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Forum > Position Talk > CB Club > why is it most CBs I see these days have poor tackling?
Worker 3
Originally posted by einar_90808

my guys Pass D rating is as good as your guy's... the only difference is my dot is better at other things.

lolbars... the ultimate way of telling how a dot performs in any given area.
Originally posted by Longhornfan1024
Yall just need to open your builds and compare.

Roy's build is top notch I think. The player will fill out nicely.
Originally posted by mandyross
Roy's build is top notch I think. The player will fill out nicely.

I'm sure he will, but comparing EL and lolbars doesn't mean much. Sure, a dot with low EL is almost guaranteed to be shitty, but a dot with high EL can also be shitty if they are unbalanced or push the wrong attributes. The only way to really compare builds is to compare the builds. It will be hard at this level since dots aren't finished and won't have their full AEQ set up, but if yall post the current builds and your plans for AEQ, we can get a much better idea of which build is better now and will be better in the long term. Of course, you both could just run your builds through the VPB and then we can judge them at their peak.
Originally posted by Longhornfan1024
Yall just need to open your builds and compare.

kinda hard to do that when his guy is 40 days older then mine... hence the screen shots of his guy at 139 and mine at the same age.

Originally posted by Longhornfan1024
I'm sure he will, but comparing EL and lolbars doesn't mean much. Sure, a dot with low EL is almost guaranteed to be shitty, but a dot with high EL can also be shitty if they are unbalanced or push the wrong attributes. The only way to really compare builds is to compare the builds. It will be hard at this level since dots aren't finished and won't have their full AEQ set up, but if yall post the current builds and your plans for AEQ, we can get a much better idea of which build is better now and will be better in the long term. Of course, you both could just run your builds through the VPB and then we can judge them at their peak.

I generally do not use AEQ. I save all my Bonus Tokens and pump them into primary's as SPs when I need to. It can be hard to get a primary up when you get 5 SPs a level but need 6 or 7 (sometimes more) to get 1 point into the attribute... but it is much easier when you have bonus tokens saved for extra SPs whenever you need them.

As for the VPB... I have not used it and would need a link to it and then maybe I could work something up for my dots.

Guess what guys, Einer has more groundbreaking knowledge for all of u. His DOTs are soo good they dnt need AEQ. In fact they are the only dots on GLB to pump SPs with BTs and STILL come out terrible
Originally posted by einar_90808
I generally do not use AEQ. I save all my Bonus Tokens and pump them into primary's as SPs when I need to. It can be hard to get a primary up when you get 5 SPs a level but need 6 or 7 (sometimes more) to get 1 point into the attribute... but it is much easier when you have bonus tokens saved for extra SPs whenever you need them.

As for the VPB... I have not used it and would need a link to it and then maybe I could work something up for my dots.
Originally posted by Sellars
Guess what guys, Einer has more groundbreaking knowledge for all of u. His DOTs are soo good they dnt need AEQ. In fact they are the only dots on GLB to pump SPs with BTs and STILL come out terrible
Originally posted by einar_90808
I generally do not use AEQ.

Whatever credibility you had, you just lost it.
Ty Lawman (Lv. 59 CB)
Ht/Wt: 6'3", 170lbs

Experience, Skill Points, and Cash
Money: $0
Daily Salary: $1625
Skill Points: 0
Training Points: 0
Bonus Tokens: 47
Veteran Points: 0
Next Level: 950/1000

Physical Attributes
Strength: 21
Speed: 136.9 (+36)
Agility: 90.9 (+8)
Jumping: 72.9
Stamina: 54.06
Vision: 76.9
Confidence: 30.06

Football Skills
Blocking: 8
Catching: 20.06
Tackling: 62.06
Throwing: 8
Carrying: 8
Kicking: 8
Punting: 8

Special Abilities
Shutdown Corner Abilities
Swat Ball: 1
Sticky Hands: 1
Superior Vision: 1
Smooth Operator: 1
Shutdown Coverage: 1

Speedster Abilities
First Step: 0
Change Direction: 0
Return Specialist: 0
Blitz: 0
Closing Speed: 0

