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Forum > Pro Leagues > How to Clean Up WL
btw: that is a page that used to get 20-30 threads a day that now has threads as old as october 8th, 10 of the threads on the first page are shitty prediction threads from every 2 days of the season.

The Duff Man
Originally posted by silenthatred
Originally posted by The Duff Man

Originally posted by silenthatred

Originally posted by Drago

The jokes on you dumb fucking Haliberries that think Gart would really give a shit if he's perma'd. He doesn't give a shit about this game anymore, he just wants to fuck it up and piss people off. That's why he should be getting the boot.

The jokes on you for thinking our posting have something to do with where our dots play. This has happened before. Nothing was done about it before. Why is it such a big deal now?

I have told Gart that it is not even about this particular incident. My opinion is solely based on the fact that I see this group as being one that gets enjoyment out of lessening the GLB experience for others, and that is why he should be banned.

Had Hazy done this for instance, and the result was that the award formula got fixed, fewer people would be up in arms. The difference is that I would give Hazy the benefit of the doubt and would be inclined to believe that he was trying to make the game better. I wouldn't agree with the way he went about it, but I would be inclined to believe his motives.

With Gart, I believe the motive was to fuck with people, which entirely changes my view of the incident.

So what you are saying is you and most others are letting personal opinion about others influence your decision, which I've said numerous times weakens, if not completely invalidates your argument. The usage of "this group" is a fallacy also. Because unless you are in "that group" you are just guessing.

I am stating my opinion, so the strength of my argument is irrelevant for me. Bort will never read these posts and if he does he can make his own assessment of the situation based on what I have layed out.

My usage of the term "this group" includes Gart for throwing the game, and several posters who generally make the forum less enjoyable for someone like myself that enjoys the game aspect of GLB and wants to talk seriously about the dots. I can't speak for others who use the "group" term. Given that it is difficult to pinpoint who knew what or who is responsible for what in this case, my opinion is that Gart alone should be banned. Not an ideal solution, but as you correctly state, you can't lump anyone else into this "group" unless you are inside and know specifics.
Originally posted by The Duff Man
Take the example of any activity where people spend $ for entertainment. If there is a small group of people that ruin the experience for many others, or a single person who does it, don't they normally get asked to leave. It is good business sense. You would rather lose the business from that one group of person or single person in order to increase the enjoyment of the activity for others.

Similar to awhile back when I was at Mons Venus and had paid this hot ass milano dancer (probably the hottest bitch in the whole club) $30 for a dance...right in the middle of our session this nasty drunk dude a few tables over started puking all over himself. So I've got a hot ass milano on my lap and in the corner of my eye there's a fat dude covered in his own vomit.

Luckily the bouncers hauled him away but it was too late, the moment was ruined.


Gart = Nasty fat dude covered in his own vomit

.Gif Trophies = Hot ass milano stripper

Fair analogy?

Here we go again. Once again, no one has ever stopped anyone from talking about dots. The threads with predictions and rankings etc all go unmolested. Find a single serious business dotball thread where someone has made it IMPOSSIBLE for "people like yourself" to continue a dotball discussion and I'll make Bushido eat his own cock.
Oh and to proove my point, here are some threads that are about dots that are not spammed or trolled and not locked:

that's just off pages 1 and 2.
Originally posted by Wylker
btw: that is a page that used to get 20-30 threads a day that now has threads as old as october 8th, 10 of the threads on the first page are shitty prediction threads from every 2 days of the season.


The old threads are active threads....The Blaze one is always getting bumped. Page one is nothing but November start dates or Active threads. Other than the first week or two and When the occasional spam/troll spree's broke out it was never 20-30 threads a day.
Originally posted by coachviking
The old threads are active threads....The Blaze one is always getting bumped. Page one is nothing but November start dates or Active threads. Other than the first week or two and When the occasional spam/troll spree's broke out it was never 20-30 threads a day.

what the fuck are you talking about?
Originally posted by Wylker
Here we go again. Once again, no one has ever stopped anyone from talking about dots. The threads with predictions and rankings etc all go unmolested. Find a single serious business dotball thread where someone has made it IMPOSSIBLE for "people like yourself" to continue a dotball discussion and I'll make Bushido eat his own cock.

