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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > If you were to change the league structure
Originally posted by DONKEIDIC
First I'd like to start out by saying I have asked you to explain why it would not work and all I get is silence, or proof that you have no idea why my idea was structured the way it is, and why it will work so well.

Second I am not here to get my idea accepted. I am trying to help make GLB fun again. Sorry I want to spend another grand ir two on this game.

The thing "I" think would help this game are addressed in my idea. This is why I think it is good, so either explain to me why it is no good or STFU. Thanks.


Deal with it.
Originally posted by geekor
Your idea, even though you've spammed it everywhere you possibly could, has never, in months, garnered the amounts of positive feedback required to be seriously looked at. It's a fail, get over it and move on already.

I have the innate ability to take something complex, throw out all that does not matter, and come to a simple fix.

My idea gives new and old agents alike the ability to have the fun that season one agents had, every season.

My idea creates competition across the entire capped system effortlessly.

My idea allows for only the best teams to make it out of the uncaps, for way better competition there.

My idea helps with team turnover and recruiting.

My question to you is why would you not want those things?
Originally posted by Jiddy78

Deal with it.

Wah! it makes my slow builds not work wah!

I feel sorry for your mother.
Edited by DONKEIDIC on Apr 29, 2010 10:49:22
Let's stop the personal attacks and the STFU's please.
Originally posted by DONKEIDIC
First I'd like to start out by saying I have asked you to explain why it would not work and all I get is silence, or proof that you have no idea why my idea was structured the way it is, and why it will work so well.

Second I am not here to get my idea accepted. I am trying to help make GLB fun again. Sorry I want to spend another grand ir two on this game.

The thing "I" think would help this game are addressed in my idea. This is why I think it is good, so either explain to me why it is no good or STFU. Thanks.

The issue with starting people at the top is that then it has no meaning so then it would remove teams ability to make goals and that would have a negative impact on long term feasibility for teams. Goals are what binds people together without them people start going their own way. When everyone is at the top why have a bottom? Doesn't the top just become the new bottom?

The reason being part of the World League/ Pro Leagues becomes a goal for some teams is that they have to fight and crawl their way to the top. That is what a pyramid leagues does really well. It allows teams to set a short term goal of making it to the next tier while giving them a long term goals of making it to the top.

The problem with a Pyramid league is when the bottom part becomes meaning less and just another season of growing and playing. The disparity between teams means that you pretty much know who is going to have a serious chance at the gold and who is not.

Maybe we should add some advantage for having the gold the following season. Like a bonus to home games because the crowds really show up after a championship year. Maybe offset it with away games teams really step up to play the championship team. But we need to find a way to make the gold something everyone wants and fights for each season.
Time Trial
Originally posted by DONKEIDIC
Originally posted by Jiddy78


Deal with it.

Wah! it makes my slow builds not work wah!

I feel sorry for your mother.

Quit this nonsense before this thread gets .

Bort and DD have still not looked at matching the number of leagues to the number of available players. Until they find a way to make that happen, none of these ideas are going to work.


Originally posted by Pietasters
The issue with starting people at the top is that then it has no meaning so then it would remove teams ability to make goals and that would have a negative impact on long term feasibility for teams. Goals are what binds people together without them people start going their own way. When everyone is at the top why have a bottom? Doesn't the top just become the new bottom?

Assuming you're talking about my idea...

No one would start at the top. All new teams would be handed out in these leagues. Everyone would be equal. Then you apply your own goals while all the while being grouped by your own abilities with like teams.

Originally posted by Pietasters

The reason being part of the World League/ Pro Leagues becomes a goal for some teams is that they have to fight and crawl their way to the top. That is what a pyramid leagues does really well. It allows teams to set a short term goal of making it to the next tier while giving them a long term goals of making it to the top.

This is still the goal for some teams. They would need to do good to even have the right to get to pro. Main problem right now is no matter how bad you team is you will get pushed right into the "pros". Why do you think AA is so terrible?

Originally posted by Pietasters

The problem with a Pyramid league is when the bottom part becomes meaning less and just another season of growing and playing. The disparity between teams means that you pretty much know who is going to have a serious chance at the gold and who is not.

My suggestion has two pyramids. One is for young players to have fun and compete. The second is for teams that have proven themselves worthy to compete at the highest levels of the game. The bottom of the minor league pyramid would disappear. No need to keep leagues full of CPUs if no one can buy a team any more. And the bottom of the pro pyramids would be filled in by quality teams.

Originally posted by Pietasters

Maybe we should add some advantage for having the gold the following season. Like a bonus to home games because the crowds really show up after a championship year. Maybe offset it with away games teams really step up to play the championship team. But we need to find a way to make the gold something everyone wants and fights for each season.

Not sure if that would become exploitable, but imo rewards are good.
But your idea is really the same as we have now except your tightening the minors pyramid up at the top while leaving the pro tier the same. But you will still see the same disparity issues we are seeing now. Because the games wouldn't be meaningful until you made it to the pro tier. I guess from reading your making a time limit for them to get to the top of the pyramid and adding a new pyramid each season. But how does the pro tier sustain itself for seven season with just a few teams moving up from each pyramid?
Originally posted by Pietasters
But your idea is really the same as we have now except your tightening the minors pyramid up at the top while leaving the pro tier the same. But you will still see the same disparity issues we are seeing now. Because the games wouldn't be meaningful until you made it to the pro tier.

I would love to see Pros consolidated as is suggested by others.

Meaningful is all subjective. If only WL is meaningful why all the SSB teams, and non-boosters. Why all the Pee-wee leagues.

Originally posted by Pietasters
I guess from reading your making a time limit for them to get to the top of the pyramid and adding a new pyramid each season. But how does the pro tier sustain itself for seven season with just a few teams moving up from each pyramid?

Boosting teams that are well run (recruited, game plans, agents building well) would always find their way past all others.

If the point is to Extreme cap build players will just make a farm team for that. They too will end up in equal competition, just as the rest of the teams.

As for promotion demotion. It could be doubled, and still keep rivalries going. You have an even bigger target on the team in the next tier that got there by beating you to get to the division championship game.
Originally posted by DONKEIDIC
Wah! it makes my slow builds not work wah!

I feel sorry for your mother.

*snaps fingers and does the head check*

U don' know me....
Originally posted by tuba_samurai
Let's stop the personal attacks and the STFU's please.

Ok. Which idea are they looking at as the most viable?
Originally posted by Jiddy78
*snaps fingers and does the head check*

U don' know me....
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
Originally posted by Ubasstards

who cares if the USA has more teams? Doesnt hurt anything

it would just make for a bigger regional tourney.

some teams would maybe rep other regions for an easier way into an all-region tourney? if we did that

I see a lot of people want to end ALG's... Would you take the SP from the ALG's now and gain them as SP when you level? So instead of getting 5 SP you would get 10 or maybe 8 but no ALG?

If they end ALG's altogether then builds will be much lower in total SP at the end of their career. Maybe that's the way it should be or maybe not... Just sayin... Just wondering what everyone else thought?
Originally posted by RiverRat2
That is a great post 5star

I agree, excellant post which I belive highlights the concerns of the vast majority of players within the game.

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