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Forum > Suggestions > Epic Suggestions > Reorganize National Pro Leagues
Originally posted by Catch22
Originally posted by supbro

Except these names would be better:

South America


Names are open for discussion, it's just the general concept that I'd like to discuss. We can always just put the names up for a vote and the top 6 winners are the ones we use.

+1 to supbro's names, much better
Edited by TrevJo on Mar 11, 2011 16:12:23
Originally posted by beenlurken
I guarantee that they would all come in here and say last season was a complete waste of their time. I am telling you that they do not feel like it was an accomplishment (nothing to take away from) and that they were bored for almost the entire season (aside from any tournament play they may have played in).

Hell, the team (Providence) that knocked them out in the conference championship game in season 19 whined all season long about how boring/shitty the competition was in CPL

I definitely spent more time trolling opl forums than gameplanning for the last couple seasons
Originally posted by BobbyCox4Pres.
Originally posted by Rage Kinard

I think it is more a lack of competitiveness.

One of the problems is let's say you have a team that made it to WL the season the players were growing from 64-67. They won 12 of their regular season games by 50+ pts.

Now that team promotes to WL. The dots boost to level 70. They go 6-10 to 8-8 in the WL and miss the playoffs.

Now the next season, that team would be in National Pro. To be honest, going back would be boring as hell. They would have maybe 2 competitive games all season.

The difference between Pro and WL is night and day. You need something in between, so that if you demote from WL you go back to something that is competitive.

Originally posted by beenlurken

This isnt about getting to the WL and staying there... its about making the Pro leagues as competitive/enjoyable as the WL instead of a boring stepping stone that it is/has become.

Whoa whoa whoa, isn't that what WL is for, to house the best of the best.. That's what we play for(i hope).. Even if it's for one chance, one chance at the cup.. We don't need a second best league for the one's who just couldn't get there.. They should be punished, and put back into the Leagues to prove they can do it again.. That's the process. Wa wa if you weren't good enough for the cup, suffer through the teams that are under leveled, uncoordinated, that's the punishment.. In the meantime, join a tournament and have fun.. Good luck, because you just might see those WL teams, that smashed you the first time around..

So you are suggesting that we are all paying to "wait our turn" for a shot at the WL?

Give me a break... we pay too much and have to wait to long to be told "suffer through shitty Pro level competition and seek side tournaments for enjoyment". That is ridiculous.

It should be that if you dont succeed in WL then you must drop down and suffer through fighting off 20 (not 2 or 3) other teams that are every bit as strong as your team is. There should be a reason for a team dropping down from the WL to have to gameplan during the regular season to make the playoffs or at worst have a home seed.
terrible idea catch!

how does that idea help???

this is a much better proposal imo

Dear god yes. Pro is a complete wasteland. 3-4 good teams (maybe) per 32 team league. A ton of shit teams with awful coordinators or teams that have a 64lvl average or just a team full of bad builds who make pro simply by not gutting. Really that's all it takes to make pro is to stay together long enough and not gut despite not having very good builds or coordination

For the good teams who can win their pro leagues or who play in WL and demote, pros is beyond awful. It's terrible competition and just boring because you don't even gameplan for your 1-2 competitive reg season games because you just hold your playoff tactics back or just use that whole regular season as a GLB vacation and then come back for the playoffs. Then it all comes down to 1 CCG against the 1 other good team in your conf.

Just because something won't please 100% of the people doesn't mean we should keep an outdated system. You need to make the game as good, competitive and entertaining as possible. It's why so many teams gut/merge after demoting from WL. No one wants their dots to waste away in 50point blowouts during their last season or two of top performance.

please do anything to the pro leagues
Originally posted by beenlurken
So you are suggesting that we are all paying to "wait our turn" for a shot at the WL?

Give me a break... we pay too much and have to wait to long to be told "suffer through shitty Pro level competition and seek side tournaments for enjoyment". That is ridiculous.

It should be that if you dont succeed in WL then you must drop down and suffer through fighting off 20 (not 2 or 3) other teams that are every bit as strong as your team is. There should be a reason for a team dropping down from the WL to have to gameplan during the regular season to make the playoffs or at worst have a home seed.

