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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Announced Changes > Revision of Defensive Play Creator - Limiting Player Movement
Dub J
I think a lot of people in this thread don't understand what adding an OPC would do to this already shaky sim. Would make VAs look like child's play.
Interesting change to say the least. I see a shitload of max height/weight db's being created on day 41 instead of lb's.
Dub J
We will be evaluating this revision and reserve the right to remove the DPC completely if we feel this does not resolve the issues we have.
Originally posted by Dub J
Prolly one of the worst posts I have ever read. Seriously, if it bothers you that much you should go ahead and leave instead of making idle threats.

What threats? I have been playing this pretend MMORPG Beta game since the beginning. trying to adapt to all the changes. Only a hand full of teams are successful at doing this if they are lucky. Its more like strategy than football. If a real team gets a handful of great players than its a super team. On GLB, you can just recruit a few good dots, you have to have it in place from the get go. Then you have to accept the handicap on the D side, because the O is letting 3-4 sacks a game, or can't stop an over load blitz. I really feel sorry for the guys who sign up and grab a team and think " it will be awesome to have a team and be franchise mode" Not knowing they spent 30-40 bucks on a game they didn't realize the needed a degree to understand, and have to have endless hours on end to research to make sure their game was semi enjoyable.
Originally posted by
I think if we had a OPC to help prevent all these blitzes and be able to compete properly.

Or create play action, bootlegs, and trick plays to compensate. If the defense is set up like (4-3) with 2 blitzers then the qb can audible to preset play changes, with quick reads and WR who can read as well. This would make vision more valuable for WR, RB, TE, and QBs as well like the real game.

OPC is not needed, blitzes can be countered with existing offense. Really not sure why this "need an OPC" crap is surfacing in a thread about decreasing the variabilty in the DPC...
Originally posted by Dub J
I think a lot of people in this thread don't understand what adding an OPC would do to this already shaky sim. Would make VAs look like child's play.

Would be chucky vs chunky, and I would carve you like a pumpkin
How about we just fix this completely.. Bort and Catch go through (with suggestions and their own ideas) and make like 20 D formations to choose from (possibly more) but create them not based on IRL formations but more GLB specific ones that you see being used currently in the game... and then only allow the DC's to choose what each position is going to do... like man TE or man CB or Zone middle weak.. whatever... and just not allow DC's to create their own formations... solves all the problems....
Originally posted by beaverstubble
Its more like strategy than football.

Yes, you have to be at least literate and put time in to be successful...

Originally posted by beaverstubble
Well, i guess the guys on the payroll know best. Me being a DC that pays around 70 bucks a month is now shafted. I payed the money to play cause i could do the AI, and DPC stuff behind the scenes. This is just BS, and the scape goat of GLB. I think I am finally done. I honestly think that Bort and Catch have a special place for the O line in their little black hearts. That poor little guy playing GLB in his Mom's basement, building O line for 100 flex, has tug at their heart strings cause he just let his QB get sacked cause he doesn't know the proper way to build a successful GLB dot. Or hasn't joined a team that knows how to counter a overload blitz that a DC like me will throw out. Too bad that OC couldn't see it thru watching game film, but that would require some work on the OC's part!! Never mind WR's (O side) being able to catch balls in triple coverage, lets nerf the DPC, cause the game that Bort gets paid a ton of money can't figure out how to get the O coding just right!!!!!

18 Seasons later, and nothing has really changes. Bort loves his fat O line man, and everyone knows it. If the O was a penis, he would be all up and down on that shit like it was going out of style!!!!!!

u mad bro?

Originally posted by PrizzlePulse
GLB is trying to take away from the game, which it never really should do, the game should be trying to constantly improve and add additions, right now you are just placing a big band-aid over the DPC, AI, and sim.

Its simply


I need more information before I say anything further. Revised announcement is still vague..Im disappointed at first glance, not because of the changes but because you guys have not figured out what you are going to do.

We will be evaluating this revision and reserve the right to remove the DPC completely if we feel this does not resolve the issues we have.

I will be evaluating how you conduct and communicate this and based on that criteria I will decide whether I stay here..The last 2 have not been impressive. What are we doing? Exactly?

We losing the DPC?
We enhancing the OC

We fixing the blocking issue that seems to be the reason for the changes?

We have room for improvement on communication ...answers would be a great start

This thread is a good example..anyone plowed through the whole thing? Case rested!
Originally posted by beaverstubble
What threats? I have been playing this pretend MMORPG Beta game since the beginning. trying to adapt to all the changes. Only a hand full of teams are successful at doing this if they are lucky. Its more like strategy than football. If a real team gets a handful of great players than its a super team. On GLB, you can just recruit a few good dots, you have to have it in place from the get go. Then you have to accept the handicap on the D side, because the O is letting 3-4 sacks a game, or can't stop an over load blitz. I really feel sorry for the guys who sign up and grab a team and think " it will be awesome to have a team and be franchise mode" Not knowing they spent 30-40 bucks on a game they didn't realize the needed a degree to understand, and have to have endless hours on end to research to make sure their game was semi enjoyable.

yea u mad
Originally posted by AlBarsch
Yes, you have to be at least literate and put time in to be successful...

Thanks for point this out, What I meant was you can't really pick this game up and go. If i were to sell this to my friends, which I have. They would like it at first, then realize all the politics. They guys who stuck with it, realized there was way more education to it to be successful and have fun, rather than just Having a "Quick Play"
Originally posted by HaplosDog
yea u mad

Not mad, just a bit frustrated. I tend to roll within the same groups so to speak. I just don't understand why we can't let things go for maybe 2 or 3 seasons. At least you know what your working with. Then you have a solid bench mark of what you are working with. You can run all the test teams and sims you want, but what is better than 3 seasons of actual teams running stuff to go along with other findings?.
Originally posted by beaverstubble
Thanks for point this out, What I meant was you can't really pick this game up and go. If i were to sell this to my friends, which I have. They would like it at first, then realize all the politics. They guys who stuck with it, realized there was way more education to it to be successful and have fun, rather than just Having a "Quick Play"

Politics? Wow, you can simply not come to the main forums and avoid all the drama - the real fun is at the team / league level anyway...

Yes, this is NOT Quick Hit or Madden and a team owner has many responsibilities when dealing with a team. I would suggest a non-boosting, casual team for those not willing to get on the porch with the big dogs.
Originally posted by AlBarsch
Politics? Wow, you can simply not come to the main forums and avoid all the drama - the real fun is at the team / league level anyway...

Yes, this is NOT Quick Hit or Madden and a team owner has many responsibilities when dealing with a team. I would suggest a non-boosting, casual team for those not willing to get on the porch with the big dogs.

But at what point or investment do you realize its not like that? You can have the option to be a team owner from the get go for a flex cost correct? After 16+ seasons now, I can non, or all of the above. But at a cost of course. When is enough, enough? I know guys will toss the "Beta" tag, but we are still spending hard earned money on this "Beta"

I spend countless hours on this game a day, using the DPC and playing with the AI, and we have to cope with the changes. I could get all the D line guys in the game to bitch about lack of sacks, but no big deal., But because of blocking logic, we have to dumb down a DPC towards an Offense in a game that can pass into double coverage at will? Basically we are gonna be looking at a Casual DAI VS a Non effected OAI?

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