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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Announced Changes > Revision of Defensive Play Creator - Limiting Player Movement
Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by jdbolick
I still question why this is even necessary, or what it would accomplish.

#1) As Catch himself admitted, there is not any blitz or alignment in the game that consistently works against offenses that keep the TE in to block. In S17 there were "exploit blitzes," but Bort's inside-out coding change worked. If you keep the TE in to block, then the QB always has time to throw. Always. And "but I don't want to keep the TE in" is just whining. I don't want to have to blitz either, but sitting back in coverage just means more of my defenders look like idiots when they get pump faked into the bleachers.

#2) Scores and offensive production are insane, but handicapping defenses even further is actually a priority? In what world does that make any sense? If defenses were dominating, and nano-blitzes were resulting in 10-3 scores, then I could understand the need for change. That isn't happening. People pay for defensive dots too, you know.

Stop catering to the whiners! There's nothing wrong with the DPC.
Dub J
Originally posted by noel devine rocks
make a OPC

Yeah, let's completely make this game a piece of shit since the DPC and custom slots didn't quite do the job.
Dub J
Seriously, I'm sure Bort wants a game that caters to more than 20 people.
Originally posted by gRryNn
Originally posted by UCLA Jeremy

Is this effective immediately?

Or S19?

I did not see a when anywhere...

Originally posted by Catch22

Originally posted by mikekile

What will be the timing? still season 20 or 21 or will it be sooner?

Won't happen next season. I would say the following season is most likely. Will have to code the limitations and test the various possibilities.

Why the fuck is this information not included on the announcement? seriously you have to search admins posts to know how the sim is going to be and see the game changes

GLB's communication still struggling :/.
Originally posted by Dub J
Seriously, I'm sure Bort wants a game that caters to more than 20 people.

is that including multis? LB/Dline movement is going to be limited and we'll need to reset all of the LB's in our defenses...DB's are still free to roam around or are they going to have set movement too? if I assign a CB5 to a WR on the other side of the formation will he still go there?

for someone who is too lazy to go through the thread and collect this info..could a smart person explain what's going on now please?
Dub J
Pretty much says it all in the announcement.
Well, i guess the guys on the payroll know best. Me being a DC that pays around 70 bucks a month is now shafted. I payed the money to play cause i could do the AI, and DPC stuff behind the scenes. This is just BS, and the scape goat of GLB. I think I am finally done. I honestly think that Bort and Catch have a special place for the O line in their little black hearts. That poor little guy playing GLB in his Mom's basement, building O line for 100 flex, has tug at their heart strings cause he just let his QB get sacked cause he doesn't know the proper way to build a successful GLB dot. Or hasn't joined a team that knows how to counter a overload blitz that a DC like me will throw out. Too bad that OC couldn't see it thru watching game film, but that would require some work on the OC's part!! Never mind WR's (O side) being able to catch balls in triple coverage, lets nerf the DPC, cause the game that Bort gets paid a ton of money can't figure out how to get the O coding just right!!!!!

18 Seasons later, and nothing has really changes. Bort loves his fat O line man, and everyone knows it. If the O was a penis, he would be all up and down on that shit like it was going out of style!!!!!!
Originally posted by Dub J
Pretty much says it all in the announcement.

no, announcement doesn't mention DB's...movement along the D line and LB' can I run a quarter and stack the line with my DB's and do the same things I'm doing now?
Originally posted by neoliminal

You can add more plays per formation and DCs will still find holes. There are thousands of DCs trying to find ways to beat the dozens of plays. Each DC may have 1-20 plays against a given formation. Someone will find something, and that play will spread like wildfire because people will see it work and use it.

The only way to keep the DPC from being exploited is to add an OPC that destroys the predictability of the plays.

Simply adding more plays per formation isn't enough... and honestly the work to do that should be put into this:

WRONG. There are also 1000 OCs watching those defensive set ups and each and every one of them can be countered with existing plays, and simply more options would be better. I encourage DCs to try to come up with something challenging and different - they can't run all 20 variations at once and once the offensive answer is found, it also spreads like wildfire.

The offense is NOT broken and we don't need an OPC. Quit trying to sell your tinkertoy little experiment....
Dub J
Originally posted by beaverstubble
Well, i guess the guys on the payroll know best. Me being a DC that pays around 70 bucks a month is now shafted. I payed the money to play cause i could do the AI, and DPC stuff behind the scenes. This is just BS, and the scape goat of GLB. I think I am finally done. I honestly think that Bort and Catch have a special place for the O line in their little black hearts. That poor little guy playing GLB in his Mom's basement, building O line for 100 flex, has tug at their heart strings cause he just let his QB get sacked cause he doesn't know the proper way to build a successful GLB dot. Or hasn't joined a team that knows how to counter a overload blitz that a DC like me will throw out. Too bad that OC couldn't see it thru watching game film, but that would require some work on the OC's part!! Never mind WR's (O side) being able to catch balls in triple coverage, lets nerf the DPC, cause the game that Bort gets paid a ton of money can't figure out how to get the O coding just right!!!!!

18 Seasons later, and nothing has really changes. Bort loves his fat O line man, and everyone knows it. If the O was a penis, he would be all up and down on that shit like it was going out of style!!!!!!

Prolly one of the worst posts I have ever read. Seriously, if it bothers you that much you should go ahead and leave instead of making idle threats.

jumpin da snark
If people are unhappy about the DPC, isn't the solution to these so-called exploits, simply playing in a casual league?
Originally posted by foofighter24
If people are unhappy about the DPC, isn't the solution to these so-called exploits, simply playing in a casual league?

Dub J
Originally posted by foofighter24
If people are unhappy about the DPC, isn't the solution to these so-called exploits, simply playing in a casual league?

Can't find a team to buy. Everyone is leaving reg. leagues in droves and all the casuals have been bought up.
jumpin da snark
Originally posted by Dub J
Can't find a team to buy. Everyone is leaving reg. leagues in droves and all the casuals have been bought up.

I would fully support Bort making more casual teams, and allowing more freedom in the game for those that want it.
I think if we had a OPC to help prevent all these blitzes and be able to compete properly it would help significantly.


There could be new offensive plays created such as- play action, bootlegs, and trick plays to compensate. This would make watching the game more interesting and playing the game more fun. If the defense is set up like (4-3) with 2 blitzers then the qb can audible to preset play changes, with quick reads and WR who can read as well. This would make vision more valuable for WR, RB, TE, and QBs as well like the real game.
Edited by on Oct 22, 2010 21:52:40

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