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Forum > Announcements > Team Waiting List
Originally posted by Outlawz
Originally posted by mgse
Sounds pretty good. Only option I'd add is the ability to specify a new team from one of the D-leagues versus an already existing one that was sold back.

If I'm going to get a team in the future, I don't want to deal with a gutted team that has no real chance of competing.

I agree. Bort, will we have the option to choose to buy a new team rather than an existing team that was sold?

You'll get whatever team is available. If it's a new team, you get the new team. If it was a sold team, you get a sold team. There are not enough teams around to be choosy.

That's why we're resetting chemistry and will look at doing cash adjustments (and have the minimum roster) - to make sure you get a team that's at least in a workable state similar to a brand new team.
OK - Thanks Bort!!
Originally posted by Bort
Originally posted by Pariah

So what if we a just bought a gutted team? Shouldn't we also get a reset on Chemistry? I bought a team two days ago that was gutted and my Chemistry was ruined. The old owner left me with one player (who wanted to be traded).

Contact customer support (Thorn)

Thanks Bort. Ignore my PM then. I sent a message to Customer Support, and recieved a PM from Bigtisme who forwarded something to Admin. I appreciate the help, you guys are great!
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Originally posted by Jed
Oh goodie, roster minimums. Off I go to sign a few level 1 CPU players to min salaries to rot on my bench.

So say I sign up as SOON as the Waiting List is opened, but after 1 Day, 100 People with a Join Date before me sign up, I'd be moved back 100 Spots?

If this is the case, I would recommend "stock" piling Teams sold to the CPU NOW until there is a Number of 8-16 Teams to be sold.
Last edited May 18, 2008 00:53:57
Will there ever be a Farm Team List?
Originally posted by datongw
Originally posted by Dee

Seems like a big flaw.

Account Creation date should affect position in the original queue, and then after 48 hours, or a week, or whatever, the Queue takes people onto the end, regardless of account creation date.

I see your point, Dee. I think Bort is trying to reward owners who has been playing with this game for a while. Team ownership is a lot more responsibility than player manager, and it's best for players to play the game for a while and then become owners. Last thing we want to see is a bunch of newbies just signed up becoming owners right away only to find out that they aren't fit yet to be owners. When that happens, you will have a lot of badly managed teams or inactive owners. (sure inactive owners will be removed, but high ownership turnover rate is really bad for everyone).

With the current setting, owners who have been playing this game the longest will have first crack at owning a team. I think this is fair, and it should reduce the likelihood of inactive or "bad" owners.

Experience doesn't make a person a better owner. A tyrant is still a tyrant whether new or old. A smart person who is fit to be an owner will make mistakes but will probably ultimately be better than someone with more experience but a horrible controlling personality or who is just plain not smart. Like in real life experience counts for something but not as much as most people make it out to be. There's no real way to guarantee one or the other without really knowing the people. Maybe an owner rating somewhere down the line where agents of current players can anonymously vote?
I just want a team because I got a lot of people from a local sports radio site to join and I think it would be fun for us all to be on the same team, plus I spent 80 dollars on this shit.
never been better
- You cannot get on the list if you already have a team.

I don't agree with this part.

I'm an extremely active and responsible owner and I want to own a second team.

Running a team is my favorite part of playing this game and I don't understand why some folks can own 6+ teams since they snatched them up early and other owners are unable to even add a second team.
Last edited May 18, 2008 02:24:06

You'll have to look at it from the other point of view too.

Why should you be able to own 2 Teams while I'm still currently with out a team? So then I could say some folks can own 2+ Teams while other owners are unable to even OWN a Team...

Sounds selfish to me...
In my noobish insight, I dislike the entire idea completely. It seems like some people will have to wait nearly a whole season to get a random team, one that could be terrible. It sounds like if someone sells a team they screwed up, it goes back in the pot for the first person in line to get. Blagh. How droll.

Why not sell teams to the highest bidder? Like an auction?
Last edited May 18, 2008 02:34:09
Originally posted by Patricoo
In my noobish insight, I dislike the entire idea completely. It seems like some people will have to wait nearly a whole season to get a random team, one that could be terrible. It sounds like if someone sells a team they screwed up, it goes back in the pot for the first person in line to get. Blagh. How droll.

Why not sell teams to the highest bidder? Like an auction?

GLB could auction off 1/4 of new teams becoming available and make some good money, and i doubt it'd upset anyone, since most the teams still go to waiting list. Those that want to pay over 1000 fp can, and skip the line.

Originally posted by GoHooterGo
So say I sign up as SOON as the Waiting List is opened, but after 1 Day, 100 People with a Join Date before me sign up, I'd be moved back 100 Spots?

If this is the case, I would recommend "stock" piling Teams sold to the CPU NOW until there is a Number of 8-16 Teams to be sold.

well that would defeat the whole reason for sing ups by join date
Last edited May 18, 2008 05:56:44
We have a large group of people from one site that would like to form a team. Is there anyway to give priority to teams that would satisfy multiple members?

P.S> I'm sure I know the answer, but had to ask. ;-)
Last edited May 18, 2008 07:10:41

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