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lol @ the mod removing all the private forum posts.
Grim Truth
Just thought I'd say one thing quickly. Some people are saying how a level 13 TE would've gone for 300K on the open market. That may very well be true... but, when you factor in the whole trade you'd understand why that couldn't happen in this case, even if Compton wanted to spend 300K for each player.

lvl 11 C
lvl 9 WR
lvl 7 HB
lvl 15 C
lvl 11 WR
lvl 11 HB

The C's difference is 4 levels, the WR's difference is only 2, and the HB's is 5. To make the trade split down the middle you cannot offer the market value of each player AND send players along too. Had the deal been for the higher leveled players for JUST the money then you would all have a valid point, however, the trade involved sending 3 players of mid-levels the other way, thus making it impossible to spend much more then the 500K that was sent across.

Also, you must consider two things.

(1) The team sending the higher players needed money.
(2) Had they traded their players for just money they would have no depth on the roster.

Anyone who is a GM knows how hard it is to sign players, so even if the team put their players on the open market, gott 900K for their troubles, they'd still need to find replacements, and with the recent overinflation of the market you're looking at drastically overpaying for LOWER level players then the ones given to them in the trade.

Anyways, that's my two cents on all of that. We'll let the mods do what they do, but I don't see how this is such a big issue. Compton didn't "pillage" the team as someone has tried to suggest. Each got something of fair value in return and something they needed.
Your team called them their farm team and devised a plan to move players up and down from team to team at will. bort has said that farm teams can not exist in the same region. This team was robbed of the majority of their talent by a GM that served as GM for both teams. While I agree, the team certainly needed money, the deals were below the market value.

The one who suggested there was pillaging, was me. Feel free to mention me by name as I am quite proud that I blew the whistle on something that was shady and a direct act against fair competition.

Grim Truth
Originally posted by onepeat
Your team called them their farm team and devised a plan to move players up and down from team to team at will. bort has said that farm teams can not exist in the same region. This team was robbed of the majority of their talent by a GM that served as GM for both teams. While I agree, the team certainly needed money, the deals were below the market value.

The one who suggested there was pillaging, was me. Feel free to mention me by name as I am quite proud that I blew the whistle on something that was shady and a direct act against fair competition.

See, if you could still see my posts in the thread I did mention that I didn't like that they were in the same region. The idea and the trade itself though are not as terrible as you and others make it out to be.

This trade isn't a pillage, and constantly calling it that does not make it so. A pillage implies they took all the talent and money and left it with nothing... Is that what happened? No. One team got high level players, the other got medium level players and money to make the trade even. That is not a pillage.

I don't care if you're proud, be proud. You've accomplished nothing. The trade isn't one sided, nor really against the rules.
Last edited May 5, 2008 01:55:51
I did not get a chance to see more of the thread because when I voiced my displeasure (via PM) with your owner airing my personal views on the matter in a locked thread on the team forum, he locked me out. You can blame him for that act, not me. He shouldn't have made my personal opinion of the ordeal public. I apologize and commend you if you spoke out against this matter, but if you don't see any impropriety I question your idea of fair. The trades were horrible and if those trades were offered on the trading block they would have fetched a far higher price. Even you must admit that right? Even you have to see that this was sleazy and, if not against the rules, pretty damn dirty and unethical...

Look bro, I don't know you from Adam and have no ill will towards you. I wish you the best, but your owner is less than desirable.
onepeat: Your sanctimonious attitude is only making yourself look foolish. You've outted their cheating. GJ. Now shut up.

It's amazing how many times these guys' argument have changed. It's not cheating! It's ok because the bar said it was even! They aren't our farm team! We want to help them! Those posts didn't exist! I WILL CALL YOU NAMES!!!

Some pretty damning facts:
1) One guy was GM of both teams.
2) Posts on forum are evidence of blatant collusion and disregard of sportsmanship and fair play.
3) Trades are not fair.
4) Most terrible PR job ever done, which only further opened the diseased proceedings of these terrible teams.
Chronic is on my team in USA A#2 and is a very respectable and fair player to deal with.

As for this thread, I see nothing wrong here - all seems okay to me.
Last edited May 5, 2008 02:43:36
Okay, the level 9 WR you traded to Boston, Sam DeClerq (now a level 10), well, his contract is up tomorrow. How is that a fair deal? These deals weren't meant to be fair and you know it. Quit trying to justify your actions. They are not in the best interests of the game and judging by what has happened here in the past, you will get away with it with nothing more than a slap on the wrist.

The powers that be need to make an example of someone soon or this promising game will start spinning out of control.

-- Andy
Last edited May 5, 2008 08:12:24
Originally posted by Grim Truth
Compton didn't "pillage" the team as someone has tried to suggest. Each got something of fair value in return and something they needed.

Compton absolutely pillaged the Massacre. They gained 40 levels in the 9-player exchange. That's almost 4.5 levels per player.

Is there any owner in this game that wouldn't increase 9 players on their roster by almost 5 levels each for only $700k? Of course not - because 40 player levels is worth a helluva lot more than $700k.

I'm not at all concerned about the Massacre owner making stupid trades. I'm a lot concerned about the Massacre owner intentionally acting in the interest of the Cougars, and not his own team.

What's he going to do in 10 days when he runs out of payroll again? Can we get in on those bargain basement deals?
Originally posted by trauty
Okay, the level 9 WR you traded to Boston, Sam DeClerq (now a level 10), well, his contract is up tomorrow.


Can we get a mod to look at this thread, then comment on the fairness of the situation?

After that, either way...lock it so this crap doesn't continue for another 20 pages.
This has collusion written all over it. I will have Bort look at this thread to get his opinion.
I hope they don't lock this thread until something is done about this.
Originally posted by Lout84
This has collusion written all over it. I will have Bort look at this thread to get his opinion.

I agree
Joe Buck
Grim there are two very important aspects that make this different from a legit farm system (which I wholeheartedly support)

ONE: Both teams are in the US region. This makes it very possible that they will end up in the same division at same point. A farm team and their feeder playing each other. Surely you see the conflict there. The devs have come out against this as evidenced by the fact an owner can't own multiple teams in the same region (teams that would be naturally inclined to farm together)

TWO: The "farm team" in this case is in a higher league level than the "master" team.

These keep getting lost amongst all the "unfair trade level" stuff. It is in my opinion the much bigger issue.
Last edited May 5, 2008 09:35:09

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