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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > Elephant Conference power Ranking
2 losses to undefeated teams. I should have held out another 2 games before making the first thread as Lion conference showed. However seen people asking about it so went ahead and did it.
Do you just draw names out of a hat?
Hey leave the guy alone. His rankings are well done and he actually has a spreadsheet set up to do the prediction rather than some idiot who has never been in the division throwing darts.

He doesn't have to do this, and if your team is ranked too low, then get off your ass and go beat someone.

^ LOL!

I don't see how two of the three undefeated teams are ranked 9 and 11. I ain't buying the "beat someone" line, because both teams beat the #2 ranked team.
You new guys dont see it. The forumla is a numerical formula and with only 3 games yes it looks bad.

The top teams do to success with such little data are suffering from their success and the top teams are taking advantage of the sos having played the undefeated.

I spent all last season working the information out so i dont expect you new punks to understand. The people here last year know how I went through and changed the formula from mid season to end in order to try and reflect as good a rankings as possible.

The is the exact same spread sheet I used at the end of last season.

Your free to complain and bitch and moan. But if you just moved up? I dont expect you to understand.

I no longer have anything in APL. No players or anything. So why should I give 2 shits about some arrogant teams that moved up and think they know everything? I said I would still do it as I enjoyed APL forums. Shevegas, Laggo, USAORG all had something going. Majech always gave me shit cause no matter what i did i could not help out the bugeaters last season to reflect their record. Should have seen things last year. The initial formula compared to what i ended with. I could have gone out and just used other peoples work and called it my own rankings but i didnt. It is a formula I have started and tweaked through all of last season.

Are their flaws? Yes. Why? because the games actually have to be played. I use a numbers based formula to remove as much influence as possible from myself so as to leave as little bias into the rankings as possible. Do I think they are an accurate reflection as of right now? No. I even stated as much. I even stated due to how the numbers fall and work i should have waited a game or 2.

As was stated before. I dont have to do this. I choose to do this. I choose to because I like APL. However it seems the new people would prefer i dont. All i can say is that last Season i had Rwanda and Cape Town for Lion, Coyotes and USAORG for Elephant and they showed they were those rankings. Both #2 in the rankings went on to the Championship. I know USAORG went through Coyotes. I believe Cape Town went through Rwanda as well.

Ignore the haters. The rest of us appreciate your hard work (and understand that it takes almost half the season for most ranking systems to have enough data sort themselves out).

Nico, glad to see your rankings are back in action. Thanks once again for your efforts!
Chet Avery
Originally posted by etonblue

Ignore the haters. The rest of us appreciate your hard work (and understand that it takes almost half the season for most ranking systems to have enough data sort themselves out).


Originally posted by Chet Avery
Originally posted by etonblue


Ignore the haters. The rest of us appreciate your hard work (and understand that it takes almost half the season for most ranking systems to have enough data sort themselves out).


+1 Thanks again man... Keep it up.
Originally posted by Nicodareus
You new guys dont see it. The forumla is a numerical formula and with only 3 games yes it looks bad.

The top teams do to success with such little data are suffering from their success and the top teams are taking advantage of the sos having played the undefeated.

I spent all last season working the information out so i dont expect you new punks to understand. The people here last year know how I went through and changed the formula from mid season to end in order to try and reflect as good a rankings as possible.

The is the exact same spread sheet I used at the end of last season.

Your free to complain and bitch and moan. But if you just moved up? I dont expect you to understand.

I no longer have anything in APL. No players or anything. So why should I give 2 shits about some arrogant teams that moved up and think they know everything? I said I would still do it as I enjoyed APL forums. Shevegas, Laggo, USAORG all had something going. Majech always gave me shit cause no matter what i did i could not help out the bugeaters last season to reflect their record. Should have seen things last year. The initial formula compared to what i ended with. I could have gone out and just used other peoples work and called it my own rankings but i didnt. It is a formula I have started and tweaked through all of last season.

Are their flaws? Yes. Why? because the games actually have to be played. I use a numbers based formula to remove as much influence as possible from myself so as to leave as little bias into the rankings as possible. Do I think they are an accurate reflection as of right now? No. I even stated as much. I even stated due to how the numbers fall and work i should have waited a game or 2.

As was stated before. I dont have to do this. I choose to do this. I choose to because I like APL. However it seems the new people would prefer i dont. All i can say is that last Season i had Rwanda and Cape Town for Lion, Coyotes and USAORG for Elephant and they showed they were those rankings. Both #2 in the rankings went on to the Championship. I know USAORG went through Coyotes. I believe Cape Town went through Rwanda as well.

I will draw names out of a hat if you don't want to.

I'm glad you're doing a power rating, but I can't help but think that the algorithm needs a lot of work.

It did correctly figure out that 0-3 Atlanta is a terrible team, but it seemed to give its three opponents very high power ratings for their easy blowouts. Quality teams like the Legionnaires don't get to top the charts until they play Atlanta, too?

Any algorithm that has a 1-2 team ranked #2 while the two teams that beat them are ranked #9 and #11 needs some work, huh?
Keep up the good work.
Originally posted by etonblue

Ignore the haters. The rest of us appreciate your hard work (and understand that it takes almost half the season for most ranking systems to have enough data sort themselves out).

The "haters" in this case are questioning why their team is ranked #9 when they beat the #2 and #5 team. You don't see this as a possible issue? If there is not enough data, then the rankings pretty much are garbage.

Like Pin said...I guess Zambia must get off their ass and beat someone. Oh wait...
Originally posted by Drewg81
Originally posted by etonblue


Ignore the haters. The rest of us appreciate your hard work (and understand that it takes almost half the season for most ranking systems to have enough data sort themselves out).

The "haters" in this case are questioning why their team is ranked #9 when they beat the #2 and #5 team. You don't see this as a possible issue? If there is not enough data, then the rankings pretty much are garbage.

Like Pin said...I guess Zambia must get off their ass and beat someone. Oh wait...

What's funny is that last sason we weren't ranked well at all... I kinda liked it that way because most were surprised we beat them. Why you getting your nickers in a bunch over an EARLY ranking? Nic has done this outta the goodness of his heart and you're whining?

Good grief, where the hell is the roll eyes smilely when you need it?
Originally posted by Drewg81
Originally posted by etonblue


Ignore the haters. The rest of us appreciate your hard work (and understand that it takes almost half the season for most ranking systems to have enough data sort themselves out).

The "haters" in this case are questioning why their team is ranked #9 when they beat the #2 and #5 team. You don't see this as a possible issue? If there is not enough data, then the rankings pretty much are garbage.

Like Pin said...I guess Zambia must get off their ass and beat someone. Oh wait...

Yeah, I don't think you guys are really getting this. If you keep winning, then you won't have to "worry" about your ranking. It is as simple as that.

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