Really, can't just join a free tournament and game plan against the toughest of teams.. Have to change the whole structure of the Pro's.. Get demoted, win another Pro trophy and try to be best of the best, again.. If it's not to be the best of the best, then it has to trophies, right?
can we restrict voting on this suggestion to ppl affiliated with WL/good Pro teams? too many retards play GLB and screw up the voting process.
46 Defense
Originally posted by tonnyrat
can we restrict voting on this suggestion to ppl affiliated with WL/good Pro teams? too many retards play GLB and screw up the voting process.

╚═╩═╩═╝ .
I just think there are a lot of owners of teams who want to keep it the way it is so they can brag about being in a "Pro league" but it's not an accomplishment to say that you're in USAPL or something like it was 10seasons ago. Considering how terrible the pro leagues are even making the playoffs in Pro is easy and hardly an accomplishment at all.

The gap between barely making pro and making WL where it is 16 entertaining games is so large. It's a shame that only 32 teams a season out of the 288 in pro/wl get to have a good/fun season.

I mean, i miss the fun and competitiveness of the first 10-12 seasons of Pro too but you can never go back to that and it will never be like that again since that was a specific thing related to the game just starting out and most everyone being on the same page to start season 1/2
this is 15 pages long damn
Originally posted by BobbyCox4Pres.
Originally posted by beenlurken

So you are suggesting that we are all paying to "wait our turn" for a shot at the WL?

Give me a break... we pay too much and have to wait to long to be told "suffer through shitty Pro level competition and seek side tournaments for enjoyment". That is ridiculous.

It should be that if you dont succeed in WL then you must drop down and suffer through fighting off 20 (not 2 or 3) other teams that are every bit as strong as your team is. There should be a reason for a team dropping down from the WL to have to gameplan during the regular season to make the playoffs or at worst have a home seed.

Really, can't just join a free tournament and game plan against the toughest of teams.. Have to change the whole structure of the Pro's.. Get demoted, win another Pro trophy and try to be best of the best, again.. If it's not to be the best of the best, then it has to trophies, right?

What about the current Pro structure do you think works?

Just admit you want Pro to remain watered down and uncompetitive so it is easier for your team to make the WL... just admit that you think every team should have (and you are probably delusional enough to think that every team will have) an opportunity to play in the WL.

Whether you can accept it or not, only a small percentage of teams will ever make the WL. That being said, those that dont (especially those at the Pro level) deserve competitive seasons too.
Originally posted by Catch22
So it's 34-27 for/against. I'd love to hear comments from those that are against it as to why they are against it. Provide some logic behind your vote please.

376 votes for, 229 against as of this post.

And I am one of the 229. Know why? Cuz it won't work. It didn't work for the lower tiers, why the fuck do you think it would work for the upper tiers?

Get rid of the WL, and you'll have some more competitive teams for the pros, btw. Either way, WL or not, this idea is shit.
Originally posted by Forbin
376 votes for, 229 against as of this post.

And I am one of the 229. Know why? Cuz it won't work. It didn't work for the lower tiers, why the fuck do you think it would work for the upper tiers?

Get rid of the WL, and you'll have some more competitive teams for the pros, btw. Either way, WL or not, this idea is shit.

You only play casual and pee wee. It actually worked very well for the minors. I can't speak for casual.
Originally posted by BobbyCox4Pres.
Whoa whoa whoa, isn't that what WL is for, to house the best of the best.. That's what we play for(i hope).. Even if it's for one chance, one chance at the cup.. We don't need a second best league for the one's who just couldn't get there.. They should be punished, and put back into the Leagues to prove they can do it again.. That's the process. Wa wa if you weren't good enough for the cup, suffer through the teams that are under leveled, uncoordinated, that's the punishment.. In the meantime, join a tournament and have fun.. Good luck, because you just might see those WL teams, that smashed you the first time around..

My team has arguably been one of the top 10 NON-WL teams since season 13. We went to WL in season 16 with a rebuilt roster of almost all 64's. We got killed and went back and haven't gameplanned for a single game during the regular season since... This managed to make us lazy and eff up in the playoffs (our fault but we are admittedly lazy). My team is being punished , as you so eloquently put it, because we have better dots than the other teams? Well hell if I had known I was being punished, I would have quit a long time ago.
Your argument is retarded at best and you have no idea what you are talking about.

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