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Forum > Pro Leagues > How to Clean Up WL
The Duff Man
Changed the wording of my post because you are right. They didn't ruin the fun for everyone. But in my opinion they did ruin it for many in WL.

With the changed wording, the point remains the same. My personal opinion is that Bort is better in the long run by getting rid of the people who ruin the fun for those who want to take the dots seriously.
It's the same it is in any PvP game (and GLB is a PvP game)...griefers. Those that enjoy making others in the game miserable.

It happens in any game. Fire up a chess game, there are those that run a chess simulation on their PC which picks their next move. Play a 3d shooter, and there are those that hack their video card drivers to make walls invsible. Go to an MMORPG and there are those that sniff network traffic to find out what rares are spawned in a zone and hunt them down before others even know they are around. Go to pretty much any game and you'll find those that bend, distort or break the rules because they want it how they want it and other people can be damned.

The bigger question is what to do about 'em?
Originally posted by CONN CHRIS
Originally posted by silenthatred

So you want the ability to GM/Own or any combination of more than 1 team removed? Because I can guaranfuckingtee that this isn't the first time something like this has happened. And this is without including CPL in the mix.

No need to limit everyone because there are a few people that will abuse the system. Just ban those that obviously abuse it. Real bans act as a great deterent. Other sites / games do just that why should this be any different. Bort will sort it out eventually, if you don't deal with asshats harshly you'll eventually just have asshats and a smaller revenue stream. I'm guessing that Bort isn't that dumb long-term.

Bushido Zin
Originally posted by PackMan97
It's the same it is in any PvP game (and GLB is a PvP game)...griefers. Those that enjoy making others in the game miserable.

It happens in any game. Fire up a chess game, there are those that run a chess simulation on their PC which picks their next move. Play a 3d shooter, and there are those that hack their video card drivers to make walls invsible. Go to an MMORPG and there are those that sniff network traffic to find out what rares are spawned in a zone and hunt them down before others even know they are around. Go to pretty much any game and you'll find those that bend, distort or break the rules because they want it how they want it and other people can be damned.

The bigger question is what to do about 'em?

I like that you cannot understand the difference between "being kind of a dick" and "cracking" and the difference between "Break the rules" and "violate customs"
The Duff Man
Originally posted by silenthatred

So you are advocating bans off of best guesses and personal opinion? You don't see the flaw with that? Seriously?

My personal opinion is that he and several other people on the team should be banned. Not only from this incident, but if this thing is the spark that gets it done so be it. It is your personal opinion that this shouldn't happen. Your opinion holds as much weight as mine.

At the end of the day, Bort has to use his OWN best guess and personal opinion on what to do.

If I was sitting in his shoes, and I came to the conclusion that banning The Duff Man was going to benefit GLB and Bort in the long run, I would do it without a moments pause. Because at the end of the day, he gets to decide what to do and it can be based on whatever the hell he wants it to be based on, including what side of the bed he woke up on.
Mr. Me2
Originally posted by The Duff Man
Changed the wording of my post because you are right. They didn't ruin the fun for everyone. But in my opinion they did ruin it for many in WL.

With the changed wording, the point remains the same. My personal opinion is that Bort is better in the long run by getting rid of the people who ruin the fun for those who want to take the dots seriously.

Well the good news for me is I need to change none of the wording of my post to fit your changed wording and my point still remains.
I guess it's about fun taking GLB seriously (for a mmorpg football game that is) vs. having fun trying to expose the system (things that shouldn't be an issue with both teams actually trying) and trying to annoy the rest of the community. There is a difference in the types of fun.

I think just permanent IP banning some and doing it to one of the top 5 teams would be fun. Would it be fair? No. Would it be "good for the lulz"? I'd probably lol a bit. Then again people who "dont' care about the game" would probably bitch and moan and act like martyrs like jeff garcia who came off as kinda pathetic (i dun follow ffa at all). I know i'd laugh if all of a sudden halifax said CPU and all the players FAs. That's what we're here for, right? The lulz?
Edited by chronoaug on Nov 6, 2009 08:38:06
Mr. Me2
Originally posted by The Duff Man
Originally posted by silenthatred

So you are advocating bans off of best guesses and personal opinion? You don't see the flaw with that? Seriously?

My personal opinion is that he and several other people on the team should be banned. Not only from this incident, but if this thing is the spark that gets it done so be it. It is your personal opinion that this shouldn't happen. Your opinion holds as much weight as mine.

At the end of the day, Bort has to use his OWN best guess and personal opinion on what to do.

If I was sitting in his shoes, and I came to the conclusion that banning The Duff Man was going to benefit GLB and Bort in the long run, I would do it without a moments pause. Because at the end of the day, he gets to decide what to do and it can be based on whatever the hell he wants it to be based on, including what side of the bed he woke up on.

