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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > Congrats to the bOrg and Morningwood
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by SheVegas

Ever wonder why Hokie never mentions the Borg's draft???? Want proof that, this happened?

Do you even know what the Org draft was? Or what happened after? I will tell you.

Sprovo who founded the Org and owned 3 teams had an idea of an organization that would have a team in every pro league. USA Pro/Canada Pro/EE PRO/etc.

He owned 3 teams, found a person in another region to join the Org, and then wanted to find others to create new teams in the other regions.

Several members of the Org started a huge recruiting drive to give people access to the Org forums. One forum was set up for people who wanted to be a part of an oranization of teams that worked together for every team to be competitive.

The managers of all the players recruited that decided they wanted to stay let themselves be "drafted" by the 3 new owners. None of these players were former Org "players", however some were players that were managed by managers with other players on Org teams that liked being a part of the organization.

Before the next season even started, Sprovo disappeared. Blurev and Amerith, his 2 original GMs each took over 1 of the previous teams. It was thought that the 3rd would be lost (USA Exiles), but Scooboo a member of the Org. was able to get it after many players had already left, thinking it was going back on the free market.

The owners of the different Org teams still tried to make a go of it and continued to work together sharing strategies, build advice, etc. Then some of the owners started giving up their teams.

First was TWolf who gave up his Oceania team because he was too busy to continue. He let all the players from that team leave and go where they wanted. Some went to other Org teams, some (like a couple of my players) went elsewhere.

Then Amerith and Blurev both ended up giving up their teams as well. While there are a few teams still keeping the Org name, not only has the Org founder been gone for over 2 seasons now, but the 2 original GMs involved in it have left as well now.

The Org as it was originally designed no longer exists.

Are people who made friendships in the Org still working together sharing build advice and tactics, helping each other recruit, and looking to put players on each others teams? Yes

But there is nothing nefarious about it. There is no farm team being run. Nobody is willing to sacrifice their own team so LOL can dominate Africa Pro.

The funny thing is people act like the Org was/is the only guild of teams/agents in GLB. The truth is there are several of them. Do your homework and you will find there are a lot more than most people want to believe. The funny thing is that many of them ARE running farm teams.

You can believe what you want. You can cry that things aren't fair. The thing is, people who are/were part of USA Org. aren't doing anything that every single member of GLB has the ability to do.

Last edited Oct 31, 2008 14:09:57
Rage - All that typing, and everything will be ignored.
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by soapbox
Rage - All that typing, and everything will be ignored.

You are probably right. Maybe one or two people will actually read it though.
Originally posted by Rage Kinard
Originally posted by soapbox

Rage - All that typing, and everything will be ignored.

You are probably right. Maybe one or two people will actually read it though.

Most of the people that should read it won't. Most that will read it don't need to.
Rage Kinard
True. But I'm going to add one more thing that a lot of people, even those who were involved with the Org from the outset do not know.

It was orignally created to try and create competitive teams without resorting to the underhanded tactics the alpha testers and some of the moderators were resorting to.
Originally posted by SheVegas

LMAO- Hokie Borg- You do realize I am getting more PMs from other teams who have been in the APL from day 1 season 3 who are agreeing with me.....

Hell, that explains it. Managing that many PMs with only a 50 message limit, there is no way anyone could focus on building a team or do even simple game planning. And here I thought you just sucked at being an owner. Cleared that right up.
Originally posted by SheVegas
Originally posted by RTJakarta

Hey Byang, didn't you say you're from Hong Kong or something?

Oink number 1...sent to try to smooth things over.....It would be funny if I had a spy working for me who had access to the Borg's private forum....Wouldn't it?

Actually, the word that comes to mind is "Pathetic".
Actually, I have no problems with the Borg. I will admit that I thought it kind of sad that a couple guys on what was supposed to be one of the strongest teams in the conference took their players off that team (when it got its ass kicked in the playoffs) only to join the absolute top team in hopes of being able to claim they won something.

Other than that I've no problems with the Borg (I do like the knick name though).

^ hey Pin, wanna come play alongside the best?


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