Originally posted by Stobie
Originally posted by Ubasstards
Mods are locking everything http://goallineblitz.com/game/forum_thread.pl?thread_id=3143759
Does every thread have to be serious? Cant you let one or 2 joke threads live on? And Stobie, why are you locking threads here but you never locked any in CPL? Do you want me to link you every CPL thread that should be locked?
This forum is overmoderated and is complete shit now
If you have a problem with the lock you should PM me directly as I am the one who locked it.Personally, I think it's bullshit that the reasons have to be whispered in the deep recesses of PMs rather than included with the needlessly obvious "Thread locked by moderator" (no... really?) so people can see what standards are being applied to this forum, but that's a discussion for another time.
Or most likely, another forum.
Or even more moster likely, for a set of PMs so nobody can see a discussion of mods and how they do their job so they can remain insulated and not have to evaluate how they do things.