Originally posted by CONN CHRIS
Originally posted by Gturtle
Hint: anytime you mention somebody who isn't in direct contention for one of the individual stat trophies which currently are being led by a member of Haliblack as a result of their BFM game I'm going to call bullshit and you'll have to pay me $3.
Here's a better hint:
Lots of people in this game are tired of the bullshit that is your group. Not because it directly impacts them right now, but because they are not really interested in paying for a high-priced game that allows a small group of people to be such utter douchebags to the user base at large. If you want to be a douchebag, turn forums to shit, piss on others in your league with bs moves like this and stuff you pulled in CPL there is really nothing any of us can do about it. Only those that run the site can do anything about it; if they choose not to then we all know where we stand and can act accordingly.
If the site allows you folks to be absolute douchebags with zero repercussions it's just a matter of time before the douchebaggery expands. People are interested to know if Bort is ok with this game being infested with douchebags or if he'll actually do something about it. It may impact our decisions at a later date.
Oh my...get over yourself already. This holier than thou BS you are spewing is comical. Lots of people has turned out to be like 10-20 so far...about the amount that care about trophies enough to make a big deal out of this. Because the sensible ones know that gut jobs are a bigger issue in this equation.