The problem with that is there is money involved, rules set, and what happened hasn't violated any of those rules. Go ahead and play the ban game with other people's money involved though. Good luck with it.
Mr. Me2
Originally posted by chronoaug
I guess it's about fun taking GLB seriously (for a mmorpg football game that is) vs. having fun trying to expose the system (things that shouldn't be an issue with both teams actually trying) and trying to annoy the rest of the community. There is a difference in the types of fun.

I think just permanent IP banning some would be fun. Would it be fair? No. Would it be "good for the lulz"? I'd probably lol a bit. Then again people who "dont' care about the game" would probably bitch and moan and act like martyrs like jeff garcia who came off as kinda pathetic (i dun follow ffa at all). I know i'd laugh if all of a sudden halifax said CPU and all the players FAs. That's what we're here for, right? The lulz?

IP bans are beneath me and pretty much everyone else in North America.

Edit: Not that I had anything to do with the results of the game. The bitching and moaning is why I even looked to see what happened, but the point is it's laughable that the thought of an IP ban should mean something.
Edited by silenthatred on Nov 6, 2009 08:40:28
Originally posted by silenthatred
The problem with that is there is money involved, rules set, and what happened hasn't violated any of those rules. Go ahead and play the ban game with other people's money involved though. Good luck with it.


quoted from the terms of use:

"You agree that the interpretation of the word "cheating" is entirely up to the administrators of and may change at any time, in order to improve the experience of all users."

keep thinking bort is "tied down" by the terms. Did you even read them before your post? That took 5 seconds to find
Edited by chronoaug on Nov 6, 2009 08:41:55
Edited by chronoaug on Nov 6, 2009 08:41:12
Originally posted by silenthatred
IP bans are beneath me and pretty much everyone else in North America.

Well, it'd still take the account with all the dots and the team and prestige and what not. Even if bort refunded flex it'd be starting from day 0 with no players or teams having to game the system from the bottom rather than the top
Mr. Me2
Originally posted by chronoaug
Originally posted by silenthatred

The problem with that is there is money involved, rules set, and what happened hasn't violated any of those rules. Go ahead and play the ban game with other people's money involved though. Good luck with it.

Also, lol

quoted from the terms of use:

"You agree that the interpretation of the word "cheating" is entirely up to the administrators of and may change at any time, in order to improve the experience of all users."

Well I'm glad you said that, because this isn't the first time this has happened. And then we would get to call into question every single time that two teams had a GM/owner combination and played each other in the regular season or playoffs. Also, the thought that the quoted statement above offers any protection is what is lol.
The Duff Man
Originally posted by silenthatred
Originally posted by The Duff Man

Originally posted by silenthatred

So you are advocating bans off of best guesses and personal opinion? You don't see the flaw with that? Seriously?

My personal opinion is that he and several other people on the team should be banned. Not only from this incident, but if this thing is the spark that gets it done so be it. It is your personal opinion that this shouldn't happen. Your opinion holds as much weight as mine.

At the end of the day, Bort has to use his OWN best guess and personal opinion on what to do.

If I was sitting in his shoes, and I came to the conclusion that banning The Duff Man was going to benefit GLB and Bort in the long run, I would do it without a moments pause. Because at the end of the day, he gets to decide what to do and it can be based on whatever the hell he wants it to be based on, including what side of the bed he woke up on.

The problem with that is there is money involved, rules set, and what happened hasn't violated any of those rules. Go ahead and play the ban game with other people's money involved though. Good luck with it.

There is money involved when I go to a baseball game or concert. A play. A poker tournament. Many other forms of entertainment. When I do those things, I know that I am there to have fun, but I also respect that there is a line that I can't cross, which involves making the game less enjoyable for others. If I cross that line, a consequence may be that I am removed from the situation and I may or may not get my money back.

I think Bort has already perma-banned people, so there is precedent there that he WILL do it if he feels it is warranted. The rules are subject to his whim and interpretation. Collusion between two teams occurred, in this case it seems like it was done by a single individual. If he interprets this as being against the rules and ban worthy, good luck fighting it.
The Duff Man
Originally posted by silenthatred

And then we would get to call into question every single time that two teams had a GM/owner combination and played each other in the regular season or playoffs.

You can call whatever you want into question. If you think you are protected by rules in this case you may find yourself sadly mistaken.

Let's say Bort decides to ban Gart. You are going to "call into question" these other instances. Fine. What if Bort says, "Yeah, these other ones look OK. Case closed".

Good luck with that. Like with all other things GLB related Bort has the final say.

Kyschic already admitted that Gart controls and operates both teams so it's not like it's a mystery. By playing GLB you are agreeing to any changes or decisions Bort makes. It's in the terms and just kind of common sense. Obviously some people in WL feel that their fun and usage has been affected by others. Bort could easily respond and the thought that his hands are somehow tied is kinda silly

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