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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #8 > USA A8 Good Game and Good Luck Thread
Hopefully we'll get some scrims against ya Tex, of the live variety in AA8
Texan DTD
Originally posted by Sequtugh
Hopefully we'll get some scrims against ya Tex, of the live variety in AA8

That would be awesome.
good luck to all next season. I have feeling a lot of changes r in store this off season. And a lot of moving and shuffling is in store. I can also see, Bort making a new league to fit all the top notch A and BB teams that r left over as well. But maybe that is just me thinking outside of the box.
Originally posted by dash24
good luck to all next season. I have feeling a lot of changes r in store this off season. And a lot of moving and shuffling is in store. I can also see, Bort making a new league to fit all the top notch A and BB teams that r left over as well. But maybe that is just me thinking outside of the box.

I hope so!
Congrats on the Championship Furious, you guys had an amazing season. Hopefully we'll get a shot at you again next season, but who knows how Bort's master plan will play out.
Edited by Sequtugh on Jun 3, 2009 13:59:34
I am still in shock but GG Furious. Daydream Believer should be Outlawed, lol. After the 1st quarter I thought we might make it a game but then, well.....................................
Thanks for the game Burleson... you've got a great squad and I've spent a lot of time these past few days watching your game film.

This has been a very classy league with some great owners. Even though we had a lot of lopsided games, I think the league learned a lot collectively and I am very confident that many the teams in this league will see big improvements going forward.
I have talked to several other coaches and they all agree that furious will dominate in AA and probably could do so in AAA. Good luck guys and you guys have all been cool. Except Texan, he is a douche.
Texan DTD
Originally posted by Meech
I have talked to several other coaches and they all agree that furious will dominate in AA and probably could do so in AAA. Good luck guys and you guys have all been cool. Except Texan, he is a douche.


Originally posted by tizim19
I am still in shock but GG Furious. Daydream Believer should be Outlawed, lol. After the 1st quarter I thought we might make it a game but then, well.....................................

Welcome to the club--it is in no way exclusive.
Originally posted by tizim19
I am still in shock but GG Furious. Daydream Believer should be Outlawed, lol. After the 1st quarter I thought we might make it a game but then, well.....................................

You guys dont' get it...its not just him, he is a good build and all, but its what they do with their special teams that makes there STs so dominating
Originally posted by Meech
I have talked to several other coaches and they all agree that furious will dominate in AA and probably could do so in AAA. Good luck guys and you guys have all been cool. Except Texan, he is a douche.

I (we, since Furious is definitely a group effort) appreciate the thought, and I have to agree that we are "dialed in" pretty well. I used to run another pretty successful franchise (Toronto Turtles), and we used what we learned from that experience to build Furious.

The thing is though, this is a "beta" game, and how many times have we seen the game change direction? This isn't meant to be a dig against GLB, just the fact that many of the games core aspects could change dramatically overnight. And Furious has a few "secret ingredients" that could get changed and/or nerfed. For example, ST is a core strength for us.
Originally posted by LiquidSnake
Originally posted by tizim19

I am still in shock but GG Furious. Daydream Believer should be Outlawed, lol. After the 1st quarter I thought we might make it a game but then, well.....................................

You guys dont' get it...its not just him, he is a good build and all, but its what they do with their special teams that makes there STs so dominating

Well tell me what that is, lol. I need some edumacating!
Originally posted by Krunchy
For example, ST is a core strength for us.

Understatement of the year.
Originally posted by tizim19
Originally posted by LiquidSnake

Originally posted by tizim19

I am still in shock but GG Furious. Daydream Believer should be Outlawed, lol. After the 1st quarter I thought we might make it a game but then, well.....................................

You guys dont' get it...its not just him, he is a good build and all, but its what they do with their special teams that makes there STs so dominating

Well tell me what that is, lol. I need some edumacating!

We had a dedicated special teams with specifically built players who only played STs. Add a couple of other elements of SAs, VAs and builds that compound the effects of dedicated STs and you pretty much have the part of our strategy that allowed us to win that much. There are other elements that make us competitive too, like for instance we're entirely slow built with some high level plugins. We don't really have any weak builds, or builds compliment each other and we don't have to recruit because we're just 4 player agents who are committed to the long term.
As Krunchy was touching on, we got lucky in the sense that we intentionally built the team this way but we had no idea the effects would be this dramatic. It would be like having slow built Power HB peak a few seasons ago when that was the unstoppable thing. Sure you built a good player but the big differences is that the AI swings in your favour.
I really enjoyed playing in this league. A lot of really great owners and GMs with a lot of respect and maturity. I real pleasure since most of the leagues have a few a-holes in them. I would have liked to have seen what the East would have been like if we weren't here. It would have been a really great 3 way finish to play an equally great team out of the West. I know we threw the balance off but I hope everybody learns from each other so we all get stronger and better in the end.

Take care all. Be well.

EDIT - if anybody has any more specific questions please feel free to PM Krunchy or myself...but probably myself since Krunchy is a lil retarded
Edited by Moo45 on Jun 3, 2009 18:36:58
Originally posted by LiquidSnake
Originally posted by tizim19

I am still in shock but GG Furious. Daydream Believer should be Outlawed, lol. After the 1st quarter I thought we might make it a game but then, well.....................................

You guys dont' get it...its not just him, he is a good build and all, but its what they do with their special teams that makes there STs so dominating


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