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Originally posted by jedaviso

Anyone know the rules on cutting inactives ? How long do they have to be inactive before you can cut 'em w/o affecting chemistry ?

7 days
Originally posted by jedaviso

Apparently everyone thinks they should get six digit contracts with 30K bonuses.. but only for one year ! Madness.

I know. It sucks.
Originally posted by Cerneo
Originally posted by jedaviso

Apparently everyone thinks they should get six digit contracts with 30K bonuses.. but only for one year ! Madness.

I know. It sucks.

Yea...there gonna have to to something, because it's almost an exponential demand for the higher level players.

Example. We all started the first season and leveled up as a whole. At the end of that first season, there was quite a bit of liquidity from some first season players becoming FA's and the new players still joining; Everybody was between Level 1-10. Then 1024 teams were suddenly introduced. However for those teams, instead of slowly leveling up like we did with beginning level 1-4 players, many tried to jump ahead of their competition by signing first season FA's, thus denying those FA's from the first season teams. Now it's happened again. That Africa League comes into existence, and instead of that league sopping up the level 1-8 noobs in the D league, THEY are now trying to leapfrog the rest and sign the highest level players possible. I've seen a couple of Africa teams that are now stocked with level 12-14 players. We didn't have that opportunity...we had to start with 1-4's

What this system does, it it creates Leagues that are incredibly out of balance. One or two teams become loaded because they were successful for whatever reason in landing level 12-20 guys, while the majority of them are filling up with the Level 1-8 guys. It has completely dried up ANY liquidity for top level FA's. The first season FA's no longer have 1024 teams to offer their services for, which SHOULD be their market, but now 2272 teams. IMHO, the ONLY way to bring some liquidity into the market is Bort will probably have to put Level limits in. A third season FA can only sign with 3rd season teams, and none lower, second season can't sign below second season, etc.

Currently, the system is NOT fun for the majority of players in this game. This league is a blast because the competitive balance is so close, but the majority of the leagues are way out of balance because a few teams were able to stock up on higher level FA's that are one or two seasons more mature than their competitors roster. I'm having second thoughts now about the pyramid system. I think a parallel system determined by avg. team level strength might be more rewarding and fun for everybody.


1.) That does make me appreciate this league as a whole.
2.) Yeah, I get all these L14s-L16s players who are used to being the best player on their team and either don't want to be backups or think our team should have had 12+ wins with the talent on our squad & thinks we have bad schemes.
(I have to tell them it's the #9 league, and to please go look at the competition, but they probably don't listen.)

3.) I thought I heard they were going to put morale changes in effect if a player is significantly higher or lower levels than the average on the team. So if you're a L18 playing with a bunch of L9s to pad stats, that'll stop.

Of course, nothing fixes the fact that as more teams jump on, more players leave teams to try to be starters elsewhere.

You've also got to remember that some of the new owners used to be players in competitive leagues, so they want to have the best as well.

Yeah, who knows.

The sad part is I look at some of the other USA A leagues and know we'd be in the finals in those leagues and this one it's a struggle to make the playoffs.

Just going to keep talking to players & be a responsible/honest GM and maybe that'll pay off at some point.
Originally posted by jedaviso

1.) That does make me appreciate this league as a whole.
2.) Yeah, I get all these L14s-L16s players who are used to being the best player on their team and either don't want to be backups or think our team should have had 12+ wins with the talent on our squad & thinks we have bad schemes.
(I have to tell them it's the #9 league, and to please go look at the competition, but they probably don't listen.)

3.) I thought I heard they were going to put morale changes in effect if a player is significantly higher or lower levels than the average on the team. So if you're a L18 playing with a bunch of L9s to pad stats, that'll stop.

Of course, nothing fixes the fact that as more teams jump on, more players leave teams to try to be starters elsewhere.

You've also got to remember that some of the new owners used to be players in competitive leagues, so they want to have the best as well.

Yeah, who knows.

The sad part is I look at some of the other USA A leagues and know we'd be in the finals in those leagues and this one it's a struggle to make the playoffs.

Just going to keep talking to players & be a responsible/honest GM and maybe that'll pay off at some point.

