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Mike Martz
Originally posted by Time Trial
There's always a chance in dotball. I barely beat most of those teams. You just need to be aggressive in the first quarter because I run a slow starter team. If you play conservative then you've got to deal with a team that has +4 to +6% on all attributes in the fourth quarter... a team that has had 3 quarters of auto adjust to find the plays that were working, so once the 4th quarter hits the team will have decent play selection and an attribute advantage. If Slow Starter and Streaky combine on my speedster WRs then you are going to have to deal with a WR with 151 speed, 95 agility, and 83 catching instead of 136 speed, 85 agility, and 75 catching. If the game is already in hand, you can use extra protection over the top to prevent those long throws, but if the game is close you get stuck with screens, QB runs, long throws, short throws, and sweeps.

My team has outscored opponents 137-16 in 4th quarters this season because of slow starter + auto adjust at the input and package levels.

I'm not really a good OC or DC, I just find plays that generally work for my team against other teams in general and I let auto adjust find the plays that work based on how streaky happens to be firing for my team that day.

tbh I am probably the worst OC here, I use to do it alot more back around seasons 10-15 then thought I was done, then I got seriously back into it after buying this team and got overwhelmed with all the changes and new plays. Feel like all I do is set an AI due to the team I face rather then set it to my teams strength, hell I don't even know if I am even doing that correctly. We had one of the best defenses the past two seasons, but I am sure teams were still not afraid of us because I couldn't run up the score, I kept alot of teams in the game even back then.
I thought I was the worst OC and a mediocre DC. I still do but this crazy season/league has my offense doing well and my D is crap. This is what I like about taking a team from Rookie till they decline. Every season is full of surprises.
doc ock
Originally posted by Time Trial
Adjusted for conference.

I go into a zone when I'm up by too much instead of just running up the score like some teams...

Mike Martz
Originally posted by Pnthrz1
I thought I was the worst OC and a mediocre DC. I still do but this crazy season/league has my offense doing well and my D is crap. This is what I like about taking a team from Rookie till they decline. Every season is full of surprises.

at least u can still score in your losses i still have alot to learn apparently
I am probably the worst OC here honestly. I couldn't score for dick last season.
Also that slow starter thing is kinda cheap IMO. Of course a lot of things in this game are cheap imo lol

*flame sheild on
Originally posted by burn_209
I am probably the worst OC here honestly. I couldn't score for dick last season.

My Double Digit losses to your Double D Cups say otherwise.
Originally posted by Pnthrz1
My Double Digit losses to your Double D Cups say otherwise.

You were the only team though lol. Keep in mind I put up 7 points against the Legacy team and 3 points against the Apex Predators haha
Originally posted by burn_209
I couldn't score dick last season.

Probably shouldn't share your personal preferences on the interwebz.
Originally posted by burn_209
You were the only team though lol. Keep in mind I put up 7 points against the Legacy team and 3 points against the Apex Predators haha

Thanx, I feel so much better now.
You do realize you have the #1 ranked offense in our conference. I think I will turn this over to the prosecution for examining. At least to any lawyers or gonna be lawyers in this league.
doc ock
¤º°¨¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤ JON'S POWER RANKINGS ¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤

The rankings below are based off of nothing but roster evaluation, past records (seasonal, playoffs, and scrimmages), team chemistry, and personal knowledge of the team. I didn’t use a greasemonkey script or spreadsheet or anything fancy; just my opinion. These rankings are up for debate amongst yourselves on the forums, but if you want to move up in the rankings; you’ll have to prove it on the dotball field!

