Ok, so I've read all 16 pages of replies (because I'm really bored at work

) and I've seen a lot of good ideas. I may still be a newbie, but I enjoy this game and would like to see it improve and provide everyone with lots of entertainment.
I agree that some sort of retirement must be required to keep the game competitive, but directly forcing it may not be the solution; it'll only cause people to hate the game/developers and lose interest.
However, an indirectly forced retirement is the best way IMO. Deteriorating stats is the best option to force people to decide whether or not to "retire" their player. Since their stats are decreasing, it'll be harder to secure contracts. Then, after "retirement" (not deleting the player) that character can go on to become a coach.
I also really like the "son" idea, where the you can create a son of the retired player and he gets a small boost to his starting stats.
Now these were other peoples' ideas and I agree with them so I'm supporting these ideas.
To keep the game competitive, I think league records (i.e. Most Rushing Yards in a Season, League MVP, etc.) should be implemented. That way, people stay competitive against each other to obtain league records and it could also immortalize those players who hold the records. People will want their players to keep getting better and move up in leagues to gather records in all sorts of leagues.
Just a thought. Keep up the excellent work, Bort and DD!!