Originally posted by Gerr
I really enjoy running a No-No team solo, but I tend to dominate Silver, but it really doesn't belong in Gold either. I wish the admins would do something to make Silver more competitive, or add another league in between Gold & Silver...
Instead of waiting for an admin you know to be less than efficient to 'do something' how about you take responsibility for your own actions?
This is exactly the the type of whining I referred to on another thread.
No-one can stop you being just too damn awesome for your own good, I guess.
Guys with your level of experience belong in the Gold league, period - no swimming around the Silver leagues ganking newbies (alot of whom, myself included, don't intend to boost ever) and then bemoaning the lack of talent there.
There is no Copper league per se - so guys new to Pee-Wee have the option of jumping in at Silver - most likely to find Gold level talent like yourself revelling in your own awesomeness by ganking anyone in their 1st Pee Wee season.
"But i'm going No/No"
Big friggin' deal - you guys have been circulating build plans and tactics amongst your incestuous little group for multiple seasons - sure some of it is now leaking out in the threads LE creates but this seems more like an exercise in guilt relief than anything else.
I don't want a Gold level co-ord to come onto my team and 'teach' (ie fully install then explain to) me how to run both sides of the game - thats called being handed things on a Silver platter (pardon the pun) I want to learn how to do it.
If guys really can't work it out themselves then they can build a DOT for an established Gold Level team (which already happens) and learn as an Asst Co-ord.
Sorry, but if you can't run either side of the tactics then you have no business owning a team - its a lazy way out.
Every other promotion/demotion based league system i'm familiar with in the real world DOES NOT require you to beat talent currently residing in the tier above to be judged 'good enough' - you prove yourself the best at your own grade them you move up with the big boys and learn.
Even though I have quoted Gerr, I am really talking to all those guys who indulge themselves in the practice of sharking around Silver leagues - you are fckin with the natural balance of things - even if you don't
own two teams in Gold alot of you are heavily involved in more than one.
That number will increase even more this year.
Copper league appears to be officially dead - Silver won't be long behind it.