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Mr. Me2
Originally posted by The Duff Man
Originally posted by silenthatred

Originally posted by The Duff Man

Originally posted by silenthatred

So you are advocating bans off of best guesses and personal opinion? You don't see the flaw with that? Seriously?

My personal opinion is that he and several other people on the team should be banned. Not only from this incident, but if this thing is the spark that gets it done so be it. It is your personal opinion that this shouldn't happen. Your opinion holds as much weight as mine.

At the end of the day, Bort has to use his OWN best guess and personal opinion on what to do.

If I was sitting in his shoes, and I came to the conclusion that banning The Duff Man was going to benefit GLB and Bort in the long run, I would do it without a moments pause. Because at the end of the day, he gets to decide what to do and it can be based on whatever the hell he wants it to be based on, including what side of the bed he woke up on.

The problem with that is there is money involved, rules set, and what happened hasn't violated any of those rules. Go ahead and play the ban game with other people's money involved though. Good luck with it.

There is money involved when I go to a baseball game or concert. A play. A poker tournament. Many other forms of entertainment. When I do those things, I know that I am there to have fun, but I also respect that there is a line that I can't cross, which involves making the game less enjoyable for others. If I cross that line, a consequence may be that I am removed from the situation and I may or may not get my money back.

I think Bort has already perma-banned people, so there is precedent there that he WILL do it if he feels it is warranted. The rules are subject to his whim and interpretation. Collusion between two teams occurred, in this case it seems like it was done by a single individual. If he interprets this as being against the rules and ban worthy, good luck fighting it.

Somewhere at the baseball game or concert, most likely on the back of your ticket, are rules saying you will be removed for those actions you described. Same with a poker tournament. Bort has perma-banned people, you don't have to think it. It has happened. BUT, there were clear cut rules violated that aren't left up to interpretation. Pretty easy to fight imo.
Edited by silenthatred on Nov 6, 2009 08:50:25
Originally posted by silenthatred
Well I'm glad you said that, because this isn't the first time this has happened. And then we would get to call into question every single time that two teams had a GM/owner combination and played each other in the regular season or playoffs. Also, the thought that the quoted statement above offers any protection is what is lol.

I've seen a guy who OCs one team play another team he DCs in the same league. It was a really good, close game and the favored team needed big comeback to avoid the upset. I dont' think anyone on halifax is trying to be a martyr by exposing the sim to make GLB better fro everyone. Obviously just doing it to fuck around with GLB and other users. Lot of money spent for not caring imo. That's awesome guys like Gart and Taut can spend tons of money on the game. I personally can't and have spent very little comparatively, but when i start to not care at all, i'm definitely just gonna move on or stay on with maybe just 1 player and spend my money elsewhere. I don't make money just to waste it on things i don't care about.
Mr. Me2
Originally posted by The Duff Man
Originally posted by silenthatred

And then we would get to call into question every single time that two teams had a GM/owner combination and played each other in the regular season or playoffs.

You can call whatever you want into question. If you think you are protected by rules in this case you may find yourself sadly mistaken.

Let's say Bort decides to ban Gart. You are going to "call into question" these other instances. Fine. What if Bort says, "Yeah, these other ones look OK. Case closed".

Good luck with that. Like with all other things GLB related Bort has the final say.

I think the problem here is you are separating "me" as if I'm the one calling certain things into question after Bort's reaction. I'm posting as those would be the reactions of the person he just banned. They would call into question those actions, not "me." If it isn't me, I could care less.
The Duff Man
Originally posted by silenthatred

Pretty easy to fight imo.

How exactly? And to whom?

"Excuse me, are you willing to take a case against an internet football game that screwed me out of some flex? The rules were kinda vague and the owner of the game, some guy named Bort, claims I broke them and kicked me out."


Not to mention Bort can line up a list of users who can claim that their entertainment experience was affected by the banned parties.

Good luck with that!

Originally posted by silenthatred
Somewhere at the baseball game or concert, most likely on the back of your ticket, are rules saying you will be removed for those actions you described. Same with a poker tournament. Bort has perma-banned people, you don't have to think it. It has happened. BUT, there were clear cut rules violated that aren't left up to interpretation. Pretty easy to fight imo.