Yep. I was trying to sign a Level 15 DE the past two days for some depth. He chose a brand new Africa league team this morning because he wanted to be a "star" in that league. I'm sure his stats will be outstanding. I've posted adds in the "Players/Teams" seeking forums, I sent out about 75 PM's, and he was the only one that responded, then I lose him to a rookie team. There's absolutely no liquidity in the higher level FA market. On paper, it looks like it should be simple. 3rd season teams that are in the middle of their Leagues, SHOULD just be able to sign a handful of new players to hopefully get them up into the top tier of their league, but they can't, because the talent pool for their level player requirements is available for ALL the teams. it looks like another season of just "run what ya brung" here for me. Because of a player or two loss each season from some natural attrition, I'm actually getting weaker, not stronger, each season.

I just lost a good HB R. Ross a Good Guard: Rollin Rock and SS: S. Ross

Good luck to them.
See if I was an owner in those new leagues, I'd go for like an entire team of level 8-12 players that would all agree to stay for 3 years. I wonder if that's even possible.
Originally posted by jedaviso
See if I was an owner in those new leagues, I'd go for like an entire team of level 8-12 players that would all agree to stay for 3 years. I wonder if that's even possible.

With players boosting and going up in levels, you are redoing contracts.

Originally posted by claystone
Originally posted by jedaviso

See if I was an owner in those new leagues, I'd go for like an entire team of level 8-12 players that would all agree to stay for 3 years. I wonder if that's even possible.

With players boosting and going up in levels, you are redoing contracts.

Right, but what if you took 'em all and signed 'em to 80K or something with 0 bonuses and say ... save your $$$ for your equipment.

Goddamn... trying to explain to these fools that USA A#1 is a competitive league is hard. I even used that link to Bort's ratings.

Some are like... well, it's not a pro league or even a AAA league, so why bother. UGH.
Originally posted by jedaviso
Goddamn... trying to explain to these fools that USA A#1 is a competitive league is hard. I even used that link to Bort's ratings.

Some are like... well, it's not a pro league or even a AAA league, so why bother. UGH. REALLY need good marketing skills now...lotso schmoozing and something different.

Originally posted by Cerneo
Originally posted by BuddyHorn

Funny thing is you dont have a clue. I set the game plans. Flames just advised me of some of our basic adjustments we were missing. Your company never consults anyone?

Nope, we do it, gasp, in house.

Also you may want to check into that guys history, I would not let him anywhere near my team. does it feel to be the gm of a team fined for collusion? You were quick to slam my team for having Flames as a gm because he was fined in season 1. I guess you've changed your mind.
Originally posted by CoachZ
Originally posted by jedaviso

Goddamn... trying to explain to these fools that USA A#1 is a competitive league is hard. I even used that link to Bort's ratings.
Some are like... well, it's not a pro league or even a AAA league, so why bother. UGH. REALLY need good marketing skills now...lotso schmoozing and something different.

I'm writing up a LOT for these folks, describing the team the day-to-day rhythm of the team/forum/etc. Of course, most of them don't ever write back... only 2 of a gazillion have bothered to write back to explain why they didn't choose my team.

But apparently L16/17 players don't want to go to your team unless all your starters are L16/L17s. (Of course, don't tell them they'll be backups to a L16, they'll throw a hissy fit.)

I'm definetly going to remember this next time anyone calls a professional athlete greedy. Or complains when a professional player wants to be traded and doesn't play out their contract. At least they're dealing with real life situations. Everything you here fans complain about players in the pro leagues doing ... you see it all right here every day on GLB. It's amazing.
Originally posted by pt206 does it feel to be the gm of a team fined for collusion? You were quick to slam my team for having Flames as a gm because he was fined in season 1. I guess you've changed your mind.

He added me as a GM the other night as a joke from talking in the radio show chat. Also due to having forum access I have inside info. I know that as far as anyone else o the team knew the only player coming was the CB. Although it seems Laggo was having some sort of coversation with him outside of GLB. It did get overblown for sure, and I disagree with the fine to Laggo from Bort, the guy who gutted the team walked away clean as far as I know.

Other than being on the GM list with no powers I have 0 to do with that team though heh.
Originally posted by jedaviso

I'm definetly going to remember this next time anyone calls a professional athlete greedy. Or complains when a professional player wants to be traded and doesn't play out their contract. At least they're dealing with real life situations. Everything you here fans complain about players in the pro leagues doing ... you see it all right here every day on GLB. It's amazing.

Thats a really interesting thought, I never put that together and you are 100% correct. The fucking hypocrite bastards!

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