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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > Differences between Fight Club and LOL(USA BORG)
Originally posted by Rage Kinard
Originally posted by britdevine316

Teams that partner up with other teams will always be low on the morale scale with me.

It doesn't matter that he isn't' ORG anymore, he still used all of the winnings as an advantage.

Run your own team from the start, and recruit on your own. That's how it should be and more respect to those that do.

So if a person gets a GM that also owns another team and that GM helps recruit players for the team owner, then that person goes down on the morale scale for you?

You mean only people who have 15 hours a day to do all the recruiting themselves are worthy of respect?

Do you really care if Britt thinks you are worthy of his respect?

Originally posted by coachviking
Originally posted by Lorenzo Express

Originally posted by Hokiemon

Originally posted by Lorenzo Express


P.S. If you would read the earlier posts, once again, you would know SheVegas does not want to deal with you. So, you can do that in between times when you are coming up with even more inventive ways to change SheVegas' name. Nothing shows your uneducated ass more than that!

Normally I would ignore you, and your team owner. But I couldn't resist copying your eloquent post about how "uneducated it is to change a player's name around". Something that your highly educated teacher buddy never does eh?

Well Hokie, when does he attack someone's sexuality? Once again some morons take things to extremes. He has fun playing on the farm aspect. Speaking of that, there seems to be some back tracking already on the fact that there may be some connection between you and Ash's team. Trying to cover some tracks already?

Guys like viking can hurl insults all they want. I can guarantee he is much more worked up than I am. But of course, there are no answers that are factually based. So go ahead and sling some more insults guys - it really hurts.

OK heres one Your ugly and your mom dresses you funny HAH

And this is what your players have to play with! SheVegas tells it like it is and attacks with questions. This fourth grader is entertaining, though.
Originally posted by thebigcali
To be frank, most of the reason I was so hostile as I came into the league was that I was basically attacked by some of the people who've been here and felt my swap was just a shallow attempt to win a championship. I think as my team's performance so far has shown, despite the allure of USA AAA1, our high level players and a decent showing last season, Fight Club is far from an ELITE team. We're damn good but we're not exactly world destroyers or anything. In fact, I knew Hokie before coming here and even told him via PM that they'd probably win it all again since I felt then and do now that they have the better team.

If people on this game weren't so egomaniacal on the forums, I'd probably have a better reputation and I'll admit, I've had some embarrassing moments on the forum as well. And no denying that I've done some ignorant shit in my time here on GLB, no doubt, anybody who knows me or has stayed on my team for longer than a couple seasons knows this.

What I don't really get is I've had to be very defensive and stick up for myself and my team to a really unnecessary degree. I've had my intentions questioned, I've had my team be mentioned negatively in just about every single thread since I announced that I was going to be coming here. A small part of the reason I left USA AAA was the forums. Even if Fight Club won the championship this season or down the road, I'd still end up having to deal with the Monmouth Evil Monkeys in USA Pro and their drama. So in essence, Africa presented a new start. I've been in USA, yes it helps recruiting and there are better teams there, but I was enjoying the game less and less because of the people I was competing against.

I guess the underlying problem with GLB is that we're all such dorks as owners/GMs and some diehard player agents, we put a lot of effort and thought into our teams/players/strategy, we all ultimately take shit way too personally and way too seriously since we put so much effort into fielding the best team possible. That may not be true for some, but it's been true for myself up to this point in the game.. For me, I'm trying to take a big step back from all the drama, name-calling and finger-pointing BS that got me in half the grudges that I'm in today on here. Some are just so fixated on winning that they don't really take time to just enjoy the game for what it is, that's at least how I see it.

Not really sure if I'm point here, just thinking outloud.

Good point Knuckle head. By the way you hated us WAY BEFORE we hated you.
Originally posted by jrry32
Originally posted by Lorenzo Express

