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Forum > Casual Leagues > Casual Rookie Leagues > You Have Been Consumed By Darkness!!!!
73-14 LOL

Just as weak as we thought you were.
Edited by cleveland on Feb 26, 2011 15:45:51
Barry Sanders
WOW that was easy. Good game Darkness

At least you made me punt once.
Edited by Barry Sanders on Feb 26, 2011 15:50:46
Jordan Love
Originally posted by Barry Sanders
WOW that was easy. Good game Darkness

At least you made me punt once.

That was a good game.
All this talking and Davy trips right over his own two feet.

Nice beat down Detroit.
Edited by CCM on Feb 26, 2011 16:04:15
hahaha. You don't think that game looked a little.... strange to you?
Barry Sanders
Originally posted by Jack The Quarterback
hahaha. You don't think that game looked a little.... strange to you?

Here we go It can never be we killed you like there has to be a mistake.

Jack you have been classy so far don't go there.
Looked.... strange to me. That's all I'm saying. I don't run the team so wouldn't be the one doing the tagging (or lack of)

Congrats on your win and your season.
cool beans
Originally posted by Jack The Quarterback
Looked.... strange to me too.

Congrats on your win today, because if you were our league we would have knocked you out a long time ago.


Nice one Detroit! Dont spend all that flex in one place!
Waiting for that GM invite.
Originally posted by akinghorn
Originally posted by Chief4Life

Lol, not only do you jerk off to your trophies, you want to believe that everyone else on GLB is envious of them? Wow, get over yourself dude, nobody on here gives a shit about you or your trophies, sorry to break the bad news to you but its true. I do agree it is hard work to run a team on here and be successful, and if you enjoy that and do it well, more power to ya. However, please tell me that you play a major role in coordinating or scouting or finances on every single of your 35 teams, or UCLA's 60+ teams. Whatever you say, i dont buy it. It is just you becoming a part of a "clan" on here because you feel like it makes you cooler to be a part of something big, because you are just a nerd in real life with no friends. Then after all these teams are formed, you are the litte nerd in the back of the room raising his hand in the air jumping up and down saying "i want a GM offer, i want a GM offer" for every possible team JUST so you have a chance at getting more trophies. Their is no reason a team should have 40 GMs other than the fact that the people want more trophies. Its not about showing your hard work at that point, its all about thinking you are cool because of your trophy count.

Here you go, another nice gold trophy for ya, go get em tiger -

What about if every user had 1 player on the team and there are 55 players on the team? That would mean 55 users. Which completely blows your theory out of the water.

God can be patient with your salvation, but He really hates stupid people.

Well considering Hatchman has players on 16 different teams and is a GM of 35 teams, and UCLABUCSFAN has players on 18 different teams and is a GM for over 60 teams, what is it that blows my theory out of the water? Another example of you guys acting like a "clan" and sticking up for each other, when in reality it looks more like you a big sister sticking up for his little sister. Come on girls, just run away and go play...
Originally posted by DavyJonesLocker
Waiting for that GM invite.

I do like the integrity!
You stated, and I quote...

Originally posted by Chief4Life
Their is no reason a team should have 40 GMs other than the fact that the people want more trophies.

Thus, the theory that blows yours out of the water, would be that if every player on my team was owned by a different user, we would have 55 GM's.

There's really no salvation for you...but I'm not sure Satan would even want your inane stupidity down there with him. Looks like it'll be eternity in the void. It's such a shame - I know inmates that woulda really loved to have met you.
Originally posted by akinghorn
You stated, and I quote...

Originally posted by Chief4Life

Their is no reason a team should have 40 GMs other than the fact that the people want more trophies.

Thus, the theory that blows yours out of the water, would be that if every player on my team was owned by a different user, we would have 55 GM's.

There's really no salvation for you...but I'm not sure Satan would even want your inane stupidity down there with him. Looks like it'll be eternity in the void. It's such a shame - I know inmates that woulda really loved to have met you.

I dont even know how someone can bring themself to click post after the crap that spews out of your mouth. You really sound like a moron. Wont get into heaven because i dont have cool trophies on GLB, Satan wouldnt want me because of my "inane" stupidity, and you know inmates that would love to meet me. You are a perfect example of an internet tough guy. Finish jerking off to your trophies, after that go to the bathroom and pop the rest of your zits, then come back to the computer and think of another clever thing to write on this forum in another failed attempt to sound tough. Maybe you can tell me about your wonderful time behind bars and more about these inmates you know, or you can tell me about all the tattoos you have possibly a tattoo of each trophy you have on here, or whatever else you can think of.

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