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Forum > Regional Minor Leagues > Regional Pro Leagues > Season 30: Regional Pro Competitive #6
Originally posted by Sly
Their team is bad. The fact that you're slurping all over their ass shows you attach yourself to losers. You had two 34-31 games in the playoffs, one a deserved win one not. Against the bad team you put up over 500 yards in the playoffs and earned the win. Against the superior team you put up less than 300 yards, were out gained by 100+ yards, and got something you didn't earn or deserve. I've got 2 other trophies this season already with a chance for a 3rd but I should have had 2 more in this league if not for a bad sim against your weaker team.

so the underdog won?

that never happens.... youre an idiot.
Originally posted by Sly
Their team is bad. The fact that you're slurping all over their ass shows you attach yourself to losers. You had two 34-31 games in the playoffs, one a deserved win one not. Against the bad team you put up over 500 yards in the playoffs and earned the win. Against the superior team you put up less than 300 yards, were out gained by 100+ yards, and got something you didn't earn or deserve. I've got 2 other trophies this season already with a chance for a 3rd but I should have had 2 more in this league if not for a bad sim against your weaker team.

Wow, that's a ton of spew-age comin from a team owner that went 10-6 and was one and done in the playoffs. And using that bad sim crap is the poorest of excuses. We all face that demon and for the moment is what it is so get over it. So what you are saying is you had 7 bad sim's this season and that's why your not playin with the big boy's in the Gold game, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If your team is so superior how is it that those 2 inferior teams stomped a mud hole in your ass to the tunes of 68-31 & 66-23 in the regular season! Dude, you should look up the word "Delusional" in the dictionary to get an explanation of yourself!
Originally posted by Sly
Their team is bad. The fact that you're slurping all over their ass shows you attach yourself to losers. You had two 34-31 games in the playoffs, one a deserved win one not. Against the bad team you put up over 500 yards in the playoffs and earned the win. Against the superior team you put up less than 300 yards, were out gained by 100+ yards, and got something you didn't earn or deserve. I've got 2 other trophies this season already with a chance for a 3rd but I should have had 2 more in this league if not for a bad sim against your weaker team.

You always make me laugh with your stupidity Sly. Thanks man!

Edit: Specially because this is certainly the best sim we ever had.

Edit2: And btw, you only own 1 team... and that team sucks.
Edited by Luzod on Sep 25, 2012 01:52:35
Edited by Luzod on Sep 25, 2012 01:51:18
Originally posted by Sly
Gnosis is a loser even when he gets an undeserved win from a bad sim. Case in point.

Originally posted by Sly
Their team is bad. The fact that you're slurping all over their ass shows you attach yourself to losers. You had two 34-31 games in the playoffs, one a deserved win one not. Against the bad team you put up over 500 yards in the playoffs and earned the win. Against the superior team you put up less than 300 yards, were out gained by 100+ yards, and got something you didn't earn or deserve. I've got 2 other trophies this season already with a chance for a 3rd but I should have had 2 more in this league if not for a bad sim against your weaker team.

Sucks to be you.
Grats Avengers!
Originally posted by Gnosis
Grats Avengers!

yup, congrats guys. Great season
Ghost Recon
GG Avengers. Unfortunately we had Sly's sim.
Originally posted by Darktanian
GG Avengers. Unfortunately we had Sly's sim.

LMAO!!! That damn sim just screws you over doesn't it! GG Scorps, It really was a good and close one guys, had me on the edge until the end. GL to you guys movin forward, I'm sure we will meet again.
Originally posted by Jack1649er
Wow, that's a ton of spew-age comin from a team owner that went 10-6 and was one and done in the playoffs. And using that bad sim crap is the poorest of excuses. We all face that demon and for the moment is what it is so get over it. So what you are saying is you had 7 bad sim's this season and that's why your not playin with the big boy's in the Gold game, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If your team is so superior how is it that those 2 inferior teams stomped a mud hole in your ass to the tunes of 68-31 & 66-23 in the regular season! Dude, you should look up the word "Delusional" in the dictionary to get an explanation of yourself!

Definition of moron: thinks the regular season matters

Enjoy your tiny moment of glory since this season's the last for your weak team, unless you reset and go back to baby team land where you belong.
Originally posted by Luzod

You always make me laugh with your stupidity Sly. Thanks man!

Edit: Specially because this is certainly the best sim we ever had.

Edit2: And btw, you only own 1 team... and that team sucks.

Go back and read my posts about how your team would collapse in the playoffs ... AGAIN

The team you own ... LOSERS ... 5-11 record
Hedgehogs: Playoff collapse no trophy ... AGAIN
Snyder's: Playoff collapse no trophy ... AGAIN

So you have 0 trophies ... AGAIN, just as I predicted

Laugh at that! I sure do!
Originally posted by Gnosis
Sucks to be you.

Nice loss, loser-boy.
Originally posted by Darktanian
GG Avengers. Unfortunately we had Sly's sim.

Your team isn't good enough to have my sim. You gave away the League Championship by sucking even more than they do.
Originally posted by Jack1649er
LMAO!!! That damn sim just screws you over doesn't it! GG Scorps, It really was a good and close one guys, had me on the edge until the end. GL to you guys movin forward, I'm sure we will meet again.

Yea, when both your teams reset because neither of your teams is good enough to win at the next level
do the golds still count in the "B" leagues?

08/17/2012 The LEGION's Las Vegas Avengers W 59-13
09/23/2012 The LEGION's Las Vegas Avengers W 65-28
09/24/2012 The LEGION's Las Vegas Avengers W 63-34
09/24/2012 The LEGION's Las Vegas Avengers W 58-46
09/25/2012 The LEGION's Las Vegas Avengers W 69-45

Edited by Mavooo on Sep 25, 2012 21:26:09

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