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Forum > Announcements > Team Waiting List
If Bort doesnt announce a few days before exactly when the list is going to be generated (and I mean to the hour) there is going to be a riot.
Quick response and reasonable thought process for a solution to the potential issues I mentioned earlier. A+ service.
Originally posted by Dee
Originally posted by Bort

- The list is ordered by account creation date, up to 30 days back. If two accounts are at least 30 days old, it's ordered by the day you add yourself to the list.

Why distinguish between people who were here 31 days ago and people that were here 29 days ago?

Why dont you just say anyone who has the Alpha tester logo on their profile gets a free team.

Seems pretty hypocritical to favour your older players, but only up to some point.

It's called a compromise between favoring older and giving newer users a chance - it was a suggestion from another user somewhere in this thread.
Someone suggested in here giving older players a Better chance at getting a team, but also some randomness involved. I think thats better than drawing a line at 30 days.
Originally posted by Laggo
If Bort doesnt announce a few days before exactly when the list is going to be generated (and I mean to the hour) there is going to be a riot.

why? it's based on your sign up date very few people looking for a team don't check evert day.. they won't miss it for long
Does that 500 to get on the Waiting List go into the price of your team when you get 1 or is it 1000 plus the 500 for the list.
Originally posted by dfish
Does that 500 to get on the Waiting List go into the price of your team when you get 1 or is it 1000 plus the 500 for the list.

It's 1000 total, so its the initial 500 + 500 after you get the team
Yes was answered earlier but its a big thread
Diamond D
Originally posted by dfish
Does that 500 to get on the Waiting List go into the price of your team when you get 1 or is it 1000 plus the 500 for the list.

he said in the beginning of the tread, it's 500 up front and 500 when you get the team

Last edited May 18, 2008 16:49:40
This thread has grown hugely.

So, I did see a good question, will the account creation date be from 30 days from the date the signup list is published? I take it that will be the policy. Just curious.

And, I dont have a problem with accounts older then 30 days, goes by the sign=up time. Kind of a pool effect, I would just like to know the exact time it will be published, so we all have equal opportunity to be online when it comes out. And get on the list as quick as possible. I would appreciate an "alert" on our homepages if that is possible.

Originally posted by LithoMan
This thread has grown hugely.

So, I did see a good question, will the account creation date be from 30 days from the date the signup list is published? I take it that will be the policy. Just curious.

And, I dont have a problem with accounts older then 30 days, goes by the sign=up time. Kind of a pool effect, I would just like to know the exact time it will be published, so we all have equal opportunity to be online when it comes out. And get on the list as quick as possible. I would appreciate an "alert" on our homepages if that is possible.


I would think it is from the date the list starts, then 30 days from each day after that..
This is a well thought-out plan. Bravo.

Originally posted by Bort
Originally posted by buffalobills_tw

Originally posted by Bort

- The only exception to the resale is for inactive owners. We will still give an active GM the option of taking over the team, to encourage continuity on the team. If they don't want it, though, it goes to the top person on the wait list.

If a owner doesn't plan to renew his ownership, is it possible to let the current members in the team, like GM, take over the team?

Case by case is the best answer I can give. Yes, we want to encourage team continuity. We don't want people just adding a GM to their team for the sole purpose of circumventing the system, though.

My $0.02: In these cases, I don't think chemistry should be reset to prevent teams from bypassing chemistry mechanics to go on trading sprees. If you have continuity of ownership within the existing roster, there is no need for a chemistry reset.
Originally posted by Dee
Seems like a big flaw.

Account Creation date should affect position in the original queue, and then after 48 hours, or a week, or whatever, the Queue takes people onto the end, regardless of account creation date.

I tend to agree with this .....

Say I just signed up 2 weeks ago put my name in queue for a team wait 10 days and still nothing yet another person comes in with a start date 20 days before me waltzes in puts his name up for ownership and cuts in front of me .

I like the idea of a list and creation date , as it rewards the players who have been here longer , but us newbies would like a shot too.

You really HAVE to put in roster maximums Bort. Some teams have way more players than they can use and some teams are letting players "rot" intentionally when they decide they have a gripe with the player's owner.

The major complaints with the game are players who can't get playing time and teams who can't get players.

A maximum roster size would help alleviate both problems. In addition, it would reduce the participates that give up because their players never get playing time thereby increasing the size of the game. I assume that is what you want.

Last edited May 18, 2008 18:11:45

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