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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > If you were to change the league structure
Kendo 1
Originally posted by BP
Originally posted by Kendo 1

Now I get to take unlimited smoke breaks, use the word "Bro" and hit on my female customers...that's me, and I'm pretty good at it

need an asst ?

I am looking for a cute young chick who'll wear a bikini top and dance around with my sign on Saturdays on the corner during the summer. $10/ want it, it's yours.

got man boobs, so can jiggle

Originally posted by BP

That's all true...really any pyramid structure is flawed. Any type of minors system is going to be flawed inherantly because teams are just there because of their levels, not because of accomplishments. All Pro teams know how to compete and probably have decent coordinators and AI's, all cap 30 teams...well, good luck finding top notch coordinators running that show (at least for the vast majority).

It was said by someone else but I will repeat:

When the new type of leagues be introduced, they should be applied to the pyramid and not different pyramid:

Lv 4-30 =intermediate : limited AI, simple financial system (so a owner can run a team by himself, maybe with some help from novice GM)
Lv 30 - AA = normal : current AI level, simple financial system.
AAA - WL = hardcore : all new features for AI and financial system (only experienced owners and GMs)

Originally posted by tragula
Originally posted by BP

That's all true...really any pyramid structure is flawed. Any type of minors system is going to be flawed inherantly because teams are just there because of their levels, not because of accomplishments. All Pro teams know how to compete and probably have decent coordinators and AI's, all cap 30 teams...well, good luck finding top notch coordinators running that show (at least for the vast majority).

It was said by someone else but I will repeat:

When the new type of leagues be introduced, they should be applied to the pyramid and not different pyramid:

Lv 4-30 =intermediate : limited AI, simple financial system (so a owner can run a team by himself, maybe with some help from novice GM)
Lv 30 - AA = normal : current AI level, simple financial system.
AAA - WL = hardcore : all new features for AI and financial system (only experienced owners and GMs)

I do like that general idea.

There are quite a few teams that start out, are serious and have experienced coordinators and owners that would like an AI and have the goods to dominate. You'd be taking that away from them. Kind of the only negative.

If that were the structure I'd be good with it..and maybe the option at lvl 30 to either enter "normal" or enter "casual"? So that way, everybody has the same basic experience to start then either graduates to more complexity or just goes the casual route. That would eliminate the need for super casual and any casual under level 30.

Pretty decent idea I think.
Edited by BP on Apr 28, 2010 13:52:16
Originally posted by Ravenwood

Equipment and EQ Upgrades

"Why would I sign my player with a high-tiered team, when I can simply rack up huge stats in the lower-tiered leagues?"

Simple – the higher tiers are the only places where you can get higher level equipment!

Players automatically receive 1 complete set of EQ, and the maximum level of that set is determined by the tier of the team they are currently signed with. (Note – the player would still need to have attained the required level.)

For example:

A player who signs with a Midget League team would be eligible to automatically receive 4-pieces of L24 gear – and nothing more than L24 gear – provided he's at least L24.

If he signs with a 'Peewee' tier team, he'd be eligible to get L32 gear.
'Bantam' unlocks L40 gear.
'High School' unlocks L48 gear.
'College' unlocks L56 gear.
'Pro' unlocks L64 gear.

(Note – a player would still need to have the required level – a level-20 player who signed with a 'Peewee' team would still only be able to outfit L16 upgrades, until he hits L24.)

EQ upgrades should be absolutely free to the player and the team. EQ upgrades should basically be a function of the tier your player is playing in. The higher the tier, the better your dot becomes through EQ upgrades.

+1000 would help keep higher level players from dominating lower leagues...
Originally posted by SeattleNiner
+1000 would help keep higher level players from dominating lower leagues... it wouldn't. if somebody wants to go to the lower leagues to rack up stats, why would weaker equipment that they don't even have to pay for dissuade them? they'd still kick more ass & rack up more stats in the lower league.
Also the key of any system being put into place can't push players off a team because it isn't moving up the ranks fast enough. Allow people to play together is a benefit anything that gets in the way of that would have a negative impact.

