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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > If you were to change the league structure
Originally posted by Ubasstards
who cares if the USA has more teams? Doesnt hurt anything

it would just make for a bigger regional tourney.

some teams would maybe rep other regions for an easier way into an all-region tourney? if we did that
There are only ~40 legitimate pro teams in all of GLB.

Shrinks the regions. Shrink the number of cap leagues...

Keep the WL! Right now it is the best thing about this game.

Longer plateau...imo it is stupid to have to build a player for 9 seasons before they are pro material...and then you only get 2-3 legitimate seasons playing at a high level. I think the short plateau makes it too difficult for teams to consistently field viable teams. If teams do not have their own farm system in place you basically have to demote and start over and be bored for a year while your players mature. I think a ton of teams have went the slow build journey and enjoy the 1 or 2 seasons at the top and then do not have the energy to start over from scratch.

Originally posted by David Stern
its a terrible fix tho. Better to have a great game with lots of features, and 100 teams accessing everything.

Just need to have a 5-10 season plateau so we can actually play with these builds when they hit the top

I don't know that it needs to be this long--but definitely longer than a single season. It's not very fun working your way up and finally getting your builds good then boom hitting decline already then steeper where you are forced to retire. I get that you wnat players to retire so others get a chance, but that kills it for those guys who spent all those seasons working on their player they've grown so attached to then boom. The cost of flex really adds up as well when you have multiple players, teams, scrims, private forums, CE and boosting them all each season three times. Esp in beta when the so many things are changing, it's really hard to keep up. The burnout causes attrition which loses players and teams and ultimately leads to the uncompetitive games and leagues.

I don't think the league structure would be all that bad (after consolidation) if this other stuff wouldn't factor in so much. I do like the Matrix ranking script running right now. Seems to be the most accurate one I can recall. Maybe that could help with a program to help bring the leagues closer to each other???
Edited by refguru on Apr 28, 2010 23:55:24
Edited by refguru on Apr 28, 2010 23:54:54
Originally posted by ImTheScientist
Originally posted by BP

Cool, so the people now who have teams in Western Europe want to rep WE. Then in 4-5 seasons when all of the teams coming up were never in a region...they are all going to choose USA, cuz 90% of your userbase in from the US.

I dunno, just doesn't seem like a solution to anything...

If that is what they want to do then that is what they do.....I would not choose the USA as my region.

I would choose Canada.
Originally posted by ChicagoTRS
There are only ~40 legitimate pro teams in all of GLB.

Shrinks the regions. Shrink the number of cap leagues...

Keep the WL! Right now it is the best thing about this game.

Longer plateau...imo it is stupid to have to build a player for 9 seasons before they are pro material...and then you only get 2-3 legitimate seasons playing at a high level. I think the short plateau makes it too difficult for teams to consistently field viable teams. If teams do not have their own farm system in place you basically have to demote and start over and be bored for a year while your players mature. I think a ton of teams have went the slow build journey and enjoy the 1 or 2 seasons at the top and then do not have the energy to start over from scratch.

I hear you. The only way to compete is have your agents make a whole teamful of players every 3 seasons. That's way too much of a commitment for most people. Recruiting is a joke because when a player finds a team that is competitive, he'll likely stay there till the team folds or the player declines. Not that loyalty is a bad thing, but it leaves very little talent in the FA market, and of course the Elite teams get the pick of it. Having less Pro teams would go a long way to making the game more fun and competitive down the pyramids.

And lets stop having AA leagues that are half CPU. Force promote L46/42s to fill up. Hell, get rid of those 2 caps, we don't need them and never did.

