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Originally posted by Dr Seuss
Are people not supposed to use options that are available on this game? was for SAMSON, so it was went to his head and he started flirting with the Bastard cheerleaders. The bewildered OC lost track of him and forgot to call his number.

money well spent imo
Edited by SamsonsToupee on Apr 4, 2014 13:38:46
Edited by SamsonsToupee on Apr 4, 2014 11:40:09
Kid Cudi
Originally posted by Dr Seuss
Are people not supposed to use options that are available on this game?

Nachos is fine but player appreciation? Lol.
Dr Seuss
Originally posted by ManOnTheMoon
Nachos is fine but player appreciation? Lol.

Do you think you can do a writeup for when it's acceptable to run what promos at what times? I want to stay in compliance, thanks

M is bad mmmkay
Originally posted by Dr Seuss
Do you think you can do a writeup for when it's acceptable to run what promos at what times? I want to stay in compliance, thanks

lol, how bout never at this age?
Dr Seuss
Originally posted by STEEL CURTA1N
lol, how bout never at this age?

The first rule of promos is you never use them at this age
The second rule of promos is ... you never use them at this age

kink pink
gg Madison Madmen
Kid Cudi
Originally posted by Dr Seuss
Do you think you can do a writeup for when it's acceptable to run what promos at what times? I want to stay in compliance, thanks

But you can only use a nacho promo in playoffs so good luck
So everyone seems to have a pretty consistent belief that promo's should be used at this level yet I've never heard anyone provide a "good" reason for that.

In all honesty, the bastards promo actually "saves" them money because the cost of the game they did is going to be regained in the playoffs by having home field instead of visitor field and thus concession plus additional sales will more then make up for it. Plus it greatly increases their chances of winning in the PO by having home field which has additional bonuses as well and making it easier to beat MG a second time is only going to give them even more money by having yet another championship game plus rings to go along with it.

I'm glad that everyone save for a few people seem conclusively decided that it is stupid to use promos at this age but really, there is not a financial justification for that in this case at least.
Everyone is just looking for a reason to get their ponytails twisted.
Originally posted by Westwind
So everyone seems to have a pretty consistent belief that promo's should be used at this level yet I've never heard anyone provide a "good" reason for that.

In all honesty, the bastards promo actually "saves" them money because the cost of the game they did is going to be regained in the playoffs by having home field instead of visitor field and thus concession plus additional sales will more then make up for it. Plus it greatly increases their chances of winning in the PO by having home field which has additional bonuses as well and making it easier to beat MG a second time is only going to give them even more money by having yet another championship game plus rings to go along with it.

I'm glad that everyone save for a few people seem conclusively decided that it is stupid to use promos at this age but really, there is not a financial justification for that in this case at least.

I don't think it bothered us on MG one bit.

M is bad mmmkay
so, did you use them on rookie?
Originally posted by STEEL CURTA1N
so, did you use them on rookie?

Just because I have never used them outside of national level and up doesn't mean it should never be used. Plus on rookie you have higher priorities which is to finish out the stadium but yes if it would make you more money then it cost you, you should definitely use them even on rookie. Right now everyone has their stadiums fully built out and upgraded and most of the roster is on a minimum wages salary. Tactically speaking, what they did appeared to be justified and overall advantageous.

Originally posted by voegma
I don't think it bothered us on MG one bit.

Well that is a different matter entirely. I almost shutter to think what you guys could do if you bothered to give 2 cents to try at this level

Originally posted by MileHighShoes
Everyone is just looking for a reason to get their ponytails twisted.

Doh! If that is all it is about, I've got plenty of bad jokes to throw out. Should get a lot of twisted reactions
Edited by Westwind on Apr 5, 2014 17:08:21
M is bad mmmkay
I guess my belief is there really isn't anything to benefit from them till it actually matters where or if you promote
Originally posted by voegma
I don't think it bothered us on MG one bit.

Bastards fully deserved their win, and would almost certainly have beaten us without the promo.

Once you get to National Pro you have more money than you can spend anyway.
Would I use a promo at this level? No

Would I put SPs into an SA at this level? No

Would I try to quick scrim someone that I am playing two days later in a tourney game? No

Would I send a PM to another teams agent saying the team they were on no longer needed their dot? No

Is it someone's right to do any of these if they feel it will gain them an edge to win even though they may catch flak? Absolutely

Everyone plays this game for different reasons and has different goals, who am I to judge the way someone plays this game just because I may have a different way of doing things.


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