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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > Elephant Conference power Ranking
Yeah I am curious whats going on. It appears as though it just might be that they are low on energy and suffering morale hits. However that was a large amount of points to put up against what appears to be a competing team.
Originally posted by Nicodareus
posted. Whats going on with Atlanta?? They just running out of gas? Did not expect to see that kind of score. That game vaulted Tsavo into first over USAORG.

Not sure, but I think it has something to do with the fact that they SUCK!!! Look what ABD did to them. When I saw that I was shocked, but now they are 0-6.
Originally posted by majech
Originally posted by Nicodareus

posted. Whats going on with Atlanta?? They just running out of gas? Did not expect to see that kind of score. That game vaulted Tsavo into first over USAORG.

Not sure, but I think it has something to do with the fact that they SUCK!!! Look what ABD did to them. When I saw that I was shocked, but now they are 0-6.

Yeah forgot about the opener. Didnt think based on starting lineup lvls that i would be seeing those scores from a team. Well guess next season we will have new AAA Champs in here so wont matter too much. Just would like 1 season where all teams are contending. No offense to Pirates as they have a goal in mind for long term. But Lion has 2 squishy opponents and now with Nambia dropping out looks like Elephant has 2 as well.
well apparently ToS isn't figured into these power rankings.
Its a home baked formula. I build it as I go. You want something added PM me how you want that part calculated and I will see if i can figure out a balance within the formula. Not trying to have any one thing carry more weight then anything else.

By no means do I consider it a dont project but this is a far far cry from what I started with lol.
I'm just saying a 'toughness of schedule' mod thrown in might make a little better predicitions. I mean we saw what happened when those maneaters ran into my newly formed defense. (and it is now perfected, learning more about our defensive aquad from that last blowout game) I'm looking forward to more and more games to learn about or defenses tendencies (and get it even more perfected) but until I can get everyone on the same page, we might still give up 7 points every 3 games or so >.< lol
Originally posted by Atatakakunai
I'm just saying a 'toughness of schedule' mod thrown in might make a little better predicitions. I mean we saw what happened when those maneaters ran into my newly formed defense. (and it is now perfected, learning more about our defensive aquad from that last blowout game) I'm looking forward to more and more games to learn about or defenses tendencies (and get it even more perfected) but until I can get everyone on the same page, we might still give up 7 points every 3 games or so >.< lol

Carefull there bro, last season someone was talking themselves up in the regular season and we sw where that got them.
How many points has your D given up? I know so far we have given up 72...I thought that was pretty good, so I am interested.
Originally posted by SheVegas
How many points has your D given up? I know so far we have given up 72...I thought that was pretty good, so I am interested.

Before doing todays games (which will be done soon)

USAORG avg points against = 17
Maneaters = 15.83
ABD = 9.17

I will repost the top 8 teams of their avg score and avg against when I post the rankings are updated.

As said in previous post for those who just recently asked about points allowed. Here is the tp 8 in avg points/avg points allowed.

USAORG Legionaires - 32.86/17.86

Tsavo Maneaters - 38.29/16.00

Zambia Zombies - 32.14/22.57

Angola Blood Diamonds - 34.43/10.29

Cairo Emperors - 34.14/19.43

Zambia Hungry Hungry Hippos - 35.27/19.29

Ghana Rhea Infection - 20.29/23.71

Conakry Coyotes - 22.86/20.86

grain of salt as its only 7 games but there is the numbers. Best point differential is ABD with a 24.14 differential.
Originally posted by Atatakakunai
I'm just saying a 'toughness of schedule' mod thrown in might make a little better predicitions. I mean we saw what happened when those maneaters ran into my newly formed defense. (and it is now perfected, learning more about our defensive aquad from that last blowout game) I'm looking forward to more and more games to learn about or defenses tendencies (and get it even more perfected) but until I can get everyone on the same page, we might still give up 7 points every 3 games or so >.< lol

There is a SoS mod or else you would not be first. Without adding in the Strength of Schedule formula I have USAORG would probably be 3rd honestly. And you were not here to see the mess this formula started as.

I know people bitched about how it was when I originally posted it but as data gets inputted the averages take care of them selves. Just like in science class cant prove something with very little data. Need a good source pool of data to fine tune what your findings say. Flip a coin 3 times it comes heads twice. Does that mean it will be 66% results always? or flip it a hundred times and see the results? And no. no 2 sided coins you cheaters.
well that's good. by the way guys I am just blowing smoke out my ass with those crazy predictions, I know our defense had a lot of holes in it in the past, I am working on it one game at a time, and it is getting better and better... look for us to have some good games soon, I am loving the way it is all shaping up.
Heya Nic, you planning on updating these after today's games?
RL caught me... havent had much time to keep my stuff up. Tomorrow night should be able to catch them up and things look good to update further and stay on top of it again.

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