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Forum > General Discussion > Politics and Religion > Going blind, an Obamacare critic now needs a bailout
Originally posted by Cuivienen
Let me correct your analogy for you:

You foo, me, Cuiv, cornblade, lurchy, cowpoker, and seths all decide to buy a house together. We decide to split the cost evenly, although some of us will use the house more than others. At the last minute 2 of us decide we don't want to pay for it but are still going to live there. The lease agreement we signed with each other states that those 2 still get to live in the house regardless of whether they pay or not leaving whichever of the remaining 5 who show up at the house to now split a much larger share. Not fair right? That's what happens now. Hospitals bill insurance companies and paying uninsured customers to recoup monies spent providing care to those that do not pay, whether they are uninsured or not. Insurance companies then pass some of that cost on to its customers via premiums and deductibles.

Also, glbisthewaytobe, your preferred solution isn't to make all 7 people pay 1/7th of the rent. Your solution is to go from 2 people living rent free to 3 people living rent free, 2 people living with almost no rent, 1 person living with a fair rent, and 1 person making up the rent for the first 5 people. If your status quo scenario is unfair, how is your future scenario not way more unfair?

All this is so much lol and devoid of fact it's crazy. You don't know what my preferred solution is so stop making shitty assumptions.

My preferred solution is to remove the over 65 clause from medicare and allow people to choose between medicare and whatever the fuck else they want. Making private companies compete with one of the most efficient and cheapest health care coverage providers will only make things cheaper for everyone. Nice troll job though.
Originally posted by glbisthewaytobe
The house is the best example because at some point we will all need it. When you have roommates you aren't all at the house all the time equally. Some will stay with their girlfriend, others will bring friends over, etc, etc. Timeshares are a bad example as for the reason you stated.

Go this route then, Lurchy and Foo will live in the house as permanent residents, Cuiv will stay in the house on weekends because he has a mistress in the area and doesn't want to commute, I will stay at the house for one week out of the month because I have business in the area, Seth wants in because he wants to make sure he has a bed the night of the annual beer pong championships but might/might not use that bed at all.

Now, figure out a way to divide those costs originally. Now, figure out a way to divide those costs when property taxes significantly increase. That MIGHT be closer to what we are talking about. Who is saving money ? Who should be paying ?
Originally posted by Cowpoker
Go this route then, Lurchy and Foo will live in the house as permanent residents,

Originally posted by Cowpoker
Cuiv will stay in the house on weekends because he has a mistress in the area and doesn't want to commute

Originally posted by Cowpoker
I will stay at the house for one week out of the month because I have business in the area

Originally posted by Cowpoker
Seth wants in because he wants to make sure he has a bed the night of the annual beer pong championships but might/might not use that bed at all.

Originally posted by Cowpoker
Now, figure out a way to divide those costs originally. Now, figure out a way to divide those costs when property taxes significantly increase. That MIGHT be closer to what we are talking about. Who is saving money ? Who should be paying ?

After winning the championships, I'll make it rain, bitches, and have you all covered.
Edited by seths99 on May 18, 2015 12:40:34
Edited by seths99 on May 18, 2015 12:25:02
Originally posted by glbisthewaytobe
All this is so much lol and devoid of fact it's crazy. You don't know what my preferred solution is so stop making shitty assumptions.

You stated your preferred solution was single payer. My apologies for believing you. Nice troll job though.
I demand you all contribute to my Courvoisier fund.
Originally posted by foofighter24
Out of curiosity, why is single payer so important to you? If you want insurance, go pay for it. No need to drag others into it unless you want a free ride.

That's a great idea. Let me get that money out of my pocket. Oh wait...

I know! I'll just spend another $30K to get another degree that will result in me racking up another $50K in student loan debt so that I have a slim chance at getting a slightly better job.
That sounds like a bad idea Kris. Why don't you spend less money on an education with a high probability of getting you a much better paying job instead?
Originally posted by Cuivienen
You stated your preferred solution was single payer. My apologies for believing you. Nice troll job though.

Quote me doing that.
jumpin da snark
Originally posted by glbisthewaytobe
Don't you want cheap effecient health care coverage?

Here is a great analogy for our current for profit system:

You foo, me, Cuiv, cornblade, lurchy, cowpoker, and seths all decide to buy a house together. We decide to split the cost evenly. At the last minute 2 of us decide we don't want to pay for it but are still going to live there. The lease agreement we signed with each other states that those 2 still get to live in the house regardless of whether they pay or not leaving the other 5 to now split a much larger share. Not fair right? That's what happens now. Hospitals over bill insurance companies to recoup monies spent providing care to the uninsured. Insurance companies then pass that cost on to its customers via premiums and deductibles.

I just don't get conservative ideology anymore. Letting the bottom fall out only makes things more expensive for everyone. Which is like, the exact opposite of being fiscally responsible. The fiscally responsible thing to do would be to strengthen and support the bottom to lower overall long term costs for everyone involved.

You are missing a key element, which is my total lack of desire to go into this deal with you. So your solution is a mandate that requires it. So let's re-visit your house buying analogy, if I do not want to buy a house with you guys, but you need my money to make it work, is your solution to force me at gunpoint?
jumpin da snark
Originally posted by krisdaschwab912
That's a great idea. Let me get that money out of my pocket. Oh wait...

I know! I'll just spend another $30K to get another degree that will result in me racking up another $50K in student loan debt so that I have a slim chance at getting a slightly better job.

Not being mean, but why is that my problem?
Originally posted by foofighter24
Not being mean, but why is that my problem?

Originally posted by
ITT, a demonstration of liberal compassion. Please don't celebrate someone going blind because they are of a different political ideology, and then act like you care about others. All this does is expose that all of these programs and entitlements you want have nothing to do with helping others, and is all about taking from others to get what you want.

jumpin da snark
Just curious if you guys have any sort of comprehension issues? Do you not see the difference between getting excited about someone's misfortune and not wanting to be the host in someone's parasitic scheme?
Originally posted by foofighter24
Just curious if you guys have any sort of comprehension issues? Do you not see the difference between getting excited about someone's misfortune and not wanting to be the host in someone's parasitic scheme?

Originally posted by glbisthewaytobe
Quote me doing that.

Originally posted by glbisthewaytobe
Originally posted by foofighter24
Out of curiosity, why is single payer so important to you?

Don't you want cheap effecient health care coverage?

I thought this was you supporting single player. Apologies if you did not mean to imply that.

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