Originally posted by Raiders12
I would back this plan with some other suggested modifications applied..they are:

1. End ALGs.
2. Reduce roster sizes to 45/48.
3. The making fame mean something suggestion.
4. Base the league caps on date of creation AND force non-boosters into the Casual leagues.
5. Arrange teams in leagues based on the effective level (once items 1-3 have been put in place).
6. Don't (ever) implement the coaches idea.
7. Leave team financing as is or revise the current planned changes to incorporate a lot less than proposed.
8. Not a big fan of the proposed training changes, but they may not be too bad once Item #1 has been implemented.

1) ALG's have nothing to do with competition of league formats. Removing it will just create cookie cutter builds and make the game boring for people who enjoy making players.
2) Reducing roster size will not improve recruiting or competition. There are simply to many teams for the number of players. The ridged league structure creates more slots for teams than are needed.
3) Making fame mean something would be cool. Hopefully we will see it down the road but has nothing to do with competition of Leagues
4) Players should be able to play where they want within reason.
5) Effective level should be one factor of many when leagues are put together.
6) Coaches are a great move but them being in game has nothing to do with league structure.
7&8) Has nothing to do with league structure.

Originally posted by oldskool it wouldn't. if somebody wants to go to the lower leagues to rack up stats, why would weaker equipment that they don't even have to pay for dissuade them? they'd still kick more ass & rack up more stats in the lower league.

Duh. But with lower leveled equipment equal to everyone else in the league, it would HELP.
Time Trial
Originally posted by Kendo 1
Thanks. Was thinking if we knew how many human teams there are, we could work backwards to fit a structure to them.

Again, if you go back a few pages the number of human owned teams is not the issue. It is the number of active players. Even without AA and Casual there aren't enough... and when I did that included unretired players who are in serious decline. In reality there are even less viable players than I listed.
p upset
Originally posted by BP
Ok D, here is your can thank me later via a large flex deposit into my account (I don't want a job, but thanks )

For everything above the Capped Leagues

Eliminate Oceania and One of the Europes

here is your new league set up

1 WL
6 Pro
12 AAA
24 AA

take the oceania and one europe teams and redistribute them. Teams that made the playoffs in those leagues in Pro go into pro in the other leagues, those that didn't get distributed into AAA. You make room in Pro in the 6 leagues by demoting non-playoff teams in order of record down to AAA. Then repeat those steps in AAA and down and all league will be filled up. 6 teams demote from WL each season from each region instead of 8 in this scenario.

AA is horrible right now, 24 leagues is probably perfect for how many teams/players you have.

Very simple solution. We'll have 6 great regions with great competition. Not 8 with waaay too many AA's and horrible competition below AAA.

For the capped leagues...a little tougher, but the level caps don't work. Even though SSB has effectively been killed, non-boosters with 8 old season lvl 38 players still ruin things for the boosters.

You have to decide how interested you are in keeping non-boosters around and if those profiles really bring you money in.

If they don't and you don't care about them

1) Leagues with date creation caps

if you do

2) Make boosting a requirement to enter non-casual capped leagues. How you would this is have a maximum level AND a minimum creation date for capped leagues that use a full AI setup. Make the casual leagues have no such rules. That way, casual players can play casually...serious players play seriously. You'd probably have to reduce the amount of regular capped leagues and increase the amount of casuals in this scenario

Just to qualify my plan, I currently own my own business...I did in gross transactions about 10 million dollars in 2008/2009 (no I didn't make that much..only a fraction, a small fraction, nobody ask me to buy them flex please ). I have no employees and do it all myself. I'm not some angry ass 16 year old with ideas, running businesses and putting together good solid plans is what I do. Take it for what it's worth.

this please
Originally posted by Baw333_1994
First, I would listen to what all the users had to say, then implement changes based what the majority of users (unhappy or not) suggested! We are doing all the thinking, just read and get busy!

you so craaaaaaaazy
A Democracy?
Very bad Idea
Originally posted by RiverRat2
A Democracy?
Very bad Idea

GLB isn't a democracy, it's a business.

But we certainly try to stay involved with and take ideas from the forum community (who also help keep this game running)
Edited by DigitalDaggers on Apr 28, 2010 17:00:52
Originally posted by SeattleNiner
Duh. But with lower leveled equipment equal to everyone else in the league, it would HELP.

how does it help, i've got 30 more SP than you, but at least I don't have another +12 from better equipment?

The concept "you build it, and they will come" is a myth.
A wise agent posted this earlier.

Originally posted by DONKEIDIC
I would suggest that DD or whomever is interested in this take the ideas, make a thread for each, and have us pick them apart.


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