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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > Differences between Fight Club and LOL(USA BORG)
Lorenzo, your an idiot
Originally posted by ksychic
Lorenzo, your an idiot

Wonderfully insightful comment from somone in the org/monkeys/mercenaries alliance. Those that are uninformed should keep to themselves.

I have no more time for "no-it-alls." Ignorance is bliss.
Last edited Nov 14, 2008 13:29:59
One thing the fight club and BORG have in common: A loss to ABD. Nice game fightclub, VERY close.
Originally posted by Lorenzo Express
Originally posted by ksychic

Lorenzo, your an idiot

Wonderfully insightful comment from somone in the org/monkeys/mercenaries alliance. Those that are uninformed should keep to themselves.

I have no more time for "no-it-alls." Ignorance is bliss.

Ironic statement coming from yourself. Your ignorance is astounding especially how you basically just agree with whatever SheVegas says without having proof to back it up.

Originally posted by Lorenzo Express

Okay, where has he lied? If I really wanted to search, I could come up with threads that basically admit to the draft. There is an obvious partnership with teams like the Cheetahs. The fact that Hokie broke away from the org to distance himself from their flaw is quite apparent. The fact that they try to portray this as a "competitive" league, when in all reality it is not because they started out with a definite advantage (players, stadium = money). These are the things he wants to bring up. There are on lies here. Not one has ever been disproven. Yeah, you will have agents coming out of the woodwork defending the org ranting on and on about how these are "lies," but there have never been facts disproving anything!

It really is sad how ignorant you truly are. You make completely BS accusations that your puppet master makes with no evidence to back them up. There is no networking between the Cheetahs and Legionaires...Caps and Hokie who used to argue quite a bit got to be friends...last time I heard you were allowed to have friends on this game and Caps and Hokie help each other with tactical questions but EVERYBODY(except maybe SheVegas because no one wants to be a GM for him because he's a douche) has those type of friends on here...honestly if you think 2 guys discussing tactics is networking...then all of GLB is guilty.

Blah, blah, blah. This coming from someone just jumping in and having no real understanding of what has been discussed throughout the forum over the past few seasons. How is it that you know so much about these guys?

Try to turn around the argument with the same questions - that works extremely well. Read up and bit and then come back when you are completely informed. You will have to go back to the USAOrg Legionaires and even the Conarky Coyotes if you would like. Until you have a true understanding go eat some more tacos or something.
Originally posted by Lorenzo Express
Blah, blah, blah. This coming from someone just jumping in and having no real understanding of what has been discussed throughout the forum over the past few seasons. How is it that you know so much about these guys?

Try to turn around the argument with the same questions - that works extremely well. Read up and bit and then come back when you are completely informed. You will have to go back to the USAOrg Legionaires and even the Conarky Coyotes if you would like. Until you have a true understanding go eat some more tacos or something.

I know some about the Coyotes...but I am not pretending to know about USAORG which is why I am not addressing that...however I am addressing your BS accusations against the Cheetahs and the Monkeys but really nice job not answering my post...once you have any sort of evidence other than OMGZ he is on the Cheetahs, the Monkeys and LOL...come back with your dumb accusations.
Last edited Nov 14, 2008 14:13:05
Originally posted by Lorenzo Express
Originally posted by ksychic

Lorenzo, your an idiot

Wonderfully insightful comment from somone in the org/monkeys/mercenaries alliance. Those that are uninformed should keep to themselves.

I have no more time for "no-it-alls." Ignorance is bliss.

LOL, since when were WE in this alliance
I'm disretrospected by this thread title.
LOL can win reg season games in APL....
Originally posted by jrry32
Originally posted by Lorenzo Express

Blah, blah, blah. This coming from someone just jumping in and having no real understanding of what has been discussed throughout the forum over the past few seasons. How is it that you know so much about these guys?

Try to turn around the argument with the same questions - that works extremely well. Read up and bit and then come back when you are completely informed. You will have to go back to the USAOrg Legionaires and even the Conarky Coyotes if you would like. Until you have a true understanding go eat some more tacos or something.

I know some about the Coyotes...but I am not pretending to know about USAORG which is why I am not addressing that...however I am addressing your BS accusations against the Cheetahs and the Monkeys but really nice job not answering my post...once you have any sort of evidence other than OMGZ he is on the Cheetahs, the Monkeys and LOL...come back with your dumb accusations.

