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Originally posted by True Blue Titan
Originally posted by Corovaer

Originally posted by True Blue Titan

How am i complaining? Where's one complaint in my statement there?

Dumb Mother Fucker.

It would be one thing if you were the starter and came in here and spewed your bull shit all over this forum. But, You're a Backup DT that averages barely over 1 tackle a game.

Any player on my team is better than Anthony. For example:

Tom Fountain is a far better LB than Anthony is at DT.

BTW , who says prick anymore?

Also, Hunter's avatar is QB killa


for 1. Thats very very lame

2. he only has 2 sacks in 10 games

3. those 2 sacks came in blowouts

I typically stay away from defending Sok as his mouth gets him into the trouble and I let him get out of it. Typically both sides put up decent arguments and it is entertaining. This time is different, you started out semi-decent on the insults and then blew your facts away.

Your starting lb that is so much "better" then my DT actually averages 0.9 tackles a game. Not even 1 tackle where as our backup dt averages around 1.7 tackles a game. Also you say his two sacks were put up against shit teams.

Your starting lbs tackles were put up against a bunch of "shit" teams whereas that LB you compared him to put up 6 tackles against shit teams. So technically according to your logic then your guy has 3 tackles in 10 games. More pathetic then my backup Dts stats, even when we play against a tough schedule.

So lemme get this quote straight, "Any player on my team is better than Anthony. For example: Tom Fountain is a far better LB than Anthony is at DT."? Thats what you said right? Now who is giving bullshit? I just proved it all wrong. So actually I am glad our "backup" dt is bullshitting and pissing you off. Because honestly, he can beat out your best example of a player on your team. And I would be curious to see who disagrees? Because as people say, we want stats not talk.

Also may I add that when its comes to stats, Anthony Hunter, our backup dt, actually outplays your starting dt.

Hunter: 17 Tack, 1 Ffum, 2 sacks. Lvl 23
Detroit General (The Infernos starting Dt.) 20 Tack(lil better, 0 Ffum (ouch, and 0 sacks (double ouch).
Hmm I'd take my backup over your starter... Funny how it works out. Shhhh

Stats say you are talking more bullshit in that post the sok is. So get your facts straight and then continue and try to actually make sense.

And who says prick? I dunno, lots of people. Problem is lots of guys like you came around and made the word to common. Everyone got used to calling you moron, pricks and then word got boring, so we switched.

Now lets go back to intelligent smacktalk, because after that post Sok is looking like a fuckin genius. So lets get this forum going and start having fun.

Sok is a fucking retard and so are you.

Detroit General is the starting NT. His job isnt to get stats. His job is to open up cloge up the line and he does. No team has ran on us at all this season. We havent played the best run teams but Drew Bush is very good and got close to nothing vs us.

Tom is a Big player on ST. Watch the returns. Look at the blocks he gets to spring Hester.

Noone i remember has called me a moron. People here hate me which is great. With greatness comes jealousy and haters. Such as yourself.

You've been pretty quiet in the forums and i'd recommend that you would go back to that.

Defending Sok? how sad

and sok isnt pissing me off

he's just the resident jackass

Just be quiet man cause you just got proven wrong.
Originally posted by footballsok
Originally posted by True Blue Titan

Originally posted by Corovaer

Originally posted by True Blue Titan

How am i complaining? Where's one complaint in my statement there?

Dumb Mother Fucker.

It would be one thing if you were the starter and came in here and spewed your bull shit all over this forum. But, You're a Backup DT that averages barely over 1 tackle a game.

Any player on my team is better than Anthony. For example:

Tom Fountain is a far better LB than Anthony is at DT.

BTW , who says prick anymore?

Also, Hunter's avatar is QB killa


for 1. Thats very very lame

2. he only has 2 sacks in 10 games

3. those 2 sacks came in blowouts

I typically stay away from defending Sok as his mouth gets him into the trouble and I let him get out of it. Typically both sides put up decent arguments and it is entertaining. This time is different, you started out semi-decent on the insults and then blew your facts away.

Your starting lb that is so much "better" then my DT actually averages 0.9 tackles a game. Not even 1 tackle where as our backup dt averages around 1.7 tackles a game. Also you say his two sacks were put up against shit teams.