Actually says that cheating is up to interpretation by bort. If there are people who are around simply to try and break the system and affect other users, bort could definitely ban them or at least delete their accounts and maybe let them start over with their flex but on a new account (no players/teams). Would you be ok with that? Good luck finding a lawyer or something to try and fight GLB. That's the height of "not caring" i'm guessing. If bort did just perma ban and no refund, what would you guys do? Create an alt account and whine? Take legal action against GLB for $100-$500 or whatever in flex?

It's like when people were way back in middle school and the teacher does something they don't like and a "smart" student says "this is a democracy, i have the freedom of speech to yell and curse in the middle of a lesson". Doesn't exactly work like that.
Edited by chronoaug on Nov 6, 2009 08:58:35
The Duff Man
Originally posted by silenthatred
Originally posted by The Duff Man

Originally posted by silenthatred

And then we would get to call into question every single time that two teams had a GM/owner combination and played each other in the regular season or playoffs.

You can call whatever you want into question. If you think you are protected by rules in this case you may find yourself sadly mistaken.

Let's say Bort decides to ban Gart. You are going to "call into question" these other instances. Fine. What if Bort says, "Yeah, these other ones look OK. Case closed".

Good luck with that. Like with all other things GLB related Bort has the final say.

I think the problem here is you are separating "me" as if I'm the one calling certain things into question after Bort's reaction. I'm posting as those would be the reactions of the person he just banned. They would call into question those actions, not "me." If it isn't me, I could care less.

Fair enough. You used the plural wording "we" and I used the plural "you", but I understand you were speaking in the hypothetical.
Mr. Me2
Originally posted by chronoaug
Originally posted by silenthatred

Well I'm glad you said that, because this isn't the first time this has happened. And then we would get to call into question every single time that two teams had a GM/owner combination and played each other in the regular season or playoffs. Also, the thought that the quoted statement above offers any protection is what is lol.

I've seen a guy who OCs one team play another team he DCs in the same league. It was a really good, close game and the favored team needed big comeback to avoid the upset. I dont' think anyone on halifax is trying to be a martyr by exposing the sim to make GLB better fro everyone. Obviously just doing it to fuck around with GLB and other users. Lot of money spent for not caring imo. That's awesome guys like Gart and Taut can spend tons of money on the game. I personally can't and have spent very little comparatively, but when i start to not care at all, i'm definitely just gonna move on or stay on with maybe just 1 player and spend my money elsewhere. I don't make money just to waste it on things i don't care about.

The "wasted money" thing is all subjective. Some would say money spent on alcohol is wasted. Some would say money spent on bottled water is wasted. Some would say money spent on movies is wasted. Find something to spend money on and someone will look at spending money on that thing a waste. Nothing that wasn't going to happen in the game happened, minus maybe 200-300 points.
Mr. Me2
Originally posted by The Duff Man
Originally posted by silenthatred

Pretty easy to fight imo.

How exactly? And to whom?

"Excuse me, are you willing to take a case against an internet football game that screwed me out of some flex? The rules were kinda vague and the owner of the game, some guy named Bort, claims I broke them and kicked me out."


Not to mention Bort can line up a list of users who can claim that their entertainment experience was affected by the banned parties.

Good luck with that!

I'm not a lawyer, and you obviously aren't either. I will leave it at that.
Originally posted by silenthatred
I'm not a lawyer, and you obviously aren't either. I will leave it at that.

So you would try to hire a lawyer for the $300 or whatever? I almost hope bort bans gart just so i can see this. Even if gart or someone else would get the money back would they demand that bort return their account and allow them to play GLB? I love that you think this is a great legal case though
Mr. Me2
Originally posted by chronoaug
Originally posted by silenthatred

Somewhere at the baseball game or concert, most likely on the back of your ticket, are rules saying you will be removed for those actions you described. Same with a poker tournament. Bort has perma-banned people, you don't have to think it. It has happened. BUT, there were clear cut rules violated that aren't left up to interpretation. Pretty easy to fight imo.

