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Originally posted by Willyard
The guy that made the threads team already lost?

Early loss for big talk.

Some of us win.

Some of us lose.

Some of us talk.

Some of us don't.

Some of us throw a jab from the peanut gallery once they see an easy opportunity.

Some of us would say that jab is warranted.

I enjoy it all either way. See you in a little over a week.
Last edited Jul 3, 2008 10:39:37
Originally posted by Willyard
The guy that made the threads team already lost?

Early loss for big talk.

lol i know its pretty funny now
Originally posted by LionsFan0513
Did we just curb stomp you guys to the ground? American History X style.

Sorry, I was at the Braves game last night and just got back to the boards.

Who in the blue hell are you?

I love the guys who won't say a damn thing until they know they are safe because their team won.

I got all the respect for the gator and awbarn guy because they were willing to banter before games were played. You hide until it's safe to come out, like a 6 year old girl in a thunderstorm. Congrats on being a bitch.
Originally posted by Willyard
The guy that made the threads team already lost?

Early loss for big talk.

Another guy who didn't talk before the game, see above
Originally posted by RWCol2011
Originally posted by Willyard

The guy that made the threads team already lost?

Early loss for big talk.

lol i know its pretty funny now

Yeah, it is. But oh well, at least we got some life going on this board. Place was dead before hand.

On a side note I also made a thread like this for my 0-10 team in Africa...
Originally posted by Joebarber
Originally posted by LionsFan0513

Did we just curb stomp you guys to the ground? American History X style.

Sorry, I was at the Braves game last night and just got back to the boards.

Who in the blue hell are you?

I love the guys who won't say a damn thing until they know they are safe because their team won.

I got all the respect for the gator and awbarn guy because they were willing to banter before games were played. You hide until it's safe to come out, like a 6 year old girl in a thunderstorm. Congrats on being a bitch.


Read other threads before posting your nonsense cupcake. Me and a few of there guys were posting back and forth, and he manned up and said GG, you got us this time.
Whoa Whoa, no disrespect meant by that. I was just saying that its funny. I have seen that other thread as well. If funny how people all jump on the boat and talk the trash... I am not a talker so sorry about saying that anyway. I wasnt meaning anything disrespectful about it. We will see you guys in a week. Good luck.
Originally posted by Joebarber
Originally posted by LionsFan0513

Did we just curb stomp you guys to the ground? American History X style.

Sorry, I was at the Braves game last night and just got back to the boards.

Who in the blue hell are you?

I love the guys who won't say a damn thing until they know they are safe because their team won.

I got all the respect for the gator and awbarn guy because they were willing to banter before games were played. You hide until it's safe to come out, like a 6 year old girl in a thunderstorm. Congrats on being a bitch.

Oh and I happen to be on Gators team...
Jigglesworth blames our GM who made all the trades to ruin our chemistry yesterday as well as a bunch of butterfingers that can't hold onto the ball.

Jigglesworth points the fingers at teammates. He's not above that. That's how Jigglesworth rolls.

Of course, if we win next time around...He'll be looking for you bubblebutt.
Last edited Jul 3, 2008 12:00:45
Originally posted by Joebarber
Originally posted by LionsFan0513

Did we just curb stomp you guys to the ground? American History X style.

Sorry, I was at the Braves game last night and just got back to the boards.

Who in the blue hell are you?

I love the guys who won't say a damn thing until they know they are safe because their team won.

I got all the respect for the gator and awbarn guy because they were willing to banter before games were played. You hide until it's safe to come out, like a 6 year old girl in a thunderstorm. Congrats on being a bitch.

*sniff* *sniff* No love for us? We banter. Your a big meany face! LOL
Originally posted by Willyard
Whoa Whoa, no disrespect meant by that. I was just saying that its funny. I have seen that other thread as well. If funny how people all jump on the boat and talk the trash... I am not a talker so sorry about saying that anyway. I wasnt meaning anything disrespectful about it. We will see you guys in a week. Good luck.

Undefeated across the board and retractably humble...Can I take you home to mom?
Originally posted by fixxxer101
Originally posted by Joebarber

Originally posted by LionsFan0513

Did we just curb stomp you guys to the ground? American History X style.

Sorry, I was at the Braves game last night and just got back to the boards.

Who in the blue hell are you?

I love the guys who won't say a damn thing until they know they are safe because their team won.

I got all the respect for the gator and awbarn guy because they were willing to banter before games were played. You hide until it's safe to come out, like a 6 year old girl in a thunderstorm. Congrats on being a bitch.

*sniff* *sniff* No love for us? We banter. Your a big meany face! LOL

Your team got pwned by a team that got pwned. You are uber-pwned.

Originally posted by Jiddy78
Originally posted by Willyard

Whoa Whoa, no disrespect meant by that. I was just saying that its funny. I have seen that other thread as well. If funny how people all jump on the boat and talk the trash... I am not a talker so sorry about saying that anyway. I wasnt meaning anything disrespectful about it. We will see you guys in a week. Good luck.

Undefeated across the board and retractably humble...Can I take you home to mom?

LOL, thanks man. I just dont want to be a bad guy. I try to be a good guy and make sure people like me. Because its nothing but text on here sometimes there isnt that tone there to make sure you dont sound like a jerk... you know?
Originally posted by Willyard
Originally posted by Jiddy78

Originally posted by Willyard

Whoa Whoa, no disrespect meant by that. I was just saying that its funny. I have seen that other thread as well. If funny how people all jump on the boat and talk the trash... I am not a talker so sorry about saying that anyway. I wasnt meaning anything disrespectful about it. We will see you guys in a week. Good luck.

Undefeated across the board and retractably humble...Can I take you home to mom?

LOL, thanks man. I just dont want to be a bad guy. I try to be a good guy and make sure people like me. Because its nothing but text on here sometimes there isnt that tone there to make sure you dont sound like a jerk... you know?

"I try to be a good guy" instead of "I am a good guy" ???

Sounds like an intense training session of confidence is in order. Surprising of one with your successes this season...but hey, we all have insecurities. Jigglesworth thinks he looks fat.
Ha, you seem to be a pretty classy agent as well as I. (That better "cockyness"?) We may have to talk and become GLB friends...

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