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Forum > Pacific Pro League > Oceania Conference > What happened at Dogdandy?
Originally posted by Hellion1
so that actually means you were terrified about facing us, after getting your ass handed multiple times?

suits you.

O_o ROFLAO Terrified? Pfffffff.
Originally posted by McGruffHawk
Originally posted by dickdogdandy

Originally posted by BradyFTW

Originally posted by dickdogdandy

Originally posted by McGruffHawk

Originally posted by dickdogdandy

Nice to see you defer to your boyfriend brady.

Are you a politician?

When facts don't fit your agenda, resort to defamation.

Nice to know the Oceania trophy doesn't mean shit. Fits right in with the caliber of the people here.....shit.

It was the Alpha trophy. Ask the Patriots, Bears, and Seahawks how much their conference trophies mean to them...

(and that's real football)

I'd figure at some point any trophy would make you happy, since you don't have a single one.

Take a look at my profile. I own multiple trophies, and not one of them gives me the right to piss on the league which I am honored to play in. Not one of them gives me the right to insult and offend the teams who fought tooth and nail to keep our team from winning those trophies. Not one of them gives me the right to be a classless jerk.

Trophies don't mean shit if you don't have the character and honor to carry them with dignity, respect and humility.

I don't care how many trophies you eventually earn. You will never be a champion. You will always be a loser.

Uh, it was your comrades that have disrespected the trophy. They think it is shit, which would mean your trophy for Oceania AAA is shit too since it was in a lower league than Pro. You will always be a classless ass, so you don't faze me.
Originally posted by The Lurker
I don't see how a slow build team can make a dent in a Pro League until at least season 12, when the players from these current teams start retiring and your slow builders reach their peak. Then you'll have what, a two year run and have to do it all over again? With the exp floor at LV.28 or 29, you'll stop gaining on higher level teams, so you'll never really catch up. Lets say at the end of your 4th season of building, you have your team around LV.32. Ok, by now you've reached the floor and you've stopped gaining ground. Since that's three years from now, the top teams in this league will be around LV.46. That's a 70 SP difference per player, slow build has no chance of making that up.

This whole idea of coming back to the league and dominating it is just a pipe dream. Even if you do get back here at the height of your players careers, the teams here will still be adding great players with smarter builds (many who have been individually slow built) year after year. Your only hope is that all the good teams eventually gut out of the league.

You are assuming that they will have smarter builds than us, but that is just an assumption. Looks like the good teams are staying so far, just the shitty teams like Newcastle are gutting this season.
Originally posted by dickdogdandy
Originally posted by The Lurker

I don't see how a slow build team can make a dent in a Pro League until at least season 12, when the players from these current teams start retiring and your slow builders reach their peak. Then you'll have what, a two year run and have to do it all over again? With the exp floor at LV.28 or 29, you'll stop gaining on higher level teams, so you'll never really catch up. Lets say at the end of your 4th season of building, you have your team around LV.32. Ok, by now you've reached the floor and you've stopped gaining ground. Since that's three years from now, the top teams in this league will be around LV.46. That's a 70 SP difference per player, slow build has no chance of making that up.

This whole idea of coming back to the league and dominating it is just a pipe dream. Even if you do get back here at the height of your players careers, the teams here will still be adding great players with smarter builds (many who have been individually slow built) year after year. Your only hope is that all the good teams eventually gut out of the league.

You are assuming that they will have smarter builds than us, but that is just an assumption. Looks like the good teams are staying so far, just the shitty teams like Newcastle are gutting this season.

Shitty teams that dominated you, chump. And by the way, will you finally figure out that your trophy doesn't mean shit to me because it was in SEASON 1, let me spell it out so it might be easier S-E-A-S-O-N O-N-E.
Can you spell Season Five? Sure, DogDandy will be in an AAA league, but where can we find Newcastle?

Originally posted by dickdogdandy

You are assuming that they will have smarter builds than us, but that is just an assumption. Looks like the good teams are staying so far, just the shitty teams like Newcastle are gutting this season.

Give it a rest you ignoranus, you're really beginning to bore me.

Originally posted by Painmaker
Can you spell Season Five? Sure, DogDandy will be in an AAA league, but where can we find Newcastle?

Not here unfortunately. Luckily for you, however, there are plenty of teams left here that will continue Newcastle's tradition of kicking your ass.
Last edited Sep 5, 2008 08:33:07
and not to mention, plenty of newcastle players to personally hand your ass to you

I'm definitely staying on the division now more than ever
And just when I thought the Oceania Pro League was going to class the place up here comes the Newcastle Bearcats. Once again another gutted team to get rolled up on. Will the insanity ever end!
Originally posted by Chippewa_Jo
And just when I thought the Oceania Pro League was going to class the place up here comes the Newcastle Bearcats. Once again another gutted team to get rolled up on. Will the insanity ever end!

It's gonna get worse before it gets better. People will get bored... or overwhelmed by the obligations.... or reality will step in and people won't be able to keep up... or people will realize team ownership is much more tedious than glorious... or a dozen dozen reasons. And with the NFL starting, you think people are going to need this place to get their fix? Teams will get gutted. But thank you for limiting your observations on this matter to the OPL, though. The rest of GLB will be happy to know that gutting won't affect them.