Actually says that cheating is up to interpretation by bort. If there are people who are around simply to try and break the system and affect other users, bort could definitely ban them or at least delete their accounts and maybe let them start over with their flex but on a new account (no players/teams). Would you be ok with that? Good luck finding a lawyer or something to try and fight GLB. That's the height of "not caring" i'm guessing. If bort did just perma ban and no refund, what would you guys do? Create an alt account and whine? Take legal action against GLB for $100-$500 or whatever in flex?

But that isn't what happened in this case. As I have stated, this has happened before. This isn't the first time for something like this. Also, you seem to have me lumped in as if I'm defending myself also. I personally am not included in any of the scenarios I have mentioned, so there isn't a reason for me to reply to the rest.
Mr. Me2
Originally posted by chronoaug
Originally posted by silenthatred

I'm not a lawyer, and you obviously aren't either. I will leave it at that.

So you would try to hire a lawyer for the $300 or whatever? I almost hope bort bans gart just so i can see this. Even if gart or someone else would get the money back would they demand that bort return their account and allow them to play GLB? I love that you think this is a great legal case though

I think the problem here is you are separating "me" as if I'm the one calling certain things into question after Bort's reaction. I'm posting as those would be the reactions of the person he just banned. They would call into question those actions, not "me." If it isn't me, I could care less. Also, this would involve a lot more than one person if he were to truly enforce this rule.
Edited by silenthatred on Nov 6, 2009 09:03:12
Originally posted by silenthatred
The "wasted money" thing is all subjective. Some would say money spent on alcohol is wasted. Some would say money spent on bottled water is wasted. Some would say money spent on movies is wasted. Find something to spend money on and someone will look at spending money on that thing a waste. Nothing that wasn't going to happen in the game happened, minus maybe 200-300 points.

stupid argument - none of that would have happened had they simply played their guys in position. It was clearly intentional and immature. Obviously it hurt the GLB experience for at least some people and the administration shouldn't allow a user or group of users to intentionally damage their product. At least I wouldn't.
Mr. Me2
Originally posted by jdros13
Originally posted by silenthatred

The "wasted money" thing is all subjective. Some would say money spent on alcohol is wasted. Some would say money spent on bottled water is wasted. Some would say money spent on movies is wasted. Find something to spend money on and someone will look at spending money on that thing a waste. Nothing that wasn't going to happen in the game happened, minus maybe 200-300 points.

stupid argument - none of that would have happened had they simply played their guys in position. It was clearly intentional and immature. Obviously it hurt the GLB experience for at least some people and the administration shouldn't allow a user or group of users to intentionally damage their product. At least I wouldn't.

So you are saying it would have been a close game and Hali might have lost?

Edit: Also, if any of you could respond without entering your personal opinion on the matter into the equation, this probably would go a little better...
Edited by silenthatred on Nov 6, 2009 09:09:22
Actually, i like kyschic and he's a good guy from what i've experience with him being pretty active on the Alpine Forums and from what i saw when i was a BFM GM last season and was kinda disappointed with him calling it quits but opting to stay in WL just to funnel equipment money or farm players or help with stats/mvp/standings or whatever Gart is doing with them. Should've just sold the team to CPU or let someone who wanted to help BFM win takeover. At least he's a good player agent in USAPL
Originally posted by silenthatred
I think the problem here is you are separating "me" as if I'm the one calling certain things into question after Bort's reaction. I'm posting as those would be the reactions of the person he just banned. They would call into question those actions, not "me." If it isn't me, I could care less. Also, this would involve a lot more than one person if he were to truly enforce this rule.

He honestly could just single certain people out. I think you're under the impression that a small privately owned mmorpg is a lot more democratic and the Terms of Usage everyone agrees to just by playing the game are a lot more set in stone than they really are. Basically, by playing the game you are agreeing to Bort making judgement calls. Bort can do what he wants pretty much. If he bans Gart or other people from the game, even refunds them part of their flex, they can't do anything about it. It's bort's game. And if they didn't care about GLB then it honestly shouldn't matter. It all seems like the student crying democracy and freedom of speech when they get in trouble for acting out in class. It's cute that they think it's a valid argument.

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