Western is marked in BOLD


~ North Side Mob fall to Above Average
~ Indianapolis Gurupies fall to Above Average
~ Alpine Snow Vermin fall to Average
~ Mayan Prophecy 2013: It's Bound To Happen! Move up to Average
~ Texas Bigga Bois fall to Below Average
~ Moose Jaw GRIZZLIES move up
~ Lima Vipers move up
~ Homicidal Killbillies move up
~ Dixie Demons fall to the Cellar


Tier 1 - Elite

1 .. 7 – 0 . Mentone Beach Chiefs . 0
2 .. 6 – 1 . Johannesburg Jackals . 0
3 .. 7 – 0 . 8-Bit NES Heroes . 0

Tier 2 - Great

4 .. 5 – 2 . Dallas Paladins . +2
5 .. 7 – 0 . D-Cup Dots . +2
6 .. 6 – 1 . KC PLAYMAKERS . +2

Tier 3 - Above Average

7 .. 3 – 4 . North Side Mob . -3
8 .. 4 – 3 . Indianapolis Gurupies . -3
9 .. 4 – 3 . Chesapeake Panthers . 0
10 . 6 – 1 . Macedonian Phalanx . 0
11 . 5 – 1 . Sachem Tribe . 0
12 . 4 – 3 . Las Vegas Gamblers . +1
13 . 4 – 3 . America's Team . +1

Tier 4 - Average

14 . 4 – 3 . Cape Town Airhogs . +1
15 . 4 – 3 . Jersie Crushers . +1
16 . 5 – 2 . Scorpions Cult of Wu Fu . +1
17 . 5 – 2 . Mayan Prophecy 2013: It's Bound To Happen! . +3
18 . 2 – 5 . Alpine Snow Vermin . -6
19 . 2 – 5 . Winnipeg Wrath . -1

Tier 5 - Below Average

20 . 3 – 4 . Texas Bigga Bois . -1
21 . 3 – 4 . Moose Jaw GRIZZLIES . +1
22 . 3 – 4 . Zweibrucken Warriors . -1
23 . 2 – 5 . Lima Vipers . +1
24 . 3 – 4 . Big Island Growas . -1
25 . 2 – 5 . Call of Duty Black Ops . 0

Tier 6 - Meh

26 . 1 – 6 . Mopar Super Bees . 0
27 . 2 – 5 . Homicidal Killbillies . +1

Tier 7 - The Cellar

28 . 1 – 6 . Dixie Demons . -1
29 . 1 – 6 . Carteret Devil Dogs . 0
30 . 0 – 7 . Straight Cash Homey . 0
31 . 0 – 7 . Memphis Blues Cats . 0
32 . 0 – 7 . Crimea Baby Dragons . 0


> > > > > > > > > > Sorry about missing a week < < < < < < < < < <


<'''> <'''> <'''> <'''> <'''> <'''> <'''> S T R E A K . W A T C H <'''> <'''> <'''> <'''> <'''> <'''> <'''>
Here's a list of the current winning streaks in National Minor Elite #1...

Mentone Beach Chiefs - 42
8-Bit NES Heroes - 28
D-Cup Dots - 7
Macedonian Phalanx - 5
Johannesburg Jackals - 4
Mayan Prophecy 2013: It's Bound To Happen! - 3
Dallas Paladins - 2
Lima Vipers - 2
Las Vegas Gamblers - 2

We haven't played anyone better than a 4-3 record though and that's the key to our success more than anything. Honestly we have had a really easy schedule so far. Also if you were to fix just ONE play in your defense you probably win our game that we played.
The Playmakers game is the one where we are going to figure out how good we really are.
Time Trial
Originally posted by burn_209
Also that slow starter thing is kinda cheap IMO. Of course a lot of things in this game are cheap imo lol

*flame sheild on

Totally, but this game is won and lost on stacks. If I'm willing to accept a -5% penalty on my whole team in the first quarter, why shouldn't be be able to count on a +4 to 6% boost in the 4th quarter?

And if I use streaky there's a chance that my receiver is going to be minus 8% to all attributes in the first quarter, minus 3% in the second and third, and +1 to 3% in the 4th. AND it means that I'm not using another VA that you might find is better.

Besides, the WL laughs at me when I tell them what I do, so it must not work.
Time Trial
I really had to work on how to avoid turning the ball over a lot in the first quarter... it is really hard to move the ball when the other team has an overwhelming attribute advantage and if my O doesn't have the ball, then all those points in slow starter are going to amount to nothing in the 4th quarter. It is a risk. I used to get max 10 plays on my passing QB which would lead to a 4% boost or less in the 4th. I've started to get better at ball control and not throwing picks in the 1st quarter, so that has been helping a lot in the 4th.

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