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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > Team Demotion/Resets Rules
Originally posted by Larry Roadgrader
Who's punishing anyone?

Please, please don't waste any of my time with this type of nonsense. You know who I am and you know that I'm not going to buy this kind of bullshit, so you were aware that there was no point to even posting it. Obviously teams having money and stadium sections away are being punished. You think it's worth it because you want everyone in a particular league to have equal finances. It's fine for you to keep arguing that, but you make yourself look ridiculous and get me irritated by pretending that you don't understand how those teams are being punished. Just stop it.

Originally posted by
Knowledge is transferable, whether one "starts over" or remains competitive where they're at. But stadiums and cash are no longer transferable when one decides to "start over". There's nothing more to it than that.

Thank you for acknowledging that those other, far more meaningful discrepancies won't be eliminated and would give teams run by tautology and w_alloy enormous advantages over anyone competing against them. Competition will never be "equal," which is why pretending otherwise is so silly. Teams don't win because they started over with complete stadiums. If you disagree, by all means, find me one example to the contrary. You can't because even you know that it's bullshit.
Edited by jdbolick on Feb 25, 2010 11:19:10
Originally posted by jdbolick
Competition will never be "equal," which is why pretending otherwise is so silly. Teams don't win because they started over with complete stadiums.

Again, competition being equal wasn't the goal--giving everyone the same starting point was.

Further, its true that teams don't win because they start over with complete stadiums, but its equally true that having one means one less thing to focus on, and makes things much easier at the higher levels of the game.
Originally posted by jdbolick

Please, please don't waste any of my time with this type of nonsense. You know who I am and you know that I'm not going to buy this kind of bullshit, so you were aware that there was no point to even posting it. Obviously teams having money and stadium sections away are being punished. You think it's worth it because you want everyone in a particular league to have equal finances. It's fine for you to keep arguing that, but you make yourself look ridiculous and get me irritated by pretending that you don't understand how those teams are being punished. Just stop it.

I don't buy that they're being "punished". Instead, they're merely being treated like any other team that wishes to "start over" and play the game at its earliest levels.
Edited by Larry Roadgrader on Feb 25, 2010 12:16:08
Time Trial
Originally posted by Larry Roadgrader

I don't buy that they're being "punished". Instead, they're merely being treated like any other team that wishes to "start over" and play the game at its earliest levels.

jd is making no sense again. If you want to start over, then truely start over. If you want to keep going with your stadium intact, then keep going. No one is forcing you to start over, but if you do want to start over, the opportunity is being given to you to do so.

The only 'punishment' is being a new team that has to be in the a league with people who already have a full stadium and can more easily recruit at the low levels by being able to promise max cash and equipment for every season for the next ten seasons.

Can I get your argument about why you think teams SHOULD be allowed to keep their stadium when restarting?

So far the, "we've put so much work into our stadium, we should get to keep it," just doesn't seem like it holds water. Building the stadium isn't a big challenge, but it is a huge bonus.

Also Bort and Co have explained that cash and equipment are getting a big change anyway, so why are you fighting this so hard?
Originally posted by jdbolick
Originally posted by pottsman

3) Recruit a new team of players and then slowly replace them.

So the only way you get to play with your own players or with a group of friends is if you and they create multiple waves of players. It still makes no sense to punish people who just want to keep playing with the same group of people they've been playing with.

And this can't be done with a 55 player roster limit. You have to own several teams, then you have the problem of getting players for all teams.

If Bort decides to persue this and take cash and stadium away then he will lose me as a paying customer along with many of my friends who play.
Edited by bowler844 on Feb 25, 2010 13:03:54
Team Nucleus
Draft Man
Final input from me on this topic.GLB is going to have to couple this with some other changes or it is the wrong way to go, I personally would have increased revenue but added maintanence fees that would really suck at your money if your fan support was down as that seems like a more realistic solution that removing cash and stadium sections outright, and you could do that so gutted teams would have to move out or try to win to get support.

Originally posted by Team Nucleus
Final input from me on this topic.GLB is going to have to couple this with some other changes or it is the wrong way to go, I personally would have increased revenue but added maintanence fees that would really suck at your money if your fan support was down as that seems like a more realistic solution that removing cash and stadium sections outright, and you could do that so gutted teams would have to move out or try to win to get support.


Off Topic question. Are you from New Bedford?
Originally posted by pottsman
3) Recruit a new team of players and then slowly replace them. Like real football team owners do. Like or or or or or or any other season 1 team still in existence.

I don't think real owners have to deal with bulldozers taking down parts of their stadiums because of poor performance.
Edited by GranpaQB on Feb 25, 2010 13:42:08
Team Nucleus
Draft Man
Originally posted by dnooner
Originally posted by Team Nucleus

Final input from me on this topic.GLB is going to have to couple this with some other changes or it is the wrong way to go, I personally would have increased revenue but added maintanence fees that would really suck at your money if your fan support was down as that seems like a more realistic solution that removing cash and stadium sections outright, and you could do that so gutted teams would have to move out or try to win to get support.


Off Topic question. Are you from New Bedford?

Revenue sharing would take care of the stadium resets.

If the "team value" is 20% (for example) above league average "team value", then a wealth distribution tax is imposed on the team, with the tax divided among the teams below league average, based on % below league average.

No team/stadium resets.

This can go in hand with a salary cap "luxury" tax if you pay players above 20% above league average team salary.

Team value is a combination of stadium size, revenue and team cash, including equip fund.

This also takes care of previous teams that have demoted to cap 14 with full stadium and $100M in cash....that value gradually is shared with other teams in the league, and provides them with more cash to "catch up" to the top of the league. It should not be enough to significantly impact the "rich" team, but will give the "reset" or "new" teams a little extra cash to keep up with other teams....
Time Trial
Originally posted by GranpaQB
Originally posted by pottsman

3) Recruit a new team of players and then slowly replace them. Like real football team owners do. Like or or or or or or any other season 1 team still in existence.

I don't think real owners have to deal with bulldozers taking down parts of their stadiums because of poor performance.

No, but they do have to pay maintenance, hire ground crews, security, advertise, etc.

You're right. If the Cowboys owner decided that he should only play high school games in his new stadium he wouldn't be able to sell nearly as many seats and not for nearly the price he would want. Also he would no longer get any media revenue. He would very quickly need to sell his stadium because he wouldn't be able to pay his loans, his employees, or to keep the stadium from falling apart.
Team Nucleus
Draft Man
Originally posted by Time Trial
Originally posted by GranpaQB

Originally posted by pottsman

3) Recruit a new team of players and then slowly replace them. Like real football team owners do. Like or or or or or or any other season 1 team still in existence.

I don't think real owners have to deal with bulldozers taking down parts of their stadiums because of poor performance.

No, but they do have to pay maintenance, hire ground crews, security, advertise, etc.

You're right. If the Cowboys owner decided that he should only play high school games in his new stadium he wouldn't be able to sell nearly as many seats and not for nearly the price he would want. Also he would no longer get any media revenue. He would very quickly need to sell his stadium because he wouldn't be able to pay his loans, his employees, or to keep the stadium from falling apart.

you said it that's why i posted this

Originally posted by Team Nucleus
Final input from me on this topic.GLB is going to have to couple this with some other changes or it is the wrong way to go, I personally would have increased revenue but added maintanence fees that would really suck at your money if your fan support was down as that seems like a more realistic solution that removing cash and stadium sections outright, and you could do that so gutted teams would have to move out or try to win to get support.


Edited by Team Nucleus on Feb 25, 2010 13:51:12
Originally posted by Team Nucleus

I grew up around there, most of my Mom's side is from Brockton.
Originally posted by Amrothlin
.......Is there any plan to create a level 50 Cap league? It would go a long way toward easing the transition into Uncapped leagues.

Any admin have any comment?

Originally posted by Time Trial
No, but they do have to pay maintenance, hire ground crews, security, advertise, etc.

You're right. If the Cowboys owner decided that he should only play high school games in his new stadium he wouldn't be able to sell nearly as many seats and not for nearly the price he would want. Also he would no longer get any media revenue. He would very quickly need to sell his stadium because he wouldn't be able to pay his loans, his employees, or to keep the stadium from falling apart.

Your right too but I think that fan support covers that. If Jerry Jones bring in high school players his attendance will definitely suffer. I just don't think someone will come over and take his Jumbotron away.

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