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Forum > Prep Leagues > Season 30 Prep #1
No doubt. Since we are not a farm team, we need to be well positioned when we hit Reg Pro if we want to get to WL as a team. Even the road revenue has helped us alot. We got ~ $3 million from this season's playoffs, which has allowed us to buy all available sections. We are lacking some 200 level seats, and don't have the cash you guys have, but we are still better off than if we just ran base AI and just ignored the team until Reg Pro (like most long term build / farm teams do).
Edited by Plankton on Sep 26, 2012 22:10:38
Originally posted by Plankton
They also had a couple of big ST plays that I doubt I could have done anything about either. Truth be told, we had no real shot, so 17-0 or 68-3 makes no difference to me.

I'm not sure how well we will do next season in Elite. On the one hand, our dots are starting to round out a little, but at best, our D dots have either capped Tackling or Vision, but not both, so we are susceptible to give up big plays to either a break tackle or a fake back. Even with another season, our Coverage CBs still will not be doing more than training Tackling, and our KL CBs probably still will not have capped Vision, so we might get schooled by the more rounded teams. Same goes for the various build types for LB and S. Thus, any hardware we get this early is just gravy. I do like gravy tho

Guess we will be dealing with others claiming how are team just ain't good enough if we keep winning championships

Bottom line when we get to WL players basically have the same builds its just game plan at that point...
But, we will lose eventually and that will show us we need to improve somewhere!!!
Until that time you can say we have engineered a perfectly balanced team!!!
Originally posted by Plankton
They aren't the ones that need the luck. I'll be happy if we score on them, tbh.

You did get 3pts which was the highest we had scored on in playoffs!!!

But, 80 pass attempts and only 267yards is bad news for every1 next season as our CBs continue to get better each level
Kid Cudi
Originally posted by DarkRogue
passing is pretty bad at this level anyway, you're either amazing or amazingly lucky if you complete even 50% against equal teams

my no/no qb completed like 47% :o and lead the league in yards/tds!
Originally posted by rawtruth
Guess we will be dealing with others claiming how are team just ain't good enough if we keep winning championships

I never claimed that at all. You guys clearly are the best of Prep in my mind. Do not take my responses to Dark Rogue as making excuses for losing. We put in a lot of effort in trying to win but you beat us.

Originally posted by

Bottom line when we get to WL players basically have the same builds its just game plan at that point...

This is not true at all, and you will learn this on your own. Builds make a huge difference in WL. The teams with the best builds are able to do much less gameplanning and still win enough to make the playoffs. I took two different groups of players to was decently built but not well built. I had to bust my ass gameplanning every game just to get to 6 wins. The second group of players were much better built. That group made the playoffs two straight seasons with minimal gameplanning by me. In fact, the second half of the second season, we were on cruise control as I had decided that I was dropping Devonport from WL win or lose and yet we still made the playoffs. Gameplanning is important in WL, but builds are VERY important.

Originally posted by Plankton
This is not true at all, and you will learn this on your own. Builds make a huge difference in WL. The teams with the best builds are able to do much less gameplanning and still win enough to make the playoffs. I took two different groups of players to was decently built but not well built. I had to bust my ass gameplanning every game just to get to 6 wins. The second group of players were much better built. That group made the playoffs two straight seasons with minimal gameplanning by me. In fact, the second half of the second season, we were on cruise control as I had decided that I was dropping Devonport from WL win or lose and yet we still made the playoffs. Gameplanning is important in WL, but builds are VERY important.

At this point its hard to really say if we truly have the greatest team at our current level or not simply because we have been critized most the season to the EL being lower than other teams...But, lets get serious here...You can have better built players with a bad gameplan and still probably lose games vs a team that might not be as strong with a good game plan...However, I believe we have 1 of the best Defenses at our current level with ELs matching other teams...Only reason we are mildly low ELs as a team is because *Rawtruth* made all the Offensive Line players and he has had a strategy since the start with what we truly need to execute on the offensive side...If you look at it his players are typically the reason are team isn't higher EL but, we will catch up in future seasons once he starts hitting higher CAPS on attributes

At WL the gameplan is basically if your team can't pass you can't win so game planning is really based around double coverage WRs that can burn your team deep vs the rushing game isn't as effective since LBs are just as fast as the HB at that point...
It's not just the OL that have lower EL; almost every dot does. Again, not taking anything away from the team as you guys beat every challenger you faced this season. It's "usually" indicative of more rounded builds when the EL is lower at these early stages. Nothing wrong with it now "obviously"...will it affect you later on? Who knows. Enjoy the ride. It may be a long one.
Originally posted by rubbrducke007
At WL the gameplan is basically if your team can't pass you can't win so game planning is really based around double coverage WRs that can burn your team deep vs the rushing game isn't as effective since LBs are just as fast as the HB at that point...

from this post i don't think you understand what WL play is like at all. also lol at your EL "catching up"

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