However, ideally, the sim will get fixed back to the level of parity there was in season 6 and before, and then we can go back to a proper pyramid league structure - A, BBB etc. The capped league structure only became necessary becuase the sim started pumping out 1 sided results all the time. Back then, there would be 8-10 teams in each conference with some chance of being able to beat each other. Nowadays below the WL thats 3 or 4 if you're lucky.
Edited by hee163 on Apr 29, 2010 00:06:37
Originally posted by hee163

However, ideally, the sim will get fixed back to the level of parity there was in season 6 and before, and then we can go back to a proper pyramid league structure - A, BBB etc. The capped league structure only became necessary becuase the sim started pumping out 1 sided results all the time. Back then, there would be 8-10 teams in each conference with some chance of being able to beat each other. Nowadays below the WL thats 3 or 4 if you're lucky.

Check the elite minors...they are insanely competitive.
Originally posted by monsterkill
i'd be more interested in someone from GLB explaining why they are against ladder tournaments/rankings

I've always liked that idea. Preferable to WL IMO. Have league vs league ladder matches every 10 days or so along with league power rankings. That gives you 3-4 ladder matches per season. You could use the prior seasons power rankings to determine which leagues play the following season. That way the top league isn't picking on the bottom, etc. Though there could be permanent rivalries too: WE vs EE, US vs CA, etc.
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
How would you change it?

The goal being to keep the leagues as competitive as possible.

Fire those ideas out here.

I'd wait to see how well the current system works after all the super slow build teams are taken out of the equation.

Originally posted by r87
Originally posted by hee163

However, ideally, the sim will get fixed back to the level of parity there was in season 6 and before, and then we can go back to a proper pyramid league structure - A, BBB etc. The capped league structure only became necessary becuase the sim started pumping out 1 sided results all the time. Back then, there would be 8-10 teams in each conference with some chance of being able to beat each other. Nowadays below the WL thats 3 or 4 if you're lucky.

Check the elite minors...they are insanely competitive.

And that's because they tend to follow the model I recommended on about page 2-3 of this thing...with another way to improve it AND fix the Pro/WL mess we have...Just saying, support ECB (or at least question my approach) but don't let it die out. The proposed structure would solve a large % of GLBs current fun/gutting/competeive/build/complexity AI issues.
Originally posted by r87
Check the elite minors...they are insanely competitive.

Last I checked they make up 13% of the minors.

Nice job DD for a well ran thread. you've asked the community for ideas, and no one has spurned us for posting our suggestions and ideas. hopefully something good comes out of this and something learned on how to communicate with your customer base.

nice job!
Originally posted by Tigam

I'd wait to see how well the current system works after all the super slow build teams are taken out of the equation.

Still a problem when teams go from capped to uncapped... big level diff.
In order to get this thread going somewhere, maybe it should have more defined objectives.

We were given "The goal being to keep the leagues as competitive as possible."

Which suggestion has come up with that? Is there more that DD would like to see?

My idea give Brand new agents to the game the ability to start out on top right off the bat. Get em hooked on the game.

New blood = More competition.
Edited by DONKEIDIC on Apr 29, 2010 10:05:40
Originally posted by DONKEIDIC
In order to get this thread going somewhere, maybe it should have more defined objectives.

We were given "The goal being to keep the leagues as competitive as possible."

Which suggestion has come up with that? Is there more that DD would like to see?

My idea give Brand new agents to the game the ability to start out on top right off the bat. Get em hooked on the game.

New blood = More competition.

Your idea, even though you've spammed it everywhere you possibly could, has never, in months, garnered the amounts of positive feedback required to be seriously looked at. It's a fail, get over it and move on already.
Originally posted by geekor
Your idea, even though you've spammed it everywhere you possibly could, has never, in months, garnered the amounts of positive feedback required to be seriously looked at. It's a fail, get over it and move on already.

First I'd like to start out by saying I have asked you to explain why it would not work and all I get is silence, or proof that you have no idea why my idea was structured the way it is, and why it will work so well.

Second I am not here to get my idea accepted. I am trying to help make GLB fun again. Sorry I want to spend another grand ir two on this game.

The thing "I" think would help this game are addressed in my idea. This is why I think it is good, so either explain to me why it is no good or STFU. Thanks.

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