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Forum > Canada > Canadian A Leagues > ********ALL CANDA A OWNERS PLEASE READ**********
Originally posted by libertylane
Originally posted by beanerz

Has anyone heard for sure if we will be promoted? I am still waiting for an awnser, as I this point I am unsure and don't want to start ripping my team apart to be able to compete at 'AA' if not nessecary.

I received a PM from one of the MOD's confirming Bort is still undecided.

Yikes! Nice of them to give us notice.IMO it completely changes my offseason stratagy.

Originally posted by beanerz
Originally posted by libertylane

Originally posted by beanerz

Has anyone heard for sure if we will be promoted? I am still waiting for an awnser, as I this point I am unsure and don't want to start ripping my team apart to be able to compete at 'AA' if not nessecary.

I received a PM from one of the MOD's confirming Bort is still undecided.

Yikes! Nice of them to give us notice.IMO it completely changes my offseason stratagy.

Yeah i agree, i got a followup PM from the same mod saying he was originally planning on promoting, but due to all of the complaints is unsure now.
They usually base all their decisions on the vocal minority, it's hard to believe they can't make a decision when, for once, they are dealing with the vocal majority.
I'm not an owner, and the teams my players play for won't be promoted regardless, but that just means I don't have a stake in this and thus have a relatively unbiased opinion.

From what I read, the people arguing against promotion are worried that they'll have to completely retool their rosters in order to compete when they'd rather develop the players they already have.

I see a problem with this logic. Namely, keeping the same players won't allow the team to develop fast enough to keep up with the AA teams in another season anyway. So, all a postponement of promotion does is delay the inevitable. If a team is good enough to be promoted this season and somehow remains good enough with the same players next season, they still won't be able to compete with the average AA team without rehauling the roster.

And that ignores the fact that many A teams will be rehauling anyway now that the cap will be gone. Even if the teams don't promote, they'll likely have to rehaul to some degree just to continue to compete at the A level. A postponement of promotion to preserve team stability doesn't hold up as a reasonable motive.

So looking at what does occur if the teams are promoted, will they lose more often? Probably. But if they lose enough, they are back in A where presumably they'll be competitive (by their own logic), and they clearly aren't ready for AA regardless. If they don't relegate back to A, then they'll be where they wanted to be by their third season anyway, in AA. The only difference is that the team will have a better record in their second season in A than it will in AA. If the argument boils down to avoiding promotion to build up a better career team record, I think it can safely be dismissed.
Originally posted by Naboimp
I'm not an owner, and the teams my players play for won't be promoted regardless, but that just means I don't have a stake in this and thus have a relatively unbiased opinion.

From what I read, the people arguing against promotion are worried that they'll have to completely retool their rosters in order to compete when they'd rather develop the players they already have.

I see a problem with this logic. Namely, keeping the same players won't allow the team to develop fast enough to keep up with the AA teams in another season anyway. So, all a postponement of promotion does is delay the inevitable. If a team is good enough to be promoted this season and somehow remains good enough with the same players next season, they still won't be able to compete with the average AA team without rehauling the roster.

I would disagree with you here, because of the experience curve that makes it harder to level at higher levels, most of us and non canada A teams believe that we can gain 2 or more levels on the AA teams with another season.

Originally posted by Naboimp

And that ignores the fact that many A teams will be rehauling anyway now that the cap will be gone. Even if the teams don't promote, they'll likely have to rehaul to some degree just to continue to compete at the A level. A postponement of promotion to preserve team stability doesn't hold up as a reasonable motive.

I dont think we will see the massive overhauls that would be necessary if teams were actually promoted, because teams are more likely to invest in the long term stability of their teams (slow building allows them to build bigger stadiums, to support promotion next season).

Originally posted by Naboimp

So looking at what does occur if the teams are promoted, will they lose more often? Probably. But if they lose enough, they are back in A where presumably they'll be competitive (by their own logic), and they clearly aren't ready for AA regardless.

If they get demoted back to A next season that defeats the purpose of the promotion relegation system which is to create competitive leagues, not to replace one bottom team with an even worse bottom team.

Originally posted by Naboimp

If they don't relegate back to A, then they'll be where they wanted to be by their third season anyway, in AA. The only difference is that the team will have a better record in their second season in A than it will in AA. If the argument boils down to avoiding promotion to build up a better career team record, I think it can safely be dismissed.

The argument isn't just record, but its also fan support and stadium size to compete to get recruits to be able to be a competitive middle of the road team in AA.

If the team can gain two levels on the AA teams playing at A, then they'll gain even more playing at AA from what I understand about the changes coming to XP.

The odds that none of the 32 A teams within a league will massively overhaul is pretty slim. While I would not be surprised to see some teams stick mostly with their current players, there will be other teams that start stocking up and thus throw off the current balance.

Even if the current promotees do get relegated at the end of the next season, the odds are against the current AA relegated teams getting promoted up. Levels aren't everything, and surely there are reasons these teams are getting relegated anyway. Thus, it is unlikely the promoted teams would be worse than the relegated teams.

I'll give you the last one on fan support and stadium size since I'm unfamiliar with their impact, but if we're talking about a fiscal disadvantage, it would seem a cash infusion for promotees to offset these difficulties would work.


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