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There is absolutely zero worth reading in here anymore.. I'll check back in come playoff time, good luck the rest of the regular season fellas
MVP Rodgers
who needs a larger epenis?

raises hand and grabs another beer quietly.
Originally posted by Whale
jesus Stumaroo i had no idea u were even attached to furious george's crap shoot. Now this relationship of yours makes more sense! It's cute that you named one of your players after FG. Now did you do that before you won over FG's affection? Or was this some sort of anniversary present of some sort?

I think its time you get back into the lab and get to work on that AI

FG - cause 1 face palm wasn't enough

I see your and raise you a
Originally posted by dbrewington
There is absolutely zero worth reading in here anymore.. I'll check back in come playoff time, good luck the rest of the regular season fellas

See guys, we're constantly making this forum better!
Luke Pass
Originally posted by dbrewington
There is absolutely zero worth reading in here anymore.. I'll check back in come playoff time, good luck the rest of the regular season fellas

Honestly, I think everyone is talking fine. I know you, along with FG, and most of the other agents posting. The ONLY agent that really takes this serious (because its from his mom's basement), is the coach guy. Not good for him that the only reason anyone knows who he is, is from posting trash on the forums
DB Coach
Originally posted by Luke Pass
Honestly, I think everyone is talking fine. I know you, along with FG, and most of the other agents posting. The ONLY agent that really takes this serious (because its from his mom's basement), is the coach guy. Not good for him that the only reason anyone knows who he is, is from posting trash on the forums

Dude why are you still around?? You are a garbage enet cheerleader....How sad is your life??

I remember you claiming you were very wealthy and important person one time but yet you find the time to live on GLB forums..... newsflash buckwheat, monopoly money ain't worth shit in the real world. And I know your mom tells you that you are special but she means special in the sense of Rainman. Keep actin cool bro. E boss for life.
DB Coach
Originally posted by Luke Pass
Honestly, I think everyone is talking fine. I know you, along with FG, and most of the other agents posting. The ONLY agent that really takes this serious (because its from his mom's basement), is the coach guy. Not good for him that the only reason anyone knows who he is, is from posting trash on the forums

****I'm not getting banned tonight. I'm just going to bed.

But know this, what I wanted to say was epic.
Edited by DB Coach on Nov 3, 2011 22:00:00
Luke Pass
Originally posted by DB Coach
****I'm not getting banned tonight. I'm just going to bed.

But know this, what I wanted to say was epic.

EPIC he says EPIC

So epic it took two posts to come up with it.
Originally posted by CDZYO
<- totally noticed Green Street's change of identity

Originally posted by Whale
East Coast domination as expected. The two Dbrew (or Luke i forget who..) brought up with the games to keep an eye on went the opposite with what i expected! Black Surge got kicked in the face and so did Valley High! Asau established a run game that just couldn't be stopped (And my DE did a pee-wee Herman dance after he sacked the QB i hear )

GG Omerta. Lookin around there were a few other close games, but not East Coast's.... but hey...their opponent didnt game plan i bet

I was a little surprised that we beat BSS so easy
Well... your team is not like any of the other teams in our league. Your dots are built spot on for your team's style of play. And if Black Sea didn't do their homework i dont think they'd have a chance to stop ya. I thought they woulda put a better fight though. All in all, i like your team
Originally posted by Whale
Well... your team is not like any of the other teams in our league. Your dots are built spot on for your team's style of play. And if Black Sea didn't do their homework i dont think they'd have a chance to stop ya. I thought they woulda put a better fight though. All in all, i like your team

Thank you
BSS doesn't care about regular season. Ever. They'll wait til playoffs.
blame stu
Originally posted by Whale
jesus Stumaroo i had no idea u were even attached to furious george's crap shoot. Now this relationship of yours makes more sense! It's cute that you named one of your players after FG. Now did you do that before you won over FG's affection? Or was this some sort of anniversary present of some sort?

I think its time you get back into the lab and get to work on that AI

FG - cause 1 face palm wasn't enough

Random personal attacks now eh?

Also read the name again...I own him...which means he is attached to MY crap shoot...get it right...gees dumbass! But you aren't smart enough to be able to see that I own 3 Algoma teams or the fact I completely run a 4th? So therefore you couldn't figure out that a friendly rivalry came form all the times I beat the living pants off of FG's teams? I understand that takes too much thinking for you..feeble minds ya know!

Now I took this job cause I like a challenge. I could go easy and just have half the team boost early and cut down on the XP they will earn over their careers and also ruin some of the set conversion points and waste their WL futures on this simple middle of the pack league...but that is a lot to ruin a bunch of agents investments for this will get that soon. Oh no you won't...forgot you will likely retire the dots and start over the second you get to Pro and can't hang with the big dogs right?

I will take the shitloads of owner and OC trophies I have earned over your feeble GLB career any day of the week...and truth be told...I don't have to go and pick on on any struggling teams to try and make my ego bigger along the way! I personally like making my ego bigger by beating the 7+ level teams I have to face.

Remember...if for any reason you do make it to Pro for once you are likely to get greeted by me somewhere...cause there isn't many Pro Leagues without Stu in it. Let's see how it goes when you have to match up end build vs end build and an offense built to my exact specifications.

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