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Forum > Casual Leagues > Casual Rookie Leagues > You Have Been Consumed By Darkness!!!!
Originally posted by Chief4Life
I dont think being a GM for 60+ teams is enough, i think you should go for 100. Trying every cheap thing you can do to fill your profile up with trophies is an obvious attempt to make yourself feel cool to cover up your real life of never achieving anything worth a damn.

Um, excuse me, but did no one ever tell you?

When standing at the pearly gates, the Lord Almighty shall ask "How many loldotball trophies do you have" and the lower the number, the lower you go for eternity.

It's right there in the good book.

Just as an FYI - cause it looks like you may be going to hell.
Originally posted by Chief4Life
I dont think being a GM for 60+ teams is enough, i think you should go for 100. Trying every cheap thing you can do to fill your profile up with trophies is an obvious attempt to make yourself feel cool to cover up your real life of never achieving anything worth a damn.

Holy shit dude, almost 3 years and no trophies?

Stand by for a GM invite.
Just call me an evangelical....trying to save my fellow man from a lifetime in the abyss.

GM invite sent as well.

Accept and be saved, heathen
Edited by akinghorn on Feb 25, 2011 17:11:35
Goat Father
Originally posted by Chief4Life
I dont think being a GM for 60+ teams is enough, i think you should go for 100. Trying every cheap thing you can do to fill your profile up with trophies is an obvious attempt to make yourself feel cool to cover up your real life of never achieving anything worth a damn.

No offense but you sound a little bitter. you need a hug or GM offer or something I mean hell the DWO is willing to help
Originally posted by Chief4Life
I dont think being a GM for 60+ teams is enough, i think you should go for 100. Trying every cheap thing you can do to fill your profile up with trophies is an obvious attempt to make yourself feel cool to cover up your real life of never achieving anything worth a damn.

Originally posted by akinghorn
Originally posted by Chief4Life

I dont think being a GM for 60+ teams is enough, i think you should go for 100. Trying every cheap thing you can do to fill your profile up with trophies is an obvious attempt to make yourself feel cool to cover up your real life of never achieving anything worth a damn.

Um, excuse me, but did no one ever tell you?

When standing at the pearly gates, the Lord Almighty shall ask "How many loldotball trophies do you have" and the lower the number, the lower you go for eternity.

It's right there in the good book.

Just as an FYI - cause it looks like you may be going to hell.

Guess im fucked!
Originally posted by hatchman
Originally posted by Chief4Life

I dont think being a GM for 60+ teams is enough, i think you should go for 100. Trying every cheap thing you can do to fill your profile up with trophies is an obvious attempt to make yourself feel cool to cover up your real life of never achieving anything worth a damn.

No offense but you sound a little bitter. you need a hug or GM offer or something I mean hell the DWO is willing to help

Definitely not bitter man, its not like i spend a ton of time and money on GLB like some of you guys, not that its a bad thing, but apparently im not as into it as others. Considering this is the first season i am a GM for any team i think i will be ok. Hopefully some day i can be cool too and have a bunch cool pictures of gold and silver trophies, i bet i could pick up all sorts of chicks with those.
Also, thanks for the GM invites guys, but maybe another time. When i can build a dot worthy enough to be on one of your teams, maybe then i will take you up on the offer.
Originally posted by Chief4Life
Definitely not bitter man, its not like i spend a ton of time and money on GLB like some of you guys, not that its a bad thing, but apparently im not as into it as others. Considering this is the first season i am a GM for any team i think i will be ok. Hopefully some day i can be cool too and have a bunch cool pictures of gold and silver trophies, i bet i could pick up all sorts of chicks with those.

Just tuck your shirt in when you go to the Power and Light district.
Goat Father
Originally posted by Chief4Life
Definitely not bitter man, its not like i spend a ton of time and money on GLB like some of you guys, not that its a bad thing, but apparently im not as into it as others. Considering this is the first season i am a GM for any team i think i will be ok. Hopefully some day i can be cool too and have a bunch cool pictures of gold and silver trophies, i bet i could pick up all sorts of chicks with those.

