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Forum > Prep Leagues > Season 30 Prep #3
Originally posted by Dub J
Just sold back New Orleans. If you go after dots on that team be careful who you offer. There are some good agents there and there are some very shitty agents. Make sure to PM them to make sure they aren't one of the douchebags that will fill your inbox with tears every day.

wow, the west was already a joke on another note -195 for the river rats in that game against LOLBAR
Originally posted by Dub J
Just sold back New Orleans. If you go after dots on that team be careful who you offer. There are some good agents there and there are some very shitty agents. Make sure to PM them to make sure they aren't one of the douchebags that will fill your inbox with tears every day.

Oh shit, I can't believe people really care about how their dot is being used at this level, just build them right an playing time will come.

Sad to see you go Dub, we will miss ya.....

That is the last nice thing I will ever say to you
Edited by Loonzilla(WAR) on Aug 25, 2012 22:14:24
Dub J
Rocky Top
Originally posted by DarkRogue
wow, the west was already a joke on another note -195 for the river rats in that game against LOLBAR

Yeah, and 1000+ yards for your HB that he gets no credit for. But at least I'm not "gaming the promotion system" now!

Would love to know what saggy vagina reported us. I hope we haven't played yet because the rest of the teams like LOLBAR are gonna get kneeldowns by an o-lineman all game.
I'm wondering who the whiners are. There are some truly awful builds on Dub J's team, builds that clearly don't compare to some other builds. WOW!

Since my player was a starter I didn't get a chance to whine about starting. But I was considering whining about not getting 100 plays a game. My build is open if anybody wants to look.
Edited by FatLoad on Aug 26, 2012 09:19:02
Originally posted by VolBrian
Yeah, and 1000+ yards for your HB that he gets no credit for. But at least I'm not "gaming the promotion system" now!

Would love to know what saggy vagina reported us. I hope we haven't played yet because the rest of the teams like LOLBAR are gonna get kneeldowns by an o-lineman all game.

yeah with blowout adjusted he didn't even break 300 and my QB had 44 yards after Blowout adjusted
Dub J
Originally posted by FatLoad
I'm wondering who the whiners are. There are some truly awful builds on Dub J's team, builds that clearly don't compare to some other builds. WOW!

Since my player was a starter I didn't get a chance to whine about starting. But I was considering whining about not getting 100 plays a game. My build is open if anybody wants to look.

I had no problem with you, bro. The dicks know who they are.

Typically the worse the builds, the worse the agent. That's because those are the guys that mostly have spent the last 4 years (or however long they've been here) just logging on and dumping SPs and upgrading equipment. They can't be bothered to visit forums to learn how to actually build a player. 100% of the build info they learned prolly came from a team forum 3 years ago.

You would be surprised by how many still don't know that players get max XP regardless of how many plays they receive.

That's why I kept Memphis. I am happy with all the agents on that team.

Originally posted by Dub J
That's why I kept Memphis. I am happy with all the agents on that team.

I hope you warn them that you could very quickly change your mind, sell the team, immediately pull your own players, and leave them all hanging in the middle of a season.
Dub J

I dealt with shit agents all offseason, preseason, and the first leg of the regular season. I announced in the team forum I would be selling back at the end of the season. It wasn't 1 minute after I posted that the "fuck you, release my dots" PMs started flooding in.

I wish every user at this site were required to own and coordinate for at least one season. I can promise you a lot of these shit agents would STFU with their bullshit complaints.

Dub J
I can promise you that if you were in my position you would have done one of two things:

Sell back the team and remove your own players so you don't have to deal with anymore of those idiots.


Cut all those dots and have no hope at replacing them.

Either way, bad season.
Originally posted by Dub J
I can promise you that if you were in my position you would have done one of two things:

Sell back the team and remove your own players so you don't have to deal with anymore of those idiots.


Cut all those dots and have no hope at replacing them.

Either way, bad season.

I was looking forward to playing you guys again, unfortunately that didn't happen
Dub J
We were in good shape. Hadn't lost a game and had a shot to play in the LC game. I would hate to have been around the first time we lost a fucking game considering all the bitching and whining while we were winning. I was receiving PMs from people pissed off about losing lolpreseason scrims.
Originally posted by Dub J
We were in good shape. Hadn't lost a game and had a shot to play in the LC game. I would hate to have been around the first time we lost a fucking game considering all the bitching and whining while we were winning. I was receiving PMs from people pissed off about losing lolpreseason scrims.

pms about preaseson scrims? my team was getting butt raped in the preseason because it was preseason and I didn't give a shit about those games I didn't want to show much knowing I had decent opponents the first 2 regular season games.
Dub J
Yeah, apparently we weren't supposed to test anything out. I was supposed to take those preseason scrims VERY SERIOUSLY.
Originally posted by Dub J
Yeah, apparently we weren't supposed to test anything out. I was supposed to take those preseason scrims VERY SERIOUSLY.


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