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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > The Degridation of USA #2
Originally posted by doomstar
you've been bragging all about your pro team that's better than our teams, yet you can't even get the balls to prove it

That was YOU clowns.

Go back to the beginning of this thread.
This was about French Lick and some moron trying to insult me. I simply stated that the management of French Lick wanted to be pretty responsible and take the team to a lower league.

Sorry, your A league is a lower league.
It REALLY shouldn't be that hard to understand.
Originally posted by Malachorn
Originally posted by PhireHawk

Just a head's up

You might wanna delete the Private Message post, since it's against the Terms of Service to post private message on a public forum.

I'm not a 10 year old girl who's gonna go report you, but you never know who will run across this thread and go run to a moderator.

Just trying to be helpful...

I'm prett sure it's been said that I can post it with your permission. I took your "I don't give a f---" in response to my later PM as permission.
That wasn't fair?


You have my permission to post my Private Messages in this instance, or in any instance.

How's that for cut and dry?

If I send a private message, it's usually in response to somebody who didn't have the stones to speak their mind publicly. I have nothing to hide, and need nothing to hide behind.

Will you accept our challenge?
Last edited Aug 13, 2008 09:11:11
Originally posted by Malachorn
Originally posted by Stickman

Technically, this is supposed to be a lower level league...


...minus the fact that it's not really supposed to be a lower-LEVEL league... it's just supposed to be a lower-QUALITY league.

Right, but just because your supposed to be a super star, it doesn't make you one.

And in the future, this will be an average quality league. You'll have D leagues, maybe a C league where all the gutted teams should go, then the BBB, then A.

No one here has said that the A leagues should be the best league. We're just pointing out that the top talent in this particular A league has been and is better than the talent in several leagues "higher" than us, yet the relegation/promotion effect has been too slow to correct these things.

This is where you'd be better off if you actually looked at things and thought about them for a minute before you ran your mouth. Things are not always as they are supposed to be, and this is a prime example.

So pretty much all of your arguments are meaningless because you've failed to acknowledge the facts while you live in your little fantasy land.

Oh, and grow some nuts. If you're going to talk smack, be prepared to back it up. You should go back a reread this thread, because you look like a whiny little bitch...

Originally posted by doomstar
and what has your team won against? oh right... gutted teams

really great to be better than gutted teams, isn't it?

Once again, this shouldn't even have had anything to do with the Scotch Cocks. That was all you clowns.

However, if you'd like to talk about my team then I'll tell you we were a top team in our league the first season and lost to the eventual champs. We owned our league last season and were probably always the real favourites. Our only loss this season was in the first game where I completely screwed up and didn't change the AI from our scrimmage settings on offense - yeah, even I make really stupid mistakes. We still almost won that game and the owner of the great team that beat us was even so cool as to say that our team was the better team that day. I wouldn't go that far and claim the opposite - they won, ya know?

But the simple fact is that the Cocks have always done what they need to do.
Yes, the team is very good.

It wouldn't matter how good or bad the team is though. Not really and not when we're talking about all of you.

Can you guys be any worse at understanding what should be the obvious?
Originally posted by Malachorn
---------- Original message ----------
From: PhireHawk
Date: Aug 13, 2008 07:56:07
Subject: Re: You have received a friendly scrimmage challenge from the Windsor Warriors
To: Malachorn

Nobody dicked with you until you started broadcasting your belief that our league is lesser than your Pro League.

You brought this upon yourself.

And in case you didn't notice, my team doesn't gloat about wins. We may post the score, we may link the game result, but you won't hear us going on and on about a win - ever. At the same time, if you beat us, we will give you your congratulations and move on.

But neither of those scenarios mean squat to me. All that matters is you talked a big game, and I am calling you out on it.

Accept the challenge.

---------- Original message ----------
From: Malachorn
Date: Aug 13, 2008 07:48:33
Subject: Re: You have received a friendly scrimmage challenge from the Windsor Warriors
To: PhireHawk

In case you haven't realised, I enjoy being a dick when I've been dicked with.
Let's pretend I lost. I'd have to hear you guys talk like it means something.
Let's pretend I won. You'd have the satisfaction of still thinking you got your way and maybe I'd earn some respect? Bah! Who needs it?

Let's pretend I just continue to be a prick about everything... everyone wins!!!
Get it?