Why not just tell it like it is. You are jealous that other teams and players are good enough to earn those trophies. it isn't about the trophies it is about knowing that you have put the time into building the Dots, Doing the coordinating work, doing the finances that goes with a legitimate team. In other words it isn't about the money we spend it is about the time we have spent on getting better at this game and striving to get to the top. you will make excuses every season as to why you do not have any of those pretty pictures of Gold and Silver. while we will be getting those pictures due to our hard work at the game. And my friend it comes down to you man you have 2 choices either you can lurk around the forums with your trophy envy. Or you could join a group like ours and let us teach you how to build dots right, how to help a team win.

It is simple Be all you can be in the DWO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Chief4Life
Also, thanks for the GM invites guys, but maybe another time. When i can build a dot worthy enough to be on one of your teams, maybe then i will take you up on the offer.

God is patient, bud...but not THAT patient.
Originally posted by hatchman
Originally posted by Chief4Life

Definitely not bitter man, its not like i spend a ton of time and money on GLB like some of you guys, not that its a bad thing, but apparently im not as into it as others. Considering this is the first season i am a GM for any team i think i will be ok. Hopefully some day i can be cool too and have a bunch cool pictures of gold and silver trophies, i bet i could pick up all sorts of chicks with those.

Why not just tell it like it is. You are jealous that other teams and players are good enough to earn those trophies. it isn't about the trophies it is about knowing that you have put the time into building the Dots, Doing the coordinating work, doing the finances that goes with a legitimate team. In other words it isn't about the money we spend it is about the time we have spent on getting better at this game and striving to get to the top. you will make excuses every season as to why you do not have any of those pretty pictures of Gold and Silver. while we will be getting those pictures due to our hard work at the game. And my friend it comes down to you man you have 2 choices either you can lurk around the forums with your trophy envy. Or you could join a group like ours and let us teach you how to build dots right, how to help a team win.

It is simple Be all you can be in the DWO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lol, not only do you jerk off to your trophies, you want to believe that everyone else on GLB is envious of them? Wow, get over yourself dude, nobody on here gives a shit about you or your trophies, sorry to break the bad news to you but its true. I do agree it is hard work to run a team on here and be successful, and if you enjoy that and do it well, more power to ya. However, please tell me that you play a major role in coordinating or scouting or finances on every single of your 35 teams, or UCLA's 60+ teams. Whatever you say, i dont buy it. It is just you becoming a part of a "clan" on here because you feel like it makes you cooler to be a part of something big, because you are just a nerd in real life with no friends. Then after all these teams are formed, you are the litte nerd in the back of the room raising his hand in the air jumping up and down saying "i want a GM offer, i want a GM offer" for every possible team JUST so you have a chance at getting more trophies. Their is no reason a team should have 40 GMs other than the fact that the people want more trophies. Its not about showing your hard work at that point, its all about thinking you are cool because of your trophy count.

Here you go, another nice gold trophy for ya, go get em tiger -
Originally posted by Chief4Life
Lol, not only do you jerk off to your trophies, you want to believe that everyone else on GLB is envious of them? Wow, get over yourself dude, nobody on here gives a shit about you or your trophies, sorry to break the bad news to you but its true. I do agree it is hard work to run a team on here and be successful, and if you enjoy that and do it well, more power to ya. However, please tell me that you play a major role in coordinating or scouting or finances on every single of your 35 teams, or UCLA's 60+ teams. Whatever you say, i dont buy it. It is just you becoming a part of a "clan" on here because you feel like it makes you cooler to be a part of something big, because you are just a nerd in real life with no friends. Then after all these teams are formed, you are the litte nerd in the back of the room raising his hand in the air jumping up and down saying "i want a GM offer, i want a GM offer" for every possible team JUST so you have a chance at getting more trophies. Their is no reason a team should have 40 GMs other than the fact that the people want more trophies. Its not about showing your hard work at that point, its all about thinking you are cool because of your trophy count.

Here you go, another nice gold trophy for ya, go get em tiger -

What about if every user had 1 player on the team and there are 55 players on the team? That would mean 55 users. Which completely blows your theory out of the water.

God can be patient with your salvation, but He really hates stupid people.

Edited by DavyJonesLocker on Feb 26, 2011 15:10:10
we out!!!!

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