Additional Abilities
Jackhammer: 0
Veteran Abilities
Football Genius: 15
Long Reach: 7
Second Wind: 5
Third Down Stopper: 15

Current Bonuses/Penalties
Vision: +5.77
Deflect ball chance: +16%
Avoid fake chance: +13%

There it is. Only got 2 AEQ at this point but should finish with 4 AEQ end build. Only light training the rest of his career since I finished mulitraining since his 1st season. Now working on training strength since it's the last attribute I care about getting capped to this point. He should become a WL level CB and what happens from there is anyone's guess.
This is my not as good CB. Same age, just levelled to 60 yesterday.
Only wearing 1 AEQ right now, but has the other 3 purchased and am slowly upgrading them while light training.

Orange Island (Lv. 60 CB)

Ht/Wt: 6'1", 170lbs

Experience, Skill Points, and Cash
Money: $0
Daily Salary: $5200
Skill Points: 0
Training Points: 0
Bonus Tokens: 26
Veteran Points: 0
Next Level: 125/1000

Physical Attributes
Strength: 34
Speed: 137.11 (+41)
Agility: 86.25
Jumping: 66.97
Stamina: 55.31
Vision: 79.97
Confidence: 35.17

Football Skills
Blocking: 8
Catching: 25.17
Tackling: 54.17
Throwing: 8
Carrying: 8
Kicking: 8
Punting: 8

Special Abilities
Shutdown Corner Abilities
Swat Ball: 4
Sticky Hands: 1
Superior Vision: 1
Smooth Operator: 1
Shutdown Coverage: 1

Speedster Abilities
First Step: 0
Change Direction: 0
Return Specialist: 0
Blitz: 0
Closing Speed: 0

Additional Abilities
Wrap Up Tackle: 0
Veteran Abilities
Long Reach: 15
Showboat: 11
Third Down Stopper: 15

Current Bonuses/Penalties
Deflect ball chance: +6%
Avoid fake chance: +13%
Originally posted by ANumber1Roy
Ty Lawman (Lv. 59 CB)
Ht/Wt: 6'3", 170lbs

Experience, Skill Points, and Cash
Money: $0
Daily Salary: $1625
Skill Points: 0
Training Points: 0
Bonus Tokens: 47
Veteran Points: 0
Next Level: 950/1000

Physical Attributes
Strength: 21
Speed: 136.9 (+36)
Agility: 90.9 (+8)
Jumping: 72.9
Stamina: 54.06
Vision: 76.9
Confidence: 30.06

Football Skills
Blocking: 8
Catching: 20.06
Tackling: 62.06
Throwing: 8
Carrying: 8
Kicking: 8
Punting: 8

Special Abilities
Shutdown Corner Abilities
Swat Ball: 1
Sticky Hands: 1
Superior Vision: 1
Smooth Operator: 1
Shutdown Coverage: 1

Speedster Abilities
First Step: 0
Change Direction: 0
Return Specialist: 0
Blitz: 0
Closing Speed: 0

Additional Abilities
Jackhammer: 0
Veteran Abilities
Football Genius: 15
Long Reach: 7
Second Wind: 5
Third Down Stopper: 15

Current Bonuses/Penalties
Vision: +5.77
Deflect ball chance: +16%
Avoid fake chance: +13%

There it is. Only got 2 AEQ at this point but should finish with 4 AEQ end build. Only light training the rest of his career since I finished mulitraining since his 1st season. Now working on training strength since it's the last attribute I care about getting capped to this point. He should become a WL level CB and what happens from there is anyone's guess.

Lots of speed there.
I had his speed on multitrain till he hit 100 natural which is when I stopped multitrain.
Originally posted by ANumber1Roy
I had his speed on multitrain till he hit 100 natural which is when I stopped multitrain.

Yeah, you'll end up with around 105 base speed or so, right? I'd rather end up with 100 and push other attributes higher. Frankly, anything more than 150 speed doesn't seem to do much for coverage CBs.
Originally posted by Longhornfan1024
Yeah, you'll end up with around 105 base speed or so, right? I'd rather end up with 100 and push other attributes higher. Frankly, anything more than 150 speed doesn't seem to do much for coverage CBs.

If that's the case I may just split one of my future AEQ pieces for Agility.

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