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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Announced Changes > Revision of Defensive Play Creator - Limiting Player Movement
6 man blitzes can be blocked very effectively by keeping your backs in to block - or by using them as short decoys. I've seen every "exploit" defense and there are existing ways to beat them. An OPC isn't needed as much as simply more plays per formation.
jumpin da snark
Has anyone demonstrated any of these unstoppable exploits created by the DPC yet?
Originally posted by charwh
Originally posted by The Avenger


I'm just saying if the standard Defensive playbook were completely useless, Casual games would be drastically higher scoring than minors games.

Most of the defensive preset plays are pretty useless, but with the exception of a few plays that are uncoverable (for the most part), the basic defensive settings are probably an improvement over 50% of all team's custom DPC defenses. And by 50%, I mean 75%.

Edited by tautology on Oct 22, 2010 20:34:09
Originally posted by AlBarsch
6 man blitzes can be blocked very effectively by keeping your backs in to block - or by using them as short decoys. I've seen every "exploit" defense and there are existing ways to beat them. An OPC isn't needed as much as simply more plays per formation.


You can add more plays per formation and DCs will still find holes. There are thousands of DCs trying to find ways to beat the dozens of plays. Each DC may have 1-20 plays against a given formation. Someone will find something, and that play will spread like wildfire because people will see it work and use it.

The only way to keep the DPC from being exploited is to add an OPC that destroys the predictability of the plays.

Simply adding more plays per formation isn't enough... and honestly the work to do that should be put into this:
Originally posted by dviss1
Originally posted by tautology

I agree with this.

D-line can have discrete set up positions, that makes sense.

You can have a whole second row of positions where you can assign players to blitz from pre-determined spots (making blitzing very regulated).

But a player who does not have a blitz assignment as either a primary or secondary fucntion ought to have very free movement...this allows all sorts of defenses that utilize zones, half-zones, and double coverage on certain spots.

Makes a ton of sense to me.... retains the ability for DCs to be creative and use non-traditional builds in interesting ways, and still provides plenty of ammunition to control "exploit" blitzing.


Running the ball up the middle tends to work pretty well against blitzes.

Oh and even in the pass-happy WL you don't see more than 4 sacks per team in most competitive games. Is this really such a horrible problem that we need to remove a feature makes watching games actually fun and interesting?
Originally posted by jdbolick
Example of TE audible:

This is totally incorrect. For 1 you can not have a TE on the left side of the formation unless he is "pass blocking left side".
Ok, when I look at GLB I see beta, and it seems you are not willing to keep trying to improve the blocking, instead doing the easy solution, giving up and putting a band-aid over the DPC. Honestly if your going to do this why not just release the game out of beta? As this poster said:

Originally posted by bodhisfattva
even with this i have to restate my original complaint. the goal should be to add to the game never to take away. with that in mind again

This is by far the worst idea I have ever seen from this game and is a very lazy way to proceed. ESPECIALLY when you consider how much money we pay to play this game.

the real answer is:

to fix blocking code so blitzers have to slow down when they are passing near players or shooting gaps as they pass by blocking circles of offensive linemen.

to fix blocking code so the off side G instead of pulling to block a safety or cb off the edge just shifts to block who the center would normally block. the center blocks who the G would normally block. the G blocks who the OT would normally block. This way 350lb linemen wont have to pull 5 yards to block a 180lb blitzer with his ears pinned back.

to fix blocking code so the linemen can hold a pocket better and not have them give so much ground up the middle and have the qb step into the pocket like they actually do in real life. a blitzer would have to run a much more radical path to hook around the line to reach the qb. this would force him to run farther and lose much of his speed as he is turning the corner. This will give the qb time to get off a quick pass

to fix qb awareness of the outside blitz or any overload blitz and put hot routes into the game and allow the qb to call preset audibles(notice the 1v1 coverage and call a go route or quick slant). if a hot route is called give the D a large vision penalty making it very difficult for them to defend the short hot route as they are very hard in real life to cover. You could also put in logic for the qb to notice 1v1 coverage and have him be able to throw down field high against the single coverage and make it much harder for the defender to make a pass defense and not really be able to intercept the ball unless it is a "bad throw". Either of these will make sure there is actual risk in blitzing 6 or 7 guys.

to fix qb awareness of the blitz and allow him to adjust his throwing tactics so he can throw a deep lob pass (instead of always throwing lofty or bullet passes) with actual touch on the ball so you can have a safe pass that is hard to intercept for a deep completion

change the path to the qb for the blitzers so their path isnt as direct or as fast to the qb.

there you now have 6 alternatives that could be used in part or whole to fix the situation so there is actual risk in using overload blitzes.

this took me all of 10 mins to think about better ways to fix this situation. HIRE MORE PROGRAMMERS with all the money 10s of thousands of us pay every month for this game to correct the issue instead of dumbing down the game and removing what has become one of the most integral parts of the game.

GLB is trying to take away from the game, which it never really should do, the game should be trying to constantly improve and add additions, right now you are just placing a big band-aid over the DPC, AI, and sim.

Its simply
Some of you guys obviously missed the original anouncement where the DPC was going to be totally eliminated.It's now going to be modified instaed of gone.
OPC is off topic in this thread.
UCLA Jeremy
Is this effective immediately?

Or S19?

I did not see a when anywhere...

Heres how I see GLB changing the game

Lets make it so we can nerf linebackers! Why are linebackers imbalacned? BC they have track star/streaky/pass rusher/JTS, 3-5 sa's maxed out (first step/disguise blitz/ head of steam/tunnel vision/blitz) We marketed ourselves as a player creation game/football sim, but people built too good of dots, and now we are going to alienate the 1% of the users we have left because shit actually works.

The bottom line is this, GLB's biggest draw is its player creation and the fact this is football, taking away our control to maximize our dots is a giant fuck up, you guys need to continue to add things, and let our dots make plays, removing aspects of the game to lower stats is a fucking bandaid, and doesn't make this game any better
jumpin da snark
Originally posted by NorDoor
Some of you guys obviously missed the original anouncement where the DPC was going to be totally eliminated.It's now going to be modified instaed of gone.
OPC is off topic in this thread.

It is gonna be nerfed to shit.
are you removing custom spots too?

if so can i get a refund on my 3rd down shutdown coverage LB? or our 3rd down pass rushing NT on our farm team?
Originally posted by UCLA Jeremy
Is this effective immediately?

Or S19?

I did not see a when anywhere...

Originally posted by Catch22

Originally posted by mikekile

What will be the timing? still season 20 or 21 or will it be sooner?

Won't happen next season. I would say the following season is most likely. Will have to code the limitations and test the various possibilities.

Edited by gRryNn on Oct 22, 2010 20:58:18
I don't understand why this was even an issue. DC's and OC's both have to put some serious game-planning in. DC's have to try and stop things that offenses can do with ease, and OC's have to figure out what weaknesses are in the DC's alignment choices and personnel.

All of that seems pretty normal, except that the offenses can do a lot of things with ease. Like pitch the ball for example. That was probably the only major Achilles heel for me when I DC'd.. I have lately pondered about trying it again but after this I am certainly not.

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