Until people come up with some smooth way of transferring team ownership when one owner steps down, guttings will always plague GLB. I, for one, know of two or three people on Fiji I'd be comfortable having as the new owner. If Bo were to decide he was done with GLB, it would be a shame to have the team go 50 different directions. I don't know why so many other teams are eager to start over on new teams rather than just have a different player take over.
Originally posted by JuniorMcSpiffy
Originally posted by Chippewa_Jo

And just when I thought the Oceania Pro League was going to class the place up here comes the Newcastle Bearcats. Once again another gutted team to get rolled up on. Will the insanity ever end!

It's gonna get worse before it gets better. People will get bored... or overwhelmed by the obligations.... or reality will step in and people won't be able to keep up... or people will realize team ownership is much more tedious than glorious... or a dozen dozen reasons. And with the NFL starting, you think people are going to need this place to get their fix? Teams will get gutted. But thank you for limiting your observations on this matter to the OPL, though. The rest of GLB will be happy to know that gutting won't affect them.

Until people come up with some smooth way of transferring team ownership when one owner steps down, guttings will always plague GLB. I, for one, know of two or three people on Fiji I'd be comfortable having as the new owner. If Bo were to decide he was done with GLB, it would be a shame to have the team go 50 different directions. I don't know why so many other teams are eager to start over on new teams rather than just have a different player take over.

Once again the humor was lost in this matter. I am just stating how ironic that a guy cut down his online responsibility of this game is going to be missed. Yet when Dickdogdandy cut down his responsibility by choosing to rebuild with new players from friends instead of taking the time to recruit players, he is thown to the wolves. Than after getting insulted and taunted into verbal arguements, he is public enemy number one. I may not agree with everything that he has posted, but I am not neive enough to think that it was done with any but humor involved. Sounds alot like the way Bin Obama crew has attack Palin for her parenting skills. So if you live in a glass house make sure you didn't cast the first stone. And if you think Dickdogdandy started this stir up, why don't you reread the start of this thread objectively.
Think you might want to go back and read the early posts. A couple people may have jumped on DDD early on, but most people refrained from anything other than generic comments until he started insulting our league. At this point, it hardly matters though. He'll be outta here soon enough.
Originally posted by iowastylee
Originally posted by dickdogdandy

Originally posted by JoeRedneck

Originally posted by BradyFTW

Damn, just when it looked like this league might be getting rid of cupcakes, the guttings happen

Yep, it's a shame guys like dogdick and other trash their teams and we have to suffer because of it. Gutting will more than likely cause me to lose interest in the game.

Go ahead and quit, you shoud invest in a vineyard for all that whining you do. I can build my team however I see fit. If you don't like it, tough shit. The only gutting happening in Dogdandy is that we are going to gut it out to improve. Only suffering you have to do is if you lose to us before the third season of rebuilding. Could I have restocked the team? Yes. I preferred a more planned approach though that requires foresight. I have assembled great GLB guys to start over with. You WILL see us back in the pros if we get relegated, just don't get too attached to that gold you are sporting now

Keep talking dumbass, take your "rebuilt" team the hell out of here.

Yea I see where the personel insults began! Once again a human nature reaction is defensive posture, and then when the personnel insult come like being called a dumbass, it's all out war. Either way we will be gone but remember that sometimes you have to becareful for what you wish for you might get it. I will say with confidence that the enforcers will be back sooner than many think.
The Lurker
Originally posted by Chippewa_Jo
Originally posted by iowastylee

Originally posted by dickdogdandy

Originally posted by JoeRedneck

Originally posted by BradyFTW

Damn, just when it looked like this league might be getting rid of cupcakes, the guttings happen

Yep, it's a shame guys like dogdick and other trash their teams and we have to suffer because of it. Gutting will more than likely cause me to lose interest in the game.

Go ahead and quit, you shoud invest in a vineyard for all that whining you do. I can build my team however I see fit. If you don't like it, tough shit. The only gutting happening in Dogdandy is that we are going to gut it out to improve. Only suffering you have to do is if you lose to us before the third season of rebuilding. Could I have restocked the team? Yes. I preferred a more planned approach though that requires foresight. I have assembled great GLB guys to start over with. You WILL see us back in the pros if we get relegated, just don't get too attached to that gold you are sporting now

Keep talking dumbass, take your "rebuilt" team the hell out of here.

Yea I see where the personel insults began! Once again a human nature reaction is defensive posture, and then when the personnel insult come like being called a dumbass, it's all out war. Either way we will be gone but remember that sometimes you have to becareful for what you wish for you might get it. I will say with confidence that the enforcers will be back sooner than many think.

Not with the current roster they won't, and I've already explained why. The math doesn't make sense, unless you believe your slow builds will be vastly superior to every other players build and can make up for 70 SP per player difference. The exp floor pretty much screws over teams trying to slow build a team into an established league.
Why has this post gone on so long? This guy has been nothing but an afterthought since he came on the scene.

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