Originally posted by jrry32

Originally posted by Lorenzo Express

Originally posted by coachviking

Originally posted by Lorenzo Express

Originally posted by coachviking

Originally posted by Lorenzo Express

Well, we can see a select few on this site have not received the education they so desperately needed. First, Clinton - that is perhaps the most disrespectful comment I have seen on this site. I, myself as a teacher, feel the system must have let you down in some way, and that is too bad. To have this kind of resentment towards the system is an epic failure. Perhaps because it is that you were not able to receive the special education services that I could provide you? Perhaps it is because no one would play with you during recess? Who knows? But to say "majoring in education is for morons," you are really saying that the United States is completely failing as a country. Maybe we will soon not be the world's predominant power, but we will still have a great influence. Your condemnation of our profession says that you would like to live somewhere else. Please, go right ahead. I can a sure you that Vegas, as his co-worker, is as educated as he says he is. We both went through the UW system, that would be University of Wisconsin for you littleone, which is annually among the highest ranking systems in the country. We both attended/attending (for myself) well recognized private institutions for our master's. To come out and say someone is not who they say there, is a joke. Now, I know there are many of agents out there that make stuff up about themselves all of the time to feel better about who they are, but that is not SheVegas. He shoots from the hip all of the time, and that frankly is refreshing. Then you have Lefty Wall. Another classy post. SheVegas stands for the nickname that was kiddingly bestowed upon our hometown. You are another example of how the system failed. If you want to go that far with your comments, go right ahead. But know that the two of us are very secure with who we are and what we do. We make a difference in children's lives. Clinton, what do you do? Can you honestly say your job has as much importance as what a teacher does? Be careful how you answer this, because I truly believe what we do is the most important thing in the world. And SheVegas is damn good at what he does and the children he works with. None of you would last more then a week with those kids.

YOU need to shut the hell up and try a PARAGRAPH once in a freaking while you whining bastard

Okay, I broke down the passage into more readable paragraphs for those that are at a lower reading level. Maybe this will help your Kurzweil? This is quite obviously necessary, as when you try to sound intelligent you make a fool of yourself. Case in point, "YOU ARE FAR BELOW my normal standards of comprehension." Honestly, this has no meaning. How about you go back to swearing at us and calling us whiners (perhaps in all caps)?

Until then we are still waiting for factually based answers. If you do not have those, go back to your own forum.

OK I shall now drop down to a level that you should understand.

WHAT THE FUCK DO I HAVE TO ANSWER DOUCHE BAG. What facts do you want. Some simple little punk-she veins or something like that, decided to throw my team and as a result of that ME, into this ORG/hokie/guild/cult debate and I am not to happy about it. While you as the ass kissing little brown noser to she VAG, defends IT for what ever reason, I still am rather confused as to why MY team and I have been included in this debacle.

Please tell you master to stop in. I have a question or two.

Another masterful post. Wonderful grammar and use of caps once again. Perhaps if you read the entire thread you would see that one of gm's (jrr32) came in and starting talking shit. That is what got you involved, evidently. Now, first I would like you to explain what was meant by the comprehension piece. Next, just explain your partnership with the other teams. It is evident that Ash's Balls will be the next team to join - once the first generation of players are retired. But, I suspect we will have some more slurs thrown our way. We will also have more agents posting that we know nothing and there is no partnership going on "her."

P.S. If you would read the earlier posts, once again, you would know SheVegas does not want to deal with you. So, you can do that in between times when you are coming up with even more inventive ways to change SheVegas' name. Nothing shows your uneducated ass more than that!


How about this Mr. Taco...Sniff, sniff I smell a multi-account! You say you play for LOL. Where would that be? Although I am sure you will work out some sort of trade tonight to cover this up. Well, it is 9:15 CST and you have no one on the LOL. Oh, I'm sorry I took away an out.

Wow I sincerely suggest you look back and see the hello thread then look at my LB Dick Lambert who was traded to LOL 5-6 hours ago.(notice it says TRADE PENDING) You sir are an idiot. You took away no outs and multi account? Wow is that the best you can come up with? I thought there would be something about networking and world domination in there as well.

Wow, and here is another example of playing a year ahead of everyone else - more stadium and money to buy players. I am sure there is some sort of connection that allowed for this. But that thought will be rejected - perhaps with more profanity.

Hey viking, how about you come up with another one. Maybe you can get up to the fifth grade level this time!
Originally posted by Lorenzo Express
Originally posted by coachviking

Originally posted by Lorenzo Express

Originally posted by Hokiemon

Originally posted by Lorenzo Express


P.S. If you would read the earlier posts, once again, you would know SheVegas does not want to deal with you. So, you can do that in between times when you are coming up with even more inventive ways to change SheVegas' name. Nothing shows your uneducated ass more than that!

Normally I would ignore you, and your team owner. But I couldn't resist copying your eloquent post about how "uneducated it is to change a player's name around". Something that your highly educated teacher buddy never does eh?

Well Hokie, when does he attack someone's sexuality? Once again some morons take things to extremes. He has fun playing on the farm aspect. Speaking of that, there seems to be some back tracking already on the fact that there may be some connection between you and Ash's team. Trying to cover some tracks already?

Guys like viking can hurl insults all they want. I can guarantee he is much more worked up than I am. But of course, there are no answers that are factually based. So go ahead and sling some more insults guys - it really hurts.

OK heres one Your ugly and your mom dresses you funny HAH

And this is what your players have to play with! SheVegas tells it like it is and attacks with questions. This fourth grader is entertaining, though.