Your starting lbs tackles were put up against a bunch of "shit" teams whereas that LB you compared him to put up 6 tackles against shit teams. So technically according to your logic then your guy has 3 tackles in 10 games. More pathetic then my backup Dts stats, even when we play against a tough schedule.

So lemme get this quote straight, "Any player on my team is better than Anthony. For example: Tom Fountain is a far better LB than Anthony is at DT."? Thats what you said right? Now who is giving bullshit? I just proved it all wrong. So actually I am glad our "backup" dt is bullshitting and pissing you off. Because honestly, he can beat out your best example of a player on your team. And I would be curious to see who disagrees? Because as people say, we want stats not talk.

Also may I add that when its comes to stats, Anthony Hunter, our backup dt, actually outplays your starting dt.

Hunter: 17 Tack, 1 Ffum, 2 sacks. Lvl 23
Detroit General (The Infernos starting Dt.) 20 Tack(lil better, 0 Ffum (ouch, and 0 sacks (double ouch).
Hmm I'd take my backup over your starter... Funny how it works out. Shhhh

Stats say you are talking more bullshit in that post the sok is. So get your facts straight and then continue and try to actually make sense.

And who says prick? I dunno, lots of people. Problem is lots of guys like you came around and made the word to common. Everyone got used to calling you moron, pricks and then word got boring, so we switched.

Now lets go back to intelligent smacktalk, because after that post Sok is looking like a fuckin genius. So lets get this forum going and start having fun.

Sok is a fucking retard and so are you.

Detroit General is the starting NT. His job isnt to get stats. His job is to open up cloge up the line and he does. No team has ran on us at all this season. We havent played the best run teams but Drew Bush is very good and got close to nothing vs us.

Tom is a Big player on ST. Watch the returns. Look at the blocks he gets to spring Hester.

Noone i remember has called me a moron. People here hate me which is great. With greatness comes jealousy and haters. Such as yourself.

You've been pretty quiet in the forums and i'd recommend that you would go back to that.

Defending Sok? how sad

and sok isnt pissing me off

he's just the resident jackass

Just be quiet man cause you just got proven wrong.

Where did he prove me wrong?
Holy crap. You guys are still whining at each other? STFU already. If you don't care and the stats don't matter, don't bother to read this thread. Everyone pisses equally well. .... Now... back to the football.
actually I missed when I pissed this morning. My piss is less equal
I love pissing contests *writes Kangiqsualujjuaq in the snow* phewwwww!!! needed a 12 pack for that one........
I can't believe I missed all of this, very entertaining. Keep going please

I love the fact that this is stickied for posterity.
Longest FG Made: 61, Ernie Bernski, Algoma Arena Rockers v. Westwood Bruins (Season 6, Day 3)
Last edited Nov 21, 2008 17:48:32
Originally posted by JovialEvil
Longest FG Made: 61, Ernie Bernski, Algoma Arena Rockers v. Westwood Bruins (Season 6, Day 3)

You forgot to mention that the FG was the Rockers only points in a beat down of biblical proportions.......may have been the closest they got to the goal line during the entire game...(No, i did not look to verify that fact)

Hell of a kick though....

Originally posted by noiddodge
Originally posted by JovialEvil

Longest FG Made: 61, Ernie Bernski, Algoma Arena Rockers v. Westwood Bruins (Season 6, Day 3)

You forgot to mention that the FG was the Rockers only points in a beat down of biblical proportions.......may have been the closest they got to the goal line during the entire game...(No, i did not look to verify that fact)

Hell of a kick though....

The Bruins are a great team and I expect them to be in the championship game if not the league then at least the conference. The kick stopped a shutout.
so you can go ahead and put BrooX Entense up for a tie for most rushing TDs in a game

this thread is dead. Even if it were active that stat wouldn't count, read the first line of the OP:

Originally posted by XUMuskie85
Stats against gutted/slow build teams do not count towards league records:
Originally posted by stromstarhammer
this thread is dead. Even if it were active that stat wouldn't count, read the first line of the OP:

Originally posted by XUMuskie85

Stats against gutted/slow build teams do not count towards league records:

Not only that but Ahmad Galloway has been there done that.
Last edited Nov 25, 2008 11:25:29
hmm, why is this still stickied?
Originally posted by ryan_grant-25
hmm, why is this still stickied?

Because no mod cares about us lol

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