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was just telling madmustaff today that my ability to impact the game as DC has been diminished this season...
Originally posted by hays23
was just telling madmustaff today that my ability to impact the game as DC has been diminished this season...

work harder
Originally posted by lemdog
work harder

all that means is adjusting all my assignments to make sure i don't leave some jackass open when the TE/FB/HB all run routes to the same side of the field...
Originally posted by bhall43
Fall back zones and man related zones imo. Will be a huge step in the right direction of this game.

12th MIManITW
Originally posted by jdbolick

If your goal was to look as clueless as possible about defense on GLB, then go ahead and hang your banner from the nearest aircraft carrier. Of course you could be boring and vanilla on defense, just as teams could run ~10 plays on offense if they choose, but by far the most fun GLB has given me over the last year has been my ability to craft a defense that does over a hundred different things and looks so different from play to play. Yeah, I did use just one versus all 5WR formations, but I had over 200 unique plays actively utilized in my DAI last season. That was possible in part because we knew there were a limited number of plays that OCs could choose from, and which areas of the field were most vulnerable. Now, as zero stated, you have no incentive to plan that way anymore. Now you're actually forced to be vanilla and use the same basic shit against everyone, which is both boring and disappointing. Throw in the fact that HB/FB routes to the same side of the field completely screws up your assignments (the weak/strong designations have limited usefulness now unless you assign four total defenders between the two sides just for the backs), and DCing has taken some pretty massive hits. Now toss in the limited DPC on top of that. GLB has taken away all incentive to be creative on defense.

It's not creativity when you already know what an offense can throw at you and can simply place your dots in spots. That's knowing the answers to the test. Hence why double stack AEQs and VA stacks became so important.

You're not forced to be vanilla, but it's 10x more risk/reward now than in the past to run gimmicky defensive sets, as it should have always been. So, Vanilla is going to have to be part of your defensive scheme. How much a part of it is up to you, and presumably, what you scout from an offense.

I guess that was what I was trying to say. You can't simply overload one side now in order to stop the run, or can't simply drop a CB 5 yards off the LOS in the path of WR3 on single back slants. Or, as you saw, can't blitz MLB all day long on 5 wr sets.

That's how it should have always been. But as it was, 1 defensive scheme stopped teams from using an entire offensive package (5 wide). Pathing issues forced OCs to take almost a defensive posture against certain teams in singleback or shotgun 3, with very limited options otherwise. Now we have those options.

If you're going to bring 2 lbrs from the weakside, then i'm going to overload the strong side and force 1v1 match ups. If you're not bringing that heat, then I'm doing something entirely different. If you blitz MLB or SS or FS in 5 wide, then I'm throwing screens or quick slants. If not, then I'm running a normal play.

In essence, Bort gave us the audible, without having audibles. And by the same token, he's now forcing outside lbrs to actually be outside lbrs, and not just clone blitzers or coverage guys.

I would think someone such as yourself would relish the challenge of actually having more of an open field to guard against. Based on the fact that you made 200 unique plays knowing the 20 offensive plays that actually worked/were used, it seems to me that you should love the fact that you know have to think even more about where to align players, how much to blitz, etc. etc.

BTW, i do get what you are saying, I just disagree from a different perspective.

Originally posted by Otega
It's not creativity when you already know what an offense can throw at you and can simply place your dots in spots. That's knowing the answers to the test.

Ugh, no. Please stop posting because you are embarrassing yourself and irritating the shit out of me. DCs didn't know which play you were going to run, they only knew the limited range of possibilities. By having only 10-15 passes out of a particular formation, we knew what areas were most likely to be targeted, a calculation which could then be augmented by knowledge of personnel and tendencies. Knowing that a pass will be one of 10-15 possibilities is nowhere near the same as knowing exactly which one it will be, and suggesting otherwise is asinine.

Originally posted by
You're not forced to be vanilla, but it's 10x more risk/reward now than in the past to run gimmicky defensive sets, as it should have always been. So, Vanilla is going to have to be part of your defensive scheme. How much a part of it is up to you, and presumably, what you scout from an offense.