OMG, you have the sense of humor of a freaking Zombie. Lighten up, smile, have a beer, DO FUCKING SOMETHING TO KILL THE BUG UP YOUR TIGHT ASS.

This is called talking trash, maybe you have never heard of it before. If you have, you are VERY bad at it. If you haven't, never attempt it again.
didn't know it was illegal to make trades to upgrade your team
We'll I thought that General Macavelli being TSE's bitch was the biggest sycophant in GLB until tonight.

WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION IN THE TOADY OLYMPICS....LORENZO EXPRESS as the PISSBOY for She Vegas wins the "I serve my master without question" Award for the day.
knows how to party
Originally posted by coachviking

dropping SAT words on us tonight. You must be sober hah
knows how to party
Since everybody's here, everyone should check this out. It's probably not most people's cup of tea, but this guy is either a borderline autistic savant or just kind of ugly and damn good with a keyboard.
Originally posted by Lorenzo Express
Wow, and here is another example of playing a year ahead of everyone else - more stadium and money to buy players. I am sure there is some sort of connection that allowed for this. But that thought will be rejected - perhaps with more profanity.

Hey viking, how about you come up with another one. Maybe you can get up to the fifth grade level this time!

Oh yes a huge connection...our owner decided to sell the team and was trading all the guys for cash to the destination of their choice. Hokie read that the team was being disbanded and PMed me before anyone else...knowing Hokie previously from Dryden(where he was a teammate) and having chatted with him multiple times...I said yes. There's your connection, the Dryden Blues...the root of all EVIL!!!(other than the Monkeys of course)
Originally posted by onlyrockerfan
didn't know it was illegal to make trades to upgrade your team

Only for he can't trade for people on disbanding teams.
Originally posted by Lorenzo Express
Okay, where has he lied? If I really wanted to search, I could come up with threads that basically admit to the draft. There is an obvious partnership with teams like the Cheetahs. The fact that Hokie broke away from the org to distance himself from their flaw is quite apparent. The fact that they try to portray this as a "competitive" league, when in all reality it is not because they started out with a definite advantage (players, stadium = money). These are the things he wants to bring up. There are on lies here. Not one has ever been disproven. Yeah, you will have agents coming out of the woodwork defending the org ranting on and on about how these are "lies," but there have never been facts disproving anything!

There also has never been facts proving any of this, yes they network but that is it. It's not against the rules nor against some "imaginary" spirit of the game. Bort has said he had no problem with the USAORG and that it was bound to happen.
Not disproving unfounded accusation dose not mean guilt, take your case up with Bort and it will get shot down. Yes they had the advantage of knowing people, your fault for not doing the same. Make friends with people, open a private forum and discus builds and AI tactics. Then eventually a player will post "hey I've got a FA does anyone need him before I put him up as a FA" . Damn I let the whole secrete about the USAORG out of the bag. Almost no trading goes on in between teams in the USAORG. They need the players they have. This is why most of the silly accusations that come up, either get ridiculed, or just not answered. I know why hokie left and you couldn't be farther from the truth. I won't tell because it is too funny with what you guys come up with. If I told you, you would just feel dumb. Also where I'm from no one has to disprove anything it's the accusers burden to come up with proof. You have none, for no more of a reason because none exists.

So basically anything that calls the USAORG anything but a networking organization are complete and total lies. albeit, some are hysterical but it doesn't make it any less incorrect. So I'll call shevagas a liar and I'll be right

Edit: also that draft your talking about over 90% of them came from outside of the USAORG. The players already on the team had their positions wre solidified on the team, so most took no part in it (if any did they were back ups that wanted a shot a starting). Basically the draft was a way to draw interest, and to set us a part from other trying to recruit. But please keep the wacky theories coming, they are funny.

Last edited Nov 13, 2008 22:15:27
All of this and has Hokie responded? I'm not looking though 12 pages, but I doubt he did most likely.

And I don't even know the guy, but if set up a network for benefit, he's smart. It's not illegal, it's easy and effective and great way to make a better relationship with people, so why so negative? I don't know him, never talked to him, and not associated with LOL so I'm not biased in any way. What they guy did was respectfully smart.
Originally posted by thebigcali
Originally posted by coachviking


dropping SAT words on us tonight. You must be sober hah

hey! that's an ACT word!
Originally posted by blankspace
All of this and has Hokie responded? I'm not looking though 12 pages, but I doubt he did most likely.

And I don't even know the guy, but if set up a network for benefit, he's smart. It's not illegal, it's easy and effective and great way to make a better relationship with people, so why so negative? I don't know him, never talked to him, and not associated with LOL so I'm not biased in any way. What they guy did was respectfully smart.

He didn't respond, good chance he never will. Not to stuff like this, because it's stupid. I however, take enjoyment from it.

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