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Think you under rate your team Ash.

I think Sinistral is the fav. But by no means unbeatable. Lots of A beat B, B beat C, C beat A going on.
Originally posted by StiffarmSteve
Nice work Vortus... you did a pretty decent job there!

So who is taking the east Quinn? lol Anyone have a shot to beat you or what?

The Smashers and the Rippers have both played us tough and a single turnover could have turned those games around. We have problems with certain kinds of teams. Today against the Rippers was our QBs absolute worse game for many seasons (my player of course ). He had like 9 bad throws or something like that. My secret recipe for QBs got shot full of holes. But to answer your question.... I hate losing. I can't find it in me to pick anyone against us.
Downhill PV
Originally posted by Vortus
Think you under rate your team Ash.

I think Sinistral is the fav. But by no means unbeatable. Lots of A beat B, B beat C, C beat A going on.

nice work.

About the order: Chelsea are basically running on autopilot, no coordinators. I've begged for help, but to no avail.

If we had coordinators, we could justify your ranking us 2nd in the Conference. In fact, we have a higher effective level than some World league teams, but there is no one out there willing to help us with coordinating and putting a game plan together.

Downhill PV
GG Sentinels.

Happy to have scraped our way into the playoffs.
I'd give KC to ole "GG" but I don't think anyone is home.
Originally posted by Downhill PV
nice work.

About the order: Chelsea are basically running on autopilot, no coordinators. I've begged for help, but to no avail.

If we had coordinators, we could justify your ranking us 2nd in the Conference. In fact, we have a higher effective level than some World league teams, but there is no one out there willing to help us with coordinating and putting a game plan together.

That was my season start picks. This league has some awful high SPV. But, we all also know what last season was like and why we are here. Damn, just glad the Voodooo and the Cats (both stayed in elite 1) are not here as well.

Coordinators are the games most valuable commodity.
gg bats and badgers, awesome games!!
GG Uganda!

The Uganda/Sunred showdown will determine most of the seeding.
Were collapsing under the weight of cheese and metal. Not sure we will ever win again.
Bright side. You can drop some on Sunred.
Originally posted by Downhill PV
nice work.

About the order: Chelsea are basically running on autopilot, no coordinators. I've begged for help, but to no avail.

If we had coordinators, we could justify your ranking us 2nd in the Conference. In fact, we have a higher effective level than some World league teams, but there is no one out there willing to help us with coordinating and putting a game plan together.

I'd be willing to OC, but I can't do it this season against Rippers and Badgers. PM me on day 40.

ETA: That's assuming you don't go to OPL or USAP.
Edited by Baustin on Jul 19, 2012 23:38:41
GG Alert Sentinels

Now on to the playoffs!
gg sunred
Hmmm ... just noticed, the Silverbacks and Smashers will be playing back to back games. Dangerous. There's so much to be learned from the first one. What ever a team did right the first time around, can't be counted on and has a chance of backfiring on them if the other team makes the adjustments. These two teams are closely matched anyway. This will be interesting.

Then comes the Bats and Rippers. Talk about two closely matched teams..... that ought to be brutal!
Originally posted by Landrys Legacy
gg sunred


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