Do you want to tell Bushido the bad news?
Originally posted by Wylker
Originally posted by coachviking

The old threads are active threads....The Blaze one is always getting bumped. Page one is nothing but November start dates or Active threads. Other than the first week or two and When the occasional spam/troll spree's broke out it was never 20-30 threads a day.

what the fuck are you talking about?

Responding to your False statement.
Darkus Black
People need to learn to coexist.

Simple solution: Sensible posters ignore the fun people in the sensible threads and the fun people ignore the sensible people in the fun threads.
Originally posted by coachviking

Do you want to tell Bushido the bad news?

Is it important to note that the trolling in that thread was a concentrated effort by you and other MEM posters that was organized on your internal forums and led to you getting reprimanded?
Originally posted by coachviking
Responding to your False statement.

that link is from CPL, hence your "response" makes absolutely not a lick of fucking sense
Originally posted by MontyK
Originally posted by The Duff Man

Take the example of any activity where people spend $ for entertainment. If there is a small group of people that ruin the experience for many others, or a single person who does it, don't they normally get asked to leave. It is good business sense. You would rather lose the business from that one group of person or single person in order to increase the enjoyment of the activity for others.

Similar to awhile back when I was at Mons Venus and had paid this hot ass milano dancer (probably the hottest bitch in the whole club) $30 for a dance...right in the middle of our session this nasty drunk dude a few tables over started puking all over himself. So I've got a hot ass milano on my lap and in the corner of my eye there's a fat dude covered in his own vomit.

Luckily the bouncers hauled him away but it was too late, the moment was ruined.


Gart = Nasty fat dude covered in his own vomit

.Gif Trophies = Hot ass milano stripper

Fair analogy?

Mr. Me2
Originally posted by The Duff Man
Originally posted by silenthatred

Originally posted by The Duff Man

Originally posted by silenthatred

Originally posted by Drago

The jokes on you dumb fucking Haliberries that think Gart would really give a shit if he's perma'd. He doesn't give a shit about this game anymore, he just wants to fuck it up and piss people off. That's why he should be getting the boot.

The jokes on you for thinking our posting have something to do with where our dots play. This has happened before. Nothing was done about it before. Why is it such a big deal now?

I have told Gart that it is not even about this particular incident. My opinion is solely based on the fact that I see this group as being one that gets enjoyment out of lessening the GLB experience for others, and that is why he should be banned.

Had Hazy done this for instance, and the result was that the award formula got fixed, fewer people would be up in arms. The difference is that I would give Hazy the benefit of the doubt and would be inclined to believe that he was trying to make the game better. I wouldn't agree with the way he went about it, but I would be inclined to believe his motives.

With Gart, I believe the motive was to fuck with people, which entirely changes my view of the incident.

So what you are saying is you and most others are letting personal opinion about others influence your decision, which I've said numerous times weakens, if not completely invalidates your argument. The usage of "this group" is a fallacy also. Because unless you are in "that group" you are just guessing.

I am stating my opinion, so the strength of my argument is irrelevant for me. Bort will never read these posts and if he does he can make his own assessment of the situation based on what I have layed out.

My usage of the term "this group" includes Gart for throwing the game, and several posters who generally make the forum less enjoyable for someone like myself that enjoys the game aspect of GLB and wants to talk seriously about the dots. I can't speak for others who use the "group" term. Given that it is difficult to pinpoint who knew what or who is responsible for what in this case, my opinion is that Gart alone should be banned. Not an ideal solution, but as you correctly state, you can't lump anyone else into this "group" unless you are inside and know specifics.

You always have the option of just sticking to dot talk threads, because those you mentioned do not derail such threads unless provoked to by someone posting in those threads first, which almost inevitably happens because certain people can't get out of their own way.
Originally posted by Darkus Black
People need to learn to coexist.

Simple solution: Sensible posters ignore the fun people in the sensible threads and the fun people ignore the sensible people in the fun threads.

How about set up a subforum like they did in CPL?


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