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Originally posted by MD1993
Originally posted by PyscoJester13

Originally posted by MD1993

Originally posted by pt206

Originally posted by MD1993

Originally posted by BuddyHorn

Originally posted by d_bullock

Originally posted by pt206

Originally posted by daveybull


We can't all work at McDonalds. I appreciate what you do, but next time I supersize my meal, fill the fries up to the top please.

Hey numbnuts....the name teasip has nothing to do with superiority over's another way of describing an arrogant tu prick

Kind of like aggie being a way of describing a cult of under educated, sheep humping fake military wannabes?

Fake military wannabes...I think you should retract that portion. As A&M puts more officers into the military than any other school, outside the Academies. I have several friends serving in the military who went thru the Corps, including my best friend and former roomate. You can make fun of the Corp, but you have to admit it produces Officers who protect your sorry ass. But coming from a tsip I would expect no less. The rest of your statement is childish too, and points probably to your own secret dark desires. So go get behind your stump broke, doped up steer and have a good time.

You may want to read up on your beloved core. Less than 60% actually enroll in military service. That's over 40% that just play dress up for the time they are at aggy. That's what he is referring to.

I don't have to read about it, I was in it. It is a leadership training program too. I know you will have a snappy comeback for something you cannot understand. But I guess you decided to discount the 60% who do go in the military (typical hippie), and gain credible leadership from the 40% who do not. Some decide the military is not going to be for them, some join for the experience, some for the band and some to be part of a great tradition that their Fathers and Grandfathers were part of.

But coming from a tsip, I know you are to shallow to understand. And yes, I know you can throw out the couple of embarrassing things the Corps has done over the years. Yet the value that it achieves far exceeds any other student program in the State of Texas.

It seems A&M values it, The Governor values it (Governors Honor Guard) and the US Military values it enough to send officers to provide training and guidance. So go ahead and discount it based on your slighted views and arrogance. It is what I expect out of a hippie out of the San Francisco of the South.

Earth to dumbfuck.. get YOUR PERCENTAGES RIGHT!!!!!! You turned them backwards... typical aggy dumbass... 60% DO NOT GO MILITARY... its not the other way around... and did you seriously just talk about the givernor and values/honor? Is this the same governer who tried to pass a law for vaccinations for PAPV, and give control of it over to MERC - who he happens to be a partner of? If this the samew governor who tried to privatize the Texas lottery, and turn it over to a compnay that for whatever reason gave his son the VP job at that he wasn;t qulaified to work in the 1st place? Is this the same governor who repeatedly does more shit to line his own pockets than to actually help the state of Texas?... yeah he is really up on honor and values... nioce role model you have there kid.... real nice.

AND FWIW - there are more than "a few" embarrasing things the corps have doen over the years.....

It is the Governors Office, not the one currently in office only. It has been the Honor Guard for a century. But as you keep stepping in it, with lack of true understanding of what you talking about. So go wash your t-shirt and put it on, and feel proud of being orange, even though those who went to Texas in Austin will look down on you too. I am done agrueing with someone who brings a so little to the table. Now for your your infantile comeback............

Wow... what an astute argument... you said the Governor.. and then added the honor guard...and btw you know our governor is an aggy right? Thats more or less why he was brought up...Not too mention the fact that he is about as crooked as most of the guys in Washington are, only he doesnt really care that the voters see his connection to corrupt dealings..
Lack of true understanding of things? Please, I understand fine... I find it funny that you didnt touch the fact that you can;t read and that you got the #'s all wrong... So go wash your cock and get that sheep shit off of it, eventhough ppl in b/cs will look down on you for being ashamed of humping farm animals... I am done arguing with You b/c you bring little to the table... hell you dont even follow the train of thought.. well that and you totally ignore when you get called out over being stupid.. but hey, what does it matter... 60%, 40%... I knwo they are all just numbers...

And just b/c I am curious... why is it that I can't find anything about the Governors Honor Guard and its glorious conection to the corps of cadets anywhere outside of like 1 or 2 stories that happened when Perry was in office? I mean if it is as glorious and time honored as you make it out to be, surely a quick google search should pop soemthing when you search for "Texas Governors Honor Guard" or the likes....

So just shut your trap and go back to being the 4th best University in the State when it c omes to Athletics, and the 2nd best when it comes to everything else... b/c no matter how much you wish, nor how much you dream, aggy wont ever be on the level of Texas. I think Nike said it best when talking to Bill Byrnes about the endorsement contract.. They said "No, you aren't as good as they are, and you probably will never be"... and that was one of the heads of Nike... gives you an idea of the perception of aggy outside of the cult you call a fan base doesnt it? I'm sure you will try to refute this and everything but whatever...

And FWIW - I have NOTHING bad to say about the guys who actually go into the service after the corps.. IF you cold read, you would have seen that I have several family that have been military and faught in the wars to perserve YOUR freedoms as well as mine. I have an issue with a the other 60% of the corps that play dress up and act like they are in the army.. well that and the totally stupid shit these guys do in public to embarrass you and this State. The ones that go to serve - my hats off to them, the douchebag pansies like you, that PLAYED fake army can fuck off and come down from your high horse... you havent done shit, you arent about shit, and I dont owe you a fucking thing when it comes to my personal freedoms. I reserve all of that for the ppl who had the conviction/desire/drive and love enough to go and fight, not the ones who sit around and whine and cry like losers. \

and BTW - I did graduate from Texas in 01 with a degree in EE, so kiss my ass, and fix my burger.
More tough guy feelings.

This is allllsome.
Originally posted by lawdawg95
Originally posted by Paul Kemp

Originally posted by lawdawg95

Funny thing is I wasn't in the Corps and grew up in as "elitist" part of Austin as there is

I don't see how that is funny at all.

