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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > Q&A Archives > January 16th Q & A Discussion Thread
Originally posted by Sik Wit It
I think everyone would agree 255-0 is the biggest problem in GLB right now. People are essentially paying for 16 games and any playoff/preseason games, and 255-0 games are unwatchable. In a very unbalanced league, it's not out of the ordinary to see AT LEAST half of the games end up as 255-0. Players in that league are only getting half of the value for their money as other players. I think it is the one biggest reason people get bored of this game and quit. Is there anything in the works to really solve this problem once and for all?

8. What is being done to create better balance within leagues? Currently in many leagues there are almost no competitive games.

There's a couple suggestions I am looking at right now that I think could help quite a bit: Gold/Silver/Copper leagues in the minor leagues, and sorting teams during promotion by using rivalry points. There's a bit of work to be done on those to work out some details and problems, but I believe there is a lot of potential there.
Originally posted by vike fan 4 life
there has been suggestions of lolmods to be able to issue bans for posters in their particular forums instead of having a normal mod have to come in to do that, is this being considered?

Originally posted by vike fan 4 life
there has been suggestions of lolmods to be able to issue bans for posters in their particular forums instead of having a normal mod have to come in to do that, is this being considered?

It was shot down last I heard. Status hopefully has changed tho
Darn you hazy !
Originally posted by DL24
It was shot down last I heard. Status hopefully has changed tho

guess not lol
Originally posted by Triple_A
Could we please be able to password our Offense / Defence AI tactics. This is huge and I know that many Owners/ OC’s/ Dc’s would agree. Things can go bad between GM’s (just like in real life) and we need some security that our tactics are not stolen. I put this in suggestions a while back.

Originally posted by Catch22
That's probably not going to happen. You have control over who can access your tactics, that should be sufficient security.

i as an OC/DC only dont have control over who can access my AI - the owner has the ability to manage that and also has the ability to take all the work that i have done and then completely remove me is he wishes and use it all as his own if he so chose to do so

so i would have to disagree with the statement that i already have teh control over who can access my AI
Edited by eaglesfan20 on Jan 16, 2010 20:34:05
my problem is my team is in cap 18 and if we win every league championship from now on it iwll take me at least 8 seasons by that time all my players will have to be retired would bringing back the A leagues help teams out that don't want to demote and make it to the pros

will Bort ever bring back the A leagues?
Max Zorin
Originally posted by DL24
It was shot down last I heard. Status hopefully has changed tho

No, not change of status on that one. And probably won't be, sorry man.
Originally posted by pottsman
Pabst actually has a semi-workable script to do this. He won't give it out, because of MASSIVE page views, but he's created it and the system makes somewhat reliable rankings. He ran it at the end of the season only, I think.

I'd be interested in seeing his formula/method; might be something we could do on the back-end more easily, and provide for everyone.
Originally posted by Catch22
Originally posted by Sik Wit It

I think everyone would agree 255-0 is the biggest problem in GLB right now. People are essentially paying for 16 games and any playoff/preseason games, and 255-0 games are unwatchable. In a very unbalanced league, it's not out of the ordinary to see AT LEAST half of the games end up as 255-0. Players in that league are only getting half of the value for their money as other players. I think it is the one biggest reason people get bored of this game and quit. Is there anything in the works to really solve this problem once and for all?

8. What is being done to create better balance within leagues? Currently in many leagues there are almost no competitive games.

There's a couple suggestions I am looking at right now that I think could help quite a bit: Gold/Silver/Copper leagues in the minor leagues, and sorting teams during promotion by using rivalry points. There's a bit of work to be done on those to work out some details and problems, but I believe there is a lot of potential there.

If you do this, PLEASE don't name them Gold/Silver/Copper leagues. Name them something resembling football, please.

It may work for Pee Wee, but for older leagues, those names are just, well, not good enough.
Does bort have any plans to make lower level league games more playable/offensively, defensively balanced? At the moment, it seems whoever has the best O-line and HB/rushing QB wins every game w/o fail.
Has there been any/much thought about the speed/acceleration curves for upper level players in GLB? It's really too easy imo to build a player that can go from start to max speed nearly instantly. The First Step boost was kind of a minor bump/change, but the overall problem is 0-max in 1-2 ticks. This affects all kinds of things, including swarming D's, but also the pass rush (WRs get downfield very fast, etc.)

Originally posted by Bort
Originally posted by pottsman

Pabst actually has a semi-workable script to do this. He won't give it out, because of MASSIVE page views, but he's created it and the system makes somewhat reliable rankings. He ran it at the end of the season only, I think.

I'd be interested in seeing his formula/method; might be something we could do on the back-end more easily, and provide for everyone. is the link to the thread in the Greasemonkey PF about it. I'm sure you've been in touch with Pabst before.
Originally posted by kuaggie
Does bort have any plans to make lower level league games more playable/offensively, defensively balanced? At the moment, it seems whoever has the best O-line and HB/rushing QB wins every game w/o fail.

That's tough because so many players slow build their players and at the lower levels it's usually uber strength/uber speed that wins the day. We'd almost need separate code for different levels in order for that to be a possibility and I'm not sure that's feasible.
Originally posted by Bort
Originally posted by pottsman

Pabst actually has a semi-workable script to do this. He won't give it out, because of MASSIVE page views, but he's created it and the system makes somewhat reliable rankings. He ran it at the end of the season only, I think.

I'd be interested in seeing his formula/method; might be something we could do on the back-end more easily, and provide for everyone.

Yeah, I have seen the outputs. It is pretty legit. Has its flaws, but it is very fun to look at the results to see what it comes up with.

He uses Ranked Scrimmages to do it.
Edited by xhail2skinsx on Jan 16, 2010 20:37:17

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