed in those who complain about paying the smallest of costs to play a game that they chose to pay. No one forced anybody to pay for anything. Any small cost that you end up paying should be considered the price of your entertainment.
I have gotten entertainment from many different websites, and while I tend to gravitate towards the ones that have no cost at all, I have also paid for the entertainment from other sites. When I bought my FP for the first time a few days ago, I did not expect to ever get that money back, nor did I expect that money to last forever. I figured that money would last as long as I kept those FP. How quickly I spend (very important here SPEND) those FP, that is the measure of how long, the money I used, will last. I think those that get the fun from this game should really look at what they get from this site, and compare it to other sites from which they gain entertainment value. Is this site covered in ads? Do I get advertising/spam emails because signed up at the site? I haven't seen either of those things from this site. What about you? ALL of the other sites that have entertained me, have had ads all over the site, and I get a little surge of spam in my email, even on sites that I have paid to play. This site is clear of superfluous crap, and very entertaining.
The idea of retirement seems inevitable, to a true fan of the game of football. Players do not last forever!! If they did the game would become boring, and monotonous. This is a game based on reality. Just like in life there is a 'cycle of football'. Older players age, their abilities decline, and they choose to retire, which saddens us all, but then we get revere their achievements and careers, and then we look forward to the young prospects. Who will take the place of the great HOF QB that just retired. Will he be good enough? Will he be better? Or will he be the disappointment that we all feared when the previous player announced his retirement? This is the 'cycle of football' and it is one of the reasons that we all enjoy it as much as we do.
I will say that I believe that retirement should not always be forced, but abilities should decline at some point. I like the idea of making the whole experience as true to life as possible. I have seen in other threads that injuries may be included some day. Forced retirement should only be the result of a career ending injury. Previous injuries should be a factor when it comes to the onset of declining abilities and how drastically that decline occurs. Declining abilities might be slowed with strategic training, but not completely avoided. Then it becomes the agents decision whether to preserve the players memory and mystique or to let him play a few more seasons. Owners and GM's will also have to decide whether sign the player or to let him go. The agents skills will also be tested. Can he get the player signed to a team? Can he keep him playing even as his skills decline? Retirement adds new levels of strategy and fun to the game.
I do like the idea of a retired player being able to join the front office of a team and perhaps his experience could benefit the players of that team. Some the XP that he gained through out his career could be distributed the players on that team over time.
The fact that any portion of my investment into a player and his development, would be returned to me seems very generous. I do wonder what would happen to a retired players money? Equipment? And other possible things that he spent is salary on?
Anyway, to everyone complaining about retirement,"SHHHHHHHHHHHH! Be quiet, the grown-eps are talking, Sweety."
To Bort, D/D and everyone else involved with the development of the site,"Great job, Great site, and Thank you for sharing with us all."
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