The irony was that he's somehow saying I'm in the corps and some kind of farmer or something.

They think it's ignorant to lump all Longhorns as hippie pinkos Democrats but yet totally acceptable to lump ALL Aggies in as corps members.

I see your point... but in the same breath you have fellow ags that are just as ignorant and intolerant as you say soem Horns are... the douchebag trying to talk out of the side of his neck at me is a prime example... the little cracks are to be expected... farmer/t-sip, aggy/whorn.. but then you get into the pinko commie bullshit and everything and it just all goes downhill... but thats why I guess this rivalry exists... b/c sooner or later soemone will say soemthing stupid and set off a chain reaction.. the hate between the 2 schools and its fans is pretty intense. Each side will have their jackoffs and assholes... but in the end we are all Texans anyways.....

only Texas has alot more acheivements to flaunt and brag about.

Originally posted by PyscoJester13
and I dont owe you a fucking thing when it comes to my personal freedoms. I reserve all of that for the ppl who had the conviction/desire/drive and love enough to go and fight, not the ones who sit around and whine and cry like losers.

I guess you think public servants do nothing for you and your freedoms unless it's actually fighting overseas?
Wow, such language from a mere child, I can buy you a burger if you down on your luck. FWIW I hear Vince Young needs someone to rub his groin after games... maybe you could get that job.
Originally posted by PyscoJester13
the hate between the 2 schools and its fans is pretty intense. Each side will have their jackoffs and assholes... but in the end we are all Texans anyways.....

I've always described it to people outside of the rivalry as "Class Warfare".

Except that these days the divide between the two student bodies isn't as divisive as it used to be.
Originally posted by lawdawg95
Originally posted by PyscoJester13

and I dont owe you a fucking thing when it comes to my personal freedoms. I reserve all of that for the ppl who had the conviction/desire/drive and love enough to go and fight, not the ones who sit around and whine and cry like losers.

I guess you think public servants do nothing for you and your freedoms unless it's actually fighting overseas?

No, its not that. Anyone who actually SERVES in the REAL military I applaud. There are several things that they have to do both home and abroad during times of war and times of peace. I understand that, but the guys who join the corps and dont go military are a bunch of bullshit, especially when they act liek just b/c they were in the corps they deserve some kind of respect. To ppl like that I say fuck you, you arent owed anything... you played army so you could get an easier ride through college and nothing else... if you dont serve in one of the real military branches dont talk to me about serving anywhere/anything.. unless you work at mcDonalds...then you can talk about serving cheeseburgers...
Originally posted by grumblefoot
Wow, such language from a mere child, I can buy you a burger if you down on your luck. FWIW I hear Vince Young needs someone to rub his groin after games... maybe you could get that job.

Awwww.. poooor aggy.. does your ass still hurt from him running it over on the way to helping win ANOTHER MNC?.. Thats what.... 4 for Texas in football alone.... compared to what.. 2 maybe 3 in ALL Sprots for aggy since 1900? Yeah, I knwo it still stings, but get over it...... and why is it aggys always are quick to go to the homosexual comments?
Originally posted by PyscoJester13
Originally posted by grumblefoot

Wow, such language from a mere child, I can buy you a burger if you down on your luck. FWIW I hear Vince Young needs someone to rub his groin after games... maybe you could get that job.

Awwww.. poooor aggy.. does your ass still hurt from him running it over on the way to helping win ANOTHER MNC?.. Thats what.... 4 for Texas in football alone.... compared to what.. 2 maybe 3 in ALL Sprots for aggy since 1900? Yeah, I knwo it still stings, but get over it...... and why is it aggys always are quick to go to the homosexual comments?

Ohh, and one other thing... since you cant read.. I have a job, and a degree... I happen to be a Systems Analysyst for the State of Texas HHSC. I can afford the burgers you cook, and since i just prefer not to have my food handled by someone who may have violated a farm animal, I will pass on the burger you offered.
LMAO.. this thread got really fun really fast... funny how it went from smack talk about sports to personal attacks and name calling though.....
Originally posted by PyscoJester13
LMAO.. this thread got really fun really fast... funny how it went from smack talk about sports to personal attacks and name calling though.....

Did you really have any illusions of it going anywhere else?
Originally posted by PyscoJester13
I will pass on the burger you offered.
Originally posted by lawdawg95
Originally posted by PyscoJester13

LMAO.. this thread got really fun really fast... funny how it went from smack talk about sports to personal attacks and name calling though.....

Did you really have any illusions of it going anywhere else?

Nah.. not really.. but this is about the norm for sports talk between seasons.. kinda sad too... I do look forward to this year though... the Big 12 should have a really solid year all around. I am still curious to see if tech actually can maintain a defense of any type this year, or if it will be just more of the same... plus ou looks good, cu is improving, nu should be on the way back up soon... going to make for an interesting run over the next few years....

Originally posted by lawdawg95
Originally posted by PyscoJester13

I will pass on the burger you offered.

LMAO.. that is fucking great.. one of the funniest parts of that movie... although the opening sequence with the stoners is great too....
Paul Kemp
Originally posted by pt206
Originally posted by lawdawg95

Because you've saved PMs from that far back?

Wow. Yeah, Like I haven't had a million things going on in MY life to outside of GLB and am supposed to remember every detail of every conversation I've had on here.

Blow me.

it was wrong. you offered what seemed like heart felt wishes and said you would have done the same thing. we exchanged several pm's not more than 3 or 4 weeks ago. if you hadn't known the situation it wouldn't have been a problem.

i was to be third generation at texas and it was a cheap shot. if the roles were reversed you wouldn't have liked it either, but i doubt you bothered to think that far ahead.

Aggy aside, lawdawg is definitely a classless POS for not offering some sort of apology.


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