Again, turning it around. We have been saying this all along, of course you wouldn't know since you have not been here. Dodging questions like how you know so much about those agents and come back with evidence. Again, get to know the league before you run your mouth. It seems to be a common trend amongst your kind.

Here, I will part with a Clinton-ism. All people who work in the private sector are tools. The lower level workers bark when asked to bark and the upper management create securities SCANDALS or find a way to charge this person a certain amount for a medical procedure and then ten times as much to someone else.

Go fix your problems first, and then you can try to talk high and mighty. I know this will keep you busy for a long time. This won't happen, though, and I am sure you will continue to live in that little bubble of your's and remain ignorant. Have a wonderful, oblivious towards the truth, life.
Lorenzo, just FYI - you're really stupid. Maybe I'm biased because I read a post from a few others which made sense, and then you, which to quote another Clintonism, came back with a post containing "no substance." But anyway, you're a teacher so I understand why, given your day-to-day dealings, you think you're always right - but so far, I haven't seen shit from you worth a cent.

edit: Other than beating Fight Club - that was worth a cent.
Last edited Nov 14, 2008 15:01:49
Originally posted by Lorenzo Express
Originally posted by jrry32

Originally posted by Lorenzo Express

Blah, blah, blah. This coming from someone just jumping in and having no real understanding of what has been discussed throughout the forum over the past few seasons. How is it that you know so much about these guys?

Try to turn around the argument with the same questions - that works extremely well. Read up and bit and then come back when you are completely informed. You will have to go back to the USAOrg Legionaires and even the Conarky Coyotes if you would like. Until you have a true understanding go eat some more tacos or something.

I know some about the Coyotes...but I am not pretending to know about USAORG which is why I am not addressing that...however I am addressing your BS accusations against the Cheetahs and the Monkeys but really nice job not answering my post...once you have any sort of evidence other than OMGZ he is on the Cheetahs, the Monkeys and LOL...come back with your dumb accusations.

Again, turning it around. We have been saying this all along, of course you wouldn't know since you have not been here. Dodging questions like how you know so much about those agents and come back with evidence. Again, get to know the league before you run your mouth. It seems to be a common trend amongst your kind.

Here, I will part with a Clinton-ism. All people who work in the private sector are tools. The lower level workers bark when asked to bark and the upper management create securities SCANDALS or find a way to charge this person a certain amount for a medical procedure and then ten times as much to someone else.

Go fix your problems first, and then you can try to talk high and mighty. I know this will keep you busy for a long time. This won't happen, though, and I am sure you will continue to live in that little bubble of your's and remain ignorant. Have a wonderful, oblivious towards the truth, life.

Circular logic FTL
Complete dumbassery by you Lorenzo but thank you for repeating what I just said which was I don't know about USAORG and DON'T CARE. From what all them are saying, you are wrong but you have never answered anything into how the Monkeys or Cheetahs got dragged into this. This can go back and forth all day me calling you ignorant and you calling me ignorant but it has already occured to me that you'll never answer what I just said for the 2nd time in successive posts. Thank you for the entertainment and have fun in your own little'd be a great politician because you excel at doing what your told, making up lies and then changing the topic back at attacks on the other person when you cannot give a good answer.

Last edited Nov 14, 2008 15:03:01
Originally posted by Drago
Lorenzo, just FYI - you're really stupid. Maybe I'm biased because I read a post from a few others which made sense, and then you, which to quote another Clintonism, came back with a post containing "no substance." But anyway, you're a teacher so I understand why, given your day-to-day dealings, you think you're always right - but so far, I haven't seen shit from you worth a cent.

edit: Other than beating Fight Club - that was worth a cent.

What his posts are incredibly the other person ignorant, make some statement about them turning it around(which is what he just did), not answer the question and talk on a topic unrelated to their post.(usually attack said person)
All this dissing of education makes me . I work in a public school district and my wife is a High School Teacher
Originally posted by henne
All this dissing of education makes me . I work in a public school district and my wife is a High School Teacher

Don't take it personally man - she's just a product of a defunct system that hasn't evolved in 50 years. She might be a great person, maybe she's even a great teacher, but the fact to the matter is she's in a failing industry.

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