C'mon, this is all just about giving the biggest "fuck you" possible to that clown that tried to insult me.
You actually seem like a swell enough bloke, but use some sense... I wouldn't give any of these guys the satisfaction.

Ask me again at the end of the season and our teams can play again in the future... if you want and so long as you don't advertise that fact. But not in the immediate future because that would ruin too much fun, m'kay?


---------- Original message ----------
From: PhireHawk
Date: Aug 13, 2008 07:38:05
Subject: You have received a friendly scrimmage challenge from the Windsor Warriors
To: Malachorn

Dear Malachorn,<br>
This is an automated message.<br>
Your team, the <a href="/game/">Scotch Cocks</a>, has
just received an offer from the <a href="/game/">Windsor Warriors</a> to play
a friendly scrimmage match on day 16 at 14:00.<br>
You can view and accept or reject this offer by going to the proposed scrimmage match's <a href="/game/">status page</a>.<br>
If you do not respond within 5 days, or by the day of the match, the match will be automatically rejected.<br>
If you would like to send a message to the owner of the Windsor Warriors you may simply reply to this message.

Where exactly do you see an "I don't give a f---"?

That doesn't really look like you have permission to post that now do you?

Learn to read.

Originally posted by PhireHawk
Will you accept our challenge?

I was going to.
I tried enough now.

But, as it currently stands, I'm just going to have to give you the response I gave you last:
*raises middle finger*
Originally posted by Malachorn

Can you guys be any worse at understanding what should be the obvious?

There's no way we could be as bad as understanding someone else's point than you.....

Last edited Aug 13, 2008 09:19:16
Originally posted by Stickman
Blah, blah, blah


French Lick came into an A League and you guys wanted to pretend like you were so much more than an A League. You're not. If you really think some of you don't belong here then promote yourselves. Until then don't pretend your league is great because you're still stuck here.
Originally posted by Malachorn
I'm a pussy

Originally posted by Malachorn

I'm prett sure it's been said that I can post it with your permission. I took your "I don't give a f---" in response to my later PM as permission.
That wasn't fair?

Ummm... Sorry Stick, but to play fairly, it looks like it was a different PM.

Originally posted by Malachorn
Originally posted by Stickman

Blah, blah, blah


French Lick came into an A League and you guys wanted to pretend like you were so much more than an A League. You're not. If you really think some of you don't belong here then promote yourselves. Until then don't pretend your league is great because you're still stuck here.

Sure, I'll wave my magic wand and promote us to USA Pro. Sorry we all can't get promoted at once, but one thing I am sure of, is you are dropping another league and never returning, judging by your other GM'd teams. I also love how you stated that most of the players on the cocks team had some of the best builds in the game, when half the team is yours. I would say my team has the best build too if i owned and played most of the positions myself.
Originally posted by Malachorn
Originally posted by Stickman

Blah, blah, blah


French Lick came into an A League and you guys wanted to pretend like you were so much more than an A League. You're not. If you really think some of you don't belong here then promote yourselves. Until then don't pretend your league is great because you're still stuck here.

This is the point that you don't understand.....if there are 6 teams in a conference of an A league that would be competitive (or even winning) at the next levels, then they can't all get promoted at once.

We don't give a shit about your French Licks...

We're saying that this league started out with some of the better teams in the game, and that it's a problem of not having any way to seed the leagues (damn you Bort, for not being able to see the future) AND promotion/relegation not being fast enough.

Holy shit, how retarded are you?

Originally posted by Tloskpd
Originally posted by Malachorn

I'm prett sure it's been said that I can post it with your permission. I took your "I don't give a f---" in response to my later PM as permission.
That wasn't fair?

Ummm... Sorry Stick, but to play fairly, it looks like it was a different PM.

Oops fair enough.

However, we don't know exactly what the idgaf was in reference too.

There was no other PM from me.

I only sent him one PM, the one he posted. He did send me a second one, and I replied to him publicly.

Like I said, I have nothing to hide.
Originally posted by Malachorn
Originally posted by PhireHawk

Will you accept our challenge?

I was going to.
I tried enough now.

So you tried to push the accept button and you failed? And then failed some more?

So you finally failed enough (at clicking a button) that you gave up?

Oh man, now I feel bad for making fun of you, because when someone's THAT retarded it's just mean.


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