Wrong. We have to go vanilla now because there is no longer any possibility of making educated guesses about what areas you need to defend unless the opposing OC is so predictable that he always uses just a couple out of a particular formation with particular personnel. DCs can't guess anymore, they have to try and protect all areas of the field as well as possible. To give you another example of how the changes have homogenized DCing, the standard practice has always been to create plays and calls by offensive formation. That's no longer important, at least against the pass. Now you have to run pretty much the same blanket, vanilla coverage against one formation that you do against any other with that many WRs. Before I knew which areas needed the most attention against Strong I, and even then it was difficult to stop against a good OC.

Originally posted by
But as it was, 1 defensive scheme stopped teams from using an entire offensive package (5 wide).

Which is actually realistic, as real teams rarely if ever use 5 wide because it's so susceptible to blitzing. GLB made the mistake of going 5 wide instead of using 4 wide. Many if not most real defenses automatically audible to a blitz if the offense goes into an empty set. That runs the risk of a big play if the WR gets by coverage on a quick throw, but having no back to help with blitz pick-up has always been an open invitation to come after the quarterback.

Originally posted by
Pathing issues forced OCs to take almost a defensive posture against certain teams in singleback or shotgun 3, with very limited options otherwise. Now we have those options.

Are you joking? Offense has always had the advantage, and that was only increased with the gimping of the DPC. Defenses could attack, but that was fairly easily countered by OCs who cared to do so. If you played SoCal, you had to adjust your play-calling. Similarly, if I go up against a screen-heavy offense, I had to adjust as well. That's the game. Now instead of hundreds of plays to choose from, DCs are pretty much reduced to either bringing the house on certain blitzes (the most popular of which were copied from me), or else sitting back in blanket coverage. There's no more strategy to defense.

Originally posted by
I would think someone such as yourself would relish the challenge of actually having more of an open field to guard against. Based on the fact that you made 200 unique plays knowing the 20 offensive plays that actually worked/were used, it seems to me that you should love the fact that you know have to think even more about where to align players, how much to blitz, etc. etc.

Again, the more you post the more you show how little you understand about defenses on GLB. There is no challenge anymore. When you have to defend all areas of the field, there is no challenge left. Now you either blitz heavy or sit back. There's no more creativity to be had, which is why so many defenses look alike, because we're all using the same plays since those are the only options left to us. There's really no point to even having DCs any longer, you just create a generic coverage scheme and pray that your dots are better than the offense's.

Originally posted by
BTW, i do get what you are saying, I just disagree from a different perspective.

You don't have a perspective because you don't have any idea what you're talking about. Before you post any more on this subject, please talk to bug, as he might be able to help you understand.
DCing became even easier this season. Sorry you cant blitz on5 WR every time now

Stop being lazy and spend the 5 minutes required to adjust
I am going to play nice this week... Good game RTOF.. I think you can finally say we were better last year and this year.
lots of round here lately
this might be the first thread ever that bolick and I agree in
when they added 120030120301230 new plays,, didnt we not all see this coming?
More offensive plays is a good thing for the game. The problem is defensive sim elements are being left behind. screen-reading, pathing, course adjustment, containment, coverage priorities while playing zone... all things being exploited by certain new plays especially, which is leading to games where every running or screen play is either a TFL or an 80 yard TD.

The super high number of big plays means defenses are forced to relax and play blanket coverage nearly every play because the risk is just not worth the reward. DC's have no control over what a player does once they've been put in a zone, but that's our only option for containment right now...
Originally posted by hays23
was just telling madmustaff today that my ability to impact the game as DC has been diminished this season...

we noticed. But I guess my impact on your offense hasnt changed...

DCs that hide behind VA stacking ... love it
Originally posted by Ubasstards
DCing became even easier this season. Sorry you cant blitz on5 WR every time now

Stop being lazy and spend the 5 minutes required to adjust

Originally posted by Moondog22
we noticed. But I guess my impact on your offense hasnt changed...

DCs that hide behind VA stacking ... love it

not really sure what you're trying to say about me here...are you talking shit?

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