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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > Calling Out Monmouth
Again, why are we really WASTING our time with this ass? He is a novice at best, his builds are somewhat weak, and his secondary is thin as soup. Fuck this guy.
Carol City Cartel is next !
Last edited Aug 17, 2008 17:57:05
Oh please, please play the CCC, i'd love to watch that game.
Originally posted by davitrav30
Carol City Cartel is next !

The next team to whip your ass and laugh at you?
Originally posted by jfbueno
Oh please, please play the CCC, i'd love to watch that game.

I challenged them.
Why can't you get the Bullets to man up? Are they hiding with Cobra Kai?
Last edited Aug 17, 2008 18:15:36
Fat Banana
Originally posted by jrry32
Originally posted by Fat Banana

Originally posted by Doomsday

Originally posted by coachviking

Originally posted by jfbueno

Typical response from someone in USA A. GLB Comparison numbers don't mean shit. It's all about gameplanning and builds. That's what got us to AAA and hopefully pro next season. While you guys are withering away in A. Not to mention 30%+ of us haven't boosted yet.

I never meant to indicate that GLB comparison numbers mean anything. I am just anticipating this game. As for your bullshit comment. With all due respect to coachviking, who is a member of your own team posted the same exact thing.

These guys, while I respect their success, seem to do a lot of talking out of both sides of their mouths.

Well it could be least they don't talk out of their ass like Davi does!

Maybe, but "talking out of his ass" got us what we were looking for, a scrimmage against you. You might beat us, hell even destroy us, but we want to scrimmage against the best to see where we are now and what we need to do to get to where we want to be. I'm looking foward to this game. And if we do pull off a win? Bonus!!

Talking out of our ass to get a scrimmage isn't the way to go about it. It makes the fall too much to bear. Especially if the team that beat you never lets you live it down.
Originally posted by davitrav30
Originally posted by jfbueno

Oh please, please play the CCC, i'd love to watch that game.

I challenged them.

Looks like you got your wish JF
Last edited Aug 18, 2008 10:17:23
Fat Banana
Originally posted by jfbueno
Talking out of our ass to get a scrimmage isn't the way to go about it. It makes the fall too much to bear. Especially if the team that beat you never lets you live it down.

I suppose if you take GLB that seriously. But as for myself I'm sure I'll get by somehow, someway.

This is a game and nothing but a game but when people put a good amount of their time into it then they have a little too much invested to let petty talk from some underachieving team to just go by without consequences.
Not all but a lot of teams in higher leagues act like their shit don't stink and wont even talk to someone from a lower league. We know this because we have tried to be nice but no one would even consider scrimmaging us. We feel we have a pretty good team and want to play only the best. The only way we could get someone to talk to us is if we talk a lot of trash. The downfall to this is if we get killed we know there will be consequences to face but we feel it is worth it to play the better teams in GLB. Love us or hate us we are not here to make friends.
Originally posted by steve maiorini
Not all but a lot of teams in higher leagues act like their shit don't stink and wont even talk to someone from a lower league. We know this because we have tried to be nice but no one would even consider scrimmaging us. We feel we have a pretty good team and want to play only the best. The only way we could get someone to talk to us is if we talk a lot of trash. The downfall to this is if we get killed we know there will be consequences to face but we feel it is worth it to play the better teams in GLB. Love us or hate us we are not here to make friends.

OK good rationale. The thing is we don't turn down challenges in Monmouth, if you guys would have asked without being a prick we would have said yes
lol ahhh so there is the back-story to why this random team challenged us.

For the record... I have a few players on the Monkeys and I own CCC. So our game was just that ... a "friendly". We didnt plan anything ... just played with previous game tactics and it was basically a coin toss. One point win.

Monkeys are an elite team and I wouldnt underestimate them. If they play any of the top Pro-league level teams I wouldnt count them out of any games. 50/50 chance to win.

Anyway ... we'll see how well you do against us. Good luck ... u might need it now that i know that this game should be taken seriously.
Originally posted by sauce3200
lol ahhh so there is the back-story to why this random team challenged us.

For the record... I have a few players on the Monkeys and I own CCC. So our game was just that ... a "friendly". We didnt plan anything ... just played with previous game tactics and it was basically a coin toss. One point win.

Monkeys are an elite team and I wouldnt underestimate them. If they play any of the top Pro-league level teams I wouldnt count them out of any games. 50/50 chance to win.

Anyway ... we'll see how well you do against us. Good luck ... u might need it now that i know that this game should be taken seriously.

Good luck

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