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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Announced Changes > Revision of Defensive Play Creator - Limiting Player Movement
Dr. E
Originally posted by Catch22
They'd be converted to default alignments. DC's could go in and change from there.

Don't forget the 3-4. If you create a set number of limitations for LBs without considering the extra LB in the 3-4 it will end that underused formation. And.....I don't use overloads so think you should consider my formations as something to use as a base when setting limits up on a 3-4. I'm sure you already have access to my stuff, but if you need to know why it's set as is, I'd be glad to show and tell.
Any chance that the OOP for LB operating as a DE/DT will be eliminated? I know of a number of teams that use Strength LB's right on the line in some plays to work as an added DL. In most instances, they also use them off the line occasionally as well. If this ability is taken away, Strength LB's will not have near the value they used to. If there was no OOP, it might help mitigate the downside here, as they could be used in the new 5-2/5-3 formations you're speaking of. Also would be really nice to see the addition of Custom Slots for LDE/RDE, as I can see a huge upside now in being able to slide a Speed DE into the flat on some plays to compensate for the reduced movement in DPC positioning. But in the same breath, Speed DE's pretty much suck against the run. If we're looking for realism, I see many more "real" teams rotating their DE's based on scheme/formation than I do DT's.
I agree that the dpc must go if there isn't going to be an opc . Who cares if this is one of the most exiting parts of the game . get rid of it. Who cares if even more people leave the game. Offenses scoring 100 to 150 points a game need all the help they can get don't they .

That being said here are some thoughts .
1. blitzing LB's and DB's should have a big penalty for recognizing a run even if it's coming right at them. this would allow draw plays to be effective against blitzing teams

2. LB's and safeties that are in there normal position spots should recognize outside running plays quicker and move to stop the RB sooner. Stopping the unstoppable outside run would decrease the need to blitz .

3. a sight bump in the int rate to encourage CB's and safeties to play coverage and not blitz. There is nothing like a turn over to help a defense and make the game closer.

4. Go ahead and increase the number of plays for each side of the ball. A couple of thousand plays on both sides of the ball to choose from would make creating your own plays less important .

5. increase the number of offensive formations . over load blitzes would be a lot harder to make for a dozen or more different formations

Just my thoughts
The Avenger
Hulk Smash
Originally posted by BP
BTW..with the suggestion above...I'm sorry in advance you named this Goal Line Blitz

1 blitzer maxed in regular as the Pro Casual has would be epic!

You can still "semi-overload" but a good OC can counter by not trying to have to block a MLB weakside and LOLB far, far left at the same time!

Same goes with 2 CB's coming in. Limit it to 1, it becomes a strategy with what side every time or any at all, lots of variety, way less exploitable...
You guys gave us all fucking heart attacks lol phew
Originally posted by The Avenger
Can you confirm the TE was 100% supposed to run route instead? Also left side audible? It looks mor elike the TE was held left side on purpose.

I can confirm it because I did the OAI for that scrimmage, and I didn't have any plays where I intentionally kept the TE in. As for our basic settings, those were: TE Pass Block Left Pct 0% + TE Pass Block Right Pct 0% + TE Run Route Percentage 100%.
Originally posted by neoliminal
The only way you can stop 1000 Defensive Coordinators from finding some hole in your blocking logic is by giving 1000 Offensive Coordinators to ability to change their blocking.

You will never stop 1000 Defensive Coordinators with 12 bug fixers and 3 programmers.

Give us a decent Offensive Play Creator and you have no problem.

+ many
Um just got back on the site and this must be bi-polarizm at its best..
jumpin da snark
Just a reminder, the DPC is the only part of the game that allows creativity, and stifling it seems like a bad idea. If the offense needs help, why not give the OC the ability to have better plays to beat the blitz, rather than nerf the D? Create counters that add layers to the game, don't remove good elements.

If someone wants to play casual, they have that choice already. Quit listening to the whiners trying to dumb down the game because they want to re-live their basic AI glory days.
Originally posted by The Avenger

I'm just saying if the standard Defensive playbook were completely useless, Casual games would be drastically higher scoring than minors games.

Originally posted by The Avenger
1 blitzer maxed in regular as the Pro Casual has would be epic!

You can still "semi-overload" but a good OC can counter by not trying to have to block a MLB weakside and LOLB far, far left at the same time!

Same goes with 2 CB's coming in. Limit it to 1, it becomes a strategy with what side every time or any at all, lots of variety, way less exploitable...

Or let me throw a pass over the heads of the 6 pass rushers. Right now I have no way to change the routes in these offensive plays and since the defense has a road map to exactly what routes each formation has, I have no chance as an OC to ever do anything differently.

If there's an OPC, this problem goes away. Actually it makes the game a million times more interesting, IMO. If a defense is scouted as a blitzing team, I pull in my anti-blitz offense.

Let the coaches play their part. Instead of gimping the DPC, give the OPC to the offense to equalize it.

Trust me, I can make one offensive play that will nullify the 6 man blitz...

Then it gets interesting.
jumpin da snark
Originally posted by charwh
I'm just saying if the standard Defensive playbook were completely useless, Casual games would be drastically higher scoring than minors games.

If you could pick your offensive plays against the preset defensive plays, it would be nothing but shootouts.
Originally posted by The Avenger
Can you confirm the TE was 100% supposed to run route instead? Also left side audible? It looks mor elike the TE was held left side on purpose.

Basically, any time you see a receiving TE kept in to pass block, you know that's the audible.
Originally posted by foofighter24
If you could pick your offensive plays against the preset defensive plays, it would be nothing but shootouts.

I don't disagree. What I said orignally has been removed from its original context. I just said the standard Defensive plays could be much worse than they are.

But they're not nearly as good as DPC plays.

Edited by charwh on Oct 